Chapter 14: Shatter Me

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The stars are out in the sky, the sounds of the night are plentiful. Everyone at the base is sleeping peacefully, everyone except for a certain blue hedgehog that is. Sonic can't sleep, since he discovered that he really liked Tails more then he thought he began to get nervous. His biggest concern was looking like a jerk or a loser in front of him.

Before he can make another attempt he notices something in the dark peaking inside his room.

"Who's there!" He says.

The black shadow hides behind the door, it doesn't take long for Sonic to guess who that was at the door, he laughs to himself and gets up from the bed so he can swing the door open. Standing there holding a tray with sweet smelling tea and two cups was Tails.

"You don't gotta creep like that ya know"

"Sorry... It looked like you were trying to rest" Tails says.

"It's cool, I'm having trouble sleeping anyway. I don't know why" Sonic says.

"Yeah, I thought that might be the case so I got Shadow to tell me how to make that tea that helped you earlier" Tails responds.

"Wow... Thanks buddy" Sonic says, taking the tray from Tails.

"Well, good night..." Tails says nervously.

"Night!" Sonic says.

Tails moans to himself as he walks back to his room, Sonic is about to step back in again but then he stops and sighs. He looks back at Tails who looks somewhat disappointed as he walks back to his room, he was hoping Sonic would let him into his room so he could hang out but he knew how much Sonic loved his beauty sleep so he didn't bother. However...

"Tails!" Sonic shouts.

His ears perk up and he looks at Sonic with anticipation in his eyes.

"...Wanna play some video games?" Sonic says with a lazy grin on his face.

An excited smile appears on Tails face and he dashes over to Sonic. Cream watches from a corner as Sonic lets Tails into his room, Sonic sees Cream and gives her a friendly wave, she waves back and then Sonic closes the door. The little rabbit decides to retreat for now back to her room.

Once him and Tails are situated, Sonic turns on the FPS game he got from Jet and Wave while he was in the hospital. Him and Tails scream, laugh, and hit each other around all night.

"No!" Sonic shouts.

"Yes! Victory!"

"You're lucky I ran out of grenades!"

"It's not my fault you kept using them all..." Tails teases.

"It's not my fault! That Endo_Gamer guy was on my ass!"

"You were still kicking his ass around! That's a terrible excuse... And you're a terrible liar~"

Tails sticks his tongue out at him and laughs some more making the hedgehog even more moody. Sonic jumps on Tails in a fit of irritation, knocking him over onto his back, then he gasps when he realises what he's done. Tails face floods persimmon as he looks up into Sonic's green eyes, he looks down at the fox's azure coloured ones, they remind him of gems.

Sonic moves closer to Tails, his heart beating out of his chest, Tails is laying there waiting for Sonic to make a move. Sonic gently kisses him on the lips. Tails kisses him back licking the inside of his mouth, his chest feels tender, likewise with Sonic's, neither one of them could get enough of how the other tasted.

Sonic picks Tails up and drops him on his bed before continuing to smooch him up. Tails never felt so good, it felt right for him to be able to kiss Sonic, it felt right to be kissed up by him, he wanted more of it, more flames of passion to grow his love for Sonic like an inferno.

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