Chapter 18: Touch Me

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On the final day of the convention, Tails decided to showcase his biggest achievement of them all... His universe travelling technology, the same one him and Sonic used to visit Earth. Backstage the fox is finishing up preparations when suddenly the door swings open, Tails head snaps around immediately, standing at the door is Shadow, the black hedgehog soaking wet, Tails is completely bewildered as to why the ultimate lifeform has suddenly decided to appear now.

"Uh hey Shadow, I thought you were at your café, why are you here? And why are you soaking wet..."

"Sonic wouldn't stop whining about you having an assistant for your demonstration, so I gave the shop to Millard for the day and I'm here"

"Okay, that's awesome. But why are you soaking wet" Tails asks, looking awkwardly at Shadow.

"It's raining" Shadow responds.

"Why didn't you get an umbrella?!" Tails shouts.

"Umbrellas are for pussies" Shadow responds.

Tails looks over at him as if he'd lost his mind, then he picks up a towel and tosses it at him, "If you're gonna help me dry yourself off, I don't want you getting water all over my equipment"

"Fine" Shadow says.

After the black hedgehog dries himself off. Tails makes him put on a fancy suit and he gets ready to present the machines to the public. The crowd is huge, all of them eager to see what eye candy Tails has for them.

"Hey everyone!" Tails shouts enthusiastically.

The crowd cheers for him as he waves to everyone.

"Now before I start, you may have already noticed that Sonic isn't here right now. Thing is, last night he got attacked while bringing back some food is to eat-"

The crowd gasps in shock when they hear the news about Sonic. Meanwhile, Shadow pretty much didn't care.

"I was also saddened to learn that Sonic's attacker was a colleague of mine, Cream the Rabbit. You have no idea how betrayed I felt when I found out it was her. But Sonic's not too banged up and he's making a recovery right now as we speak! So wish him luck for me!"

The crowd cheers and claps for Sonic and Tails. Sonic who's watching the event from the hotel room's television chuckles a bit, "Supportive as always"

"For my final act, I thought I'd do something I think everyone will love, and that's showing the technology I used to basically bring us all where we are right now! If it weren't for my friends and family I wouldn't have pushed on to complete this project, to show you all this strange technology, and to bring us into the future. Thank you all so much for your support!" Tails says.

"Awwww" The audience goes.

Shadow's face reddens slightly, he's a bit touched by what Tails said, he lets out a grunt, closes his eyes and looks away so the audience can't tell he's blushing.

"And now, without a further ado, I present to you the Dream Jumper and Dream Jumper mini!" Tails says with enthusiasm in his voice.

A spotlight turns on behind Tails, behind Tails is a large orange and emerald coloured ring with wires and various bits of other technology attached to it, a monitor too so he could navigate dimensions. Next to it is the smaller gun-like device Tails used to take him and Sonic to Earth. Shadow is standing between the two looking dead ahead at the crowd, the audience claps and cheers for Tails who laughs, enjoying the attention he was getting.

"Who wants to see how it works?!"

"Me!" Everyone shouts.

"I thought you'd never ask!"

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