Chapter 38: Discover With Me

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Tails walks around the wooden platforms, a scanner in hand hoping to find any indication of where the ruby may be. It's the middle of the day at this point, Sonic stands there from a distance watching him while Nine and Mangey sit by the tree in the shade.

"Find anything yet?!" Sonic shouts.

"No!" Tails back.

Mangey, a complete curious creature starts sniffing Nine who flinches when Mangey gets close to him.

"What are you doing?!" Nine asks, slowly inching away from Mangey.

Mangey looks Nine in the face for a second with a blank stare and then goes right back to sniffing his shirt. Nine gently nudges him away a bit, Mangey jumps on top of Nine and starts licking his face. Nine struggles to get Mangey off him as he continues to hold onto him and lick him.

"Ahhh come on! Sonic!" Nine shouts.

Sonic turns around and bursts out into laughter when he sees Mangey licking Nine up, Nine snarls when he sees Sonic teetering around.

"Aw, he likes you" Sonic says.

"I don't want him on me! Tell him to get off!" Nine shouts, still trying to pry him off of his chest.

"Okay okay, Mangey... Come on, get off Nine" Sonic says, taking a moment to catch his breath.

Surprisingly, Mangey does indeed get off of Nine and runs over to Sonic, embracing him while laughing excitedly. Sonic hugs him back and looks over at the disgruntled Nine who furiously wipes the saliva off his face.

"Does he only listen to you?" Nine asks, as he brushes off his shirt.

"I think so. I think he had a romantic relationship with the Sonic he met previously, which is probably why he listens to me only right now. Maybe you can get him to listen to you one day too" Sonic says while Mangey gives him gives him kisses on the face.

"...That can't be a coincidence" Nine says.

"I'm thinking the same thing..." Sonic responds as he messages Mangey's chest, the fox purring and stamping his foot on the floor in satisfaction.

"Now I'm not Tails, but I feel like the gem has some sort of influence on us, or affecting our ability to travel where we want with Tails' device. Did you choose random numbers when you put in the coordinates for this place?"

"Y-Yea-... Wait... I'm not sure. You might be right actually" Nine responds, beginning to question if his actions were his own.

"Found something!" Tails shouts.

Nine and Sonic immediately look his way to see Tails running back towards them. When he comes to a stop, he show's the two the screen. The supposed location of the ruby was there, indicated by a red dot.

"Well then, what are we waiting for... Let's go!" Sonic says, excited for the journey that was to follow.


Tails tracks the source of the dot to a huge tree several kilometres away. It takes them three hours to get to the tree, three hours of sweat, exhaustion, water breaks and heat exhaustion. They finally come across a huge tree with, dim red light coming from a hole.

Mangey peek's in looking at it, staring in awe as Tails pulls something from out of his bag and turns it on, it's sort of like an axe but with a white handle and blue glowing blade. Tails swings right next to Mangey's face making him yelp and scurries over to Sonic squeezing him tightly, whimpering as Sonic

"Whoa! What was that for?!" Sonic shouts.

Tails looks over at Sonic, his eyes burning a hole in his soul, Sonic gulps, immediately figuring out why Tails nearly took poor Mangey's head off.

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