Chapter 28: Jump With Me

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The three boys fly in a craft Nine built to the coastline. As it descends slowly into the jungle it blows dust and dirt everywhere, once it's landed Nine pops the cockpit and all 3 of them jump out as the engines slowly power down. Tails turns on the scanner and spins around for a second until he finally sees which direction they need to go in.

"This way!" Tails says as he walks through a bush, Sonic and Nine follow behind him.

Sonic and Nine hold onto each others shoulders so Sonic can help the injured fox boy along.

They walk for hours and hours through the Baronoa Forest, passed lucious locks of grass and trees in the most pristine condition possible, over a deep revine, through the plains until they eventually reach the Alturia Coast.

When they get there they stop and Tails takes a moment to admire the view of the ocean in front of them, he's in awe as he looks at the water ahead of him, Sonic's mouth drops when he sees the breathtaking view too, for Nine it brings back a pleasant memory of when him and the Sonic he loved came to that exact spot.

"You good Nine?"


The fox is visualizating the touch of his beloved on his body, it's as if his warm body was still on his, kissing him gently and running his hands all over him.

"This is where me and him first made love..." Nine says, after a second he looks up at Sonic and then towards the ocean view again.

"Huh" Sonic goes.

Tails looks back at them for a moment and then continues along the cliffside towards a formation of rocks, they are getting closer to the gem now.

"We're almost there" Tails says as he makes his way down a rock formation.

Eventually the three of them find themselves scaling the side of the cliff, below the waves of the ocean crashed onto the rocks below, if someone fell it would be a quick, yet painful death. Nine grips Sonic tightly, he feels nauseous and jittery because of the deep drop below.

"Take it easy Nine, I got you" Sonic says.

"I know" Nine says with a weak smile.

"You're a lot stronger then you think you are I hope you know that" Sonic says grinning at him.

"Ugh, shut up" Nine says laughing weakly, he lets his head rest on Sonic's chest as the hedgehog helps him along.

Tails snarls loud enough to make Sonic notice, "What!? He's still banged up, and your did this to him!"

Tails growls again and turns around so he can keep leading them to the location of the ruby. After a bit more walking down the crumbling cliffs and the sea side, all three of them sit down to take a break. Sonic takes the opportunity to check on Nines wounds, none of which opened up but they still hurt Nine like hell.

"Gah" Nine shouts.

"Easy there"

"Take it easy!"

"My bad bro"

Sonic applies some more of the ointment to Nine's injuries and then covers his wounds back up. He looks up at Tails who's looking back out towards the ocean again, he stands up and leaves Nine to relax.

"You okay?" Sonic asks.

"Yeah" Tails responds, "I guess I really need to work on controlling myself a lot more then I thought"

"You're still feel bad for what ya did don't ya?" Sonic asks.

Tails nods, "I just felt so angry when I discovered what was happening that I couldn't-"

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