Chapter 19: Cuddle With Me

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Tails is sleeping soundly in his bed that night, he was peaceful, unmoving, occasionally tossing around in bed. When 6 AM comes around, he hears the faint sound of a door opening, with that door opening come his sky blue coloured eyes revealing themselves as well. He gets up out of bed and cracks his door open, like clockwork. Shadow is out of bed and going to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

When Shadow is done, he makes a cup of coffee with the new coffee maker Sonic gifted him, lightly sweet with an extra shot of espresso. When Shadow is done with his coffee he puts the mug in the sink and leaves so he can go to his cafe, using his air shoes to skate through the empty road, the sunrise making for a somewhat more upbeat mood.

Tails follows Shadow to his café, with a bag on him, flying like a helicopter. He hides behind a car as he watches Shadow get the café ready for the day, the black hedgehog wipes down tables and prepares the equipment ready for a long day of use.

Tails reaches into his bag and slowly takes out a small container with a purplish liquid. Shadow eventually ducks into his office and turns on his PC in there. Later one of his workers, a sheep, arrives inside. She looks anxious when she gets inside the café she apologises profusely to Shadow.

"Sir, I'm so sorry for being late, my kids were driving me insane, I hope your not angr-"

Shadow puts his pointer finger on her lip, "It's alright Lucy. I get your stressed out with your family's situation right now"

"Thank you Mister Shadow"

"Don't mention it"

"U-Um would you like me to make you some tea, I know you probably need it right now-"

"Sure, no caffeine though, I had a cup of coffee not too long ago"

"Yes boss"

Lucy turns on the kettle and goes off to pick out a teabag, Tails walks over to the café and takes small rectangular silver cube and pushes a button on it, what looks like a key comes out of it and he picks the lock to the café and manages to open the door. He slips in and closes the door slowly behind him, he quietly dashes over to the kitchen and watches from behind a counter as Lucy puts the teabag in the kettle while humming a toon to herself. He notices a bag of flour on the table and decides to cause a distraction so he can get the sheep away from the tea kettle. He gently knudges the bag ever so slowly until it falls on the floor spilling white flour all over the place.

When Lucy sees the bag fall over she groans nervously and goes off to get the broom so she can sweep up the mess. Tails uses the opertunity of her being away to go up to the kettle, taking out the bottle with the bottle with the mysterious purple liquid. The fox covers his eyes with his goggles and unscrews the lid, gently pooring a few drops in the tea and giving it a stir until the tea went back to being light brown. When Lucy eventually comes back to sweep up the spilled flour, Tails is gone, slipping out of the café quietly.

Once she's finished, she dumps the spilled flour in the rubbish bin and finishes preparing Shadow's tea, she goes inside Shadow's office and gives him a cup with the beverage in it, then she pours herself a cup as well.

"Too a productive day" Shadow says.

"Too a productive day" Lucy replies enthusiastically.

They toast and sip on the beverage together. At first everything's fine until about 15 minutes later when it's time to open up the café, Shadow grunts as he reads a paper regarding the café's rent, his vision is unsteady, he can't focus. He feels sweaty, he stands up and almost falls over.


No answer.

"What did she put in that tea... Lucy!"

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