Chapter 12: Think Of Me

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While Sonic was recovering from his previous injuries. Tails was introducing the many concepts and ideas he discovered on Earth to the inhabitants of Mobius. Soon cities would spring up in places that used to be nothing but forest, one of the newer metropolises was even built on one of the planets oceans completely surrounded by water.

Sonic spent a few months recovering from his injury, once he had fully recovered the first thing Tails did that morning was go visit Sonic back at their base of operations when he gets there he sees Sonic sitting on a hill nearby, gazing at the mountains in front of him, his waist is still wrapped up in bandaging but he doesn't seem to mind it at the moment.

"Sonic!" Tails shouts, waving at him.

The hedgehog turns around and when he sees Tails he waves back smiling warmly. When he finally gets to Sonic he hands him a gift.

"What's this buddy?" Sonic asks, confused as to what it is.

"Open it and you'll see!"

Sonic tears off the ribbon and opens the box, inside is a pair of new gloves. He looks up at Tails, then back at the white gloves in the box, he's content with the gift he's recieved.


"That's not the only thing I got you" Tails responds, winking at Sonic.

Sonic is confused so he looks deeper and notices a piece of paper under in the box. He lifts it up and turns it upside down... It's a restaurant card for a place Amy opened not long after they came back and on the front of it was a chilli dog. When Sonic sees the chillidog he feels his mouth start to water.


"Amy's restaurant!"

"She has a restaurant now?!"


"Take me... Now"

Tails laughs and extends his hand out to him. Sonic takes it and Tails lifts him up into the air. While they're flying, Sonic puts on the new gloves Tails gave him, putting the old ones in the box. It takes a few minutes but they eventually come across a wooden cabin in the woods, Sonic can hear conversation and laughter as Tails gently descends towards the front. It's lively and unusual, Mobians of all different shapes and sizes were gathered there, and almost every one of them had a cell phone that they were on. When they get there, Shadow is waiting there, eyes glued to the new phone he recently got.

"Hey Shadow, Sonic's here!"

"Hey Shads"

"Hi" Shadow says, his voice barely dripping any sort of emotion.

"Amy saved us a table do you know where it is?" Tails asks.

The black hedgehog sighs, "Follow me"

He leads the two inside the crowded restaurant. Sonic notices everyone has some sort of fancy communication device like a smart phone or an X-pad which is like a smartphone but it has a fancy holographic monitor.

"How much have I missed?" Sonic asks.

"Since you got shot, Tails has been helping the planet advance in terms of technology. He's introduced some pretty cool stuff like cars, different plant species, new types of clothes, currency, and my personal favourite, smartphones..."

Shadow holds his up for Sonic to see, it has a black case on it and a red skull on the back, Shadow's choice of phone customisation didn't surprise Sonic or Tails one bit.

"All different kinds of cell phone companies exist here now! And I've also introduced stuff like films and television. I'm still kind of in the process of introducing stuff that will better help the planet and everyone who lives here with us, but so far everything is going so well!" Tails says enthusiastically.

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