Chapter 33: Kiss Me

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Tails' eyes open slowly, he looks next to him and sees Sonic sleeping next to him, snoring loudly. Tails takes a moment to look at him sleeping ever so peacefully next to him, he puts his hand on his chest and another on Sonic's.

"I had a great night last night... Thank you Sonic" Tails says.

"Good morning!" Silver shouts peaking into Tails' room.

Tails volleys a pillow at his face knocking Silver over and quickly covers Sonic with the bed sheet so he wouldn't see him in his bed. Silver groans and lifts the pillow off his face.

"Can you fucking knock?!" Tails screams.

"Sorry, I'm a bit excited, that's all" Silver responds, scratching the back of his head.

"You being excited doesn't give you an excuse to barge into my room without knocking!" Tails shouts, his eyes burning with rage.

Silver seeing how cranky Tails is looks down at the floor and stares at it in shock.

"Sorry" He says.

Tails sighs and gets out of bed to pick up his pillow. Silver notices the sizeable lump under Tails' bed sheet and goes over to have a look at what's under there, Tails swiftly grabs his hand and starts to squeeze it.

"Ah ah ah ow ow!" Silver whimpers.

He can see fire burning in Tails' eyes as he gives him the most intense, most heart stabbing death stare possible.

"What are you doing" Tails asks, still staring deep into his soul.

"J-Just seeing what you got under there-" Silver says with a wobbly grin, the pain in his hand and face grows more intense as Tails gets closer to his face.

"-Its one of my inventions that I forgot to put in my workshop, that's all. Now can you get out of my room!?"

Tails tosses him out of his room, Silver lands on his ass and looks back at the grumbling Tails as he slams the door, he scratches the back of his head. Usually when he did that Tails wouldn't react like a moody teenager, which makes him wonder...

"What was that about?" He says scratching the back of his head.

Tails dusts off his hands and takes a deep breath, he turns to his bed and flinches when he sees Sonic sitting up in the bed.

"Whoa, you gave me a heart attack!" Tails whisper shouts.

"Why are you whispering?" Sonic whispers back.

"Silver is outside the door" Tails answers.

"Hey Tails, I'm sorry alright, I didn't know you were moody and it's my bad. Hope you don't stay mad at me the whole day!" Silver shouts from behind the door.

"Just don't do it again!" Tails shouts.

"Thanks man, see ya at breakfast!" Silver shouts back, relieved that Tails wasn't too annoyed with him.

Once Silver leaves, Sonic peaks his head outside of Tails room to see if anyone's there. When he's sure the cost his clear he quietly tip toes back to his room and winks at Tails as he goes in and closes the door. Tails sighs and faceplants into the mattress.

"Long night?" Nine asks, peaking into Tails room.

"Yeah. It was fun though" Tails responds, his voice smothered by the fluffy matress.

"Glad you enjoyed yourself" Nine answers.

Tails rolls onto his back and looks up at Nine who's wearing a new pair of gloves Tails got him.

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