Chapter 8: Be There For Me

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Sonic jumps around on top of the strange metal objects as the moves through the streets, he leaps around he sees the lights around him fly by, all sorts of different colours, some he'd never seen before. The hedgehog was having the time of his life. Meanwhile, a worried Tails follows behind him, goggles shielding his eyes from the dust. Tails gets in position and takes Sonic by the hand lifting him high up so no one would see them hopefully. The two were surrounded by glass, concrete and unfamiliar smells as the ascended higher towards the grey sky above them.

"Hey! Come on Tails! Put me down!" Sonic shouts.

"You're gonna get us seen!" Tails shouts, infuriated with Sonic's reckless behaviour.

"I was so close to catching that cool machine for you!" Sonic says.

"There was something inside of it, even if you did catch it, you'd probably have to fight for it... Or something..." Tails explains.

"Oh... There goes that then" Sonic says looking down at the lights below in disappointment as Tails flew higher and higher.

There's silence between the two brothers for a moment as Tails keeps bringing Sonic high and higher up into the sky, after a few seconds however...

"Whoa... Sonic... Look!" Tails shouts excitedly trying to get Sonic to look up.

"Huh?.... Whoa..." Sonic said, the hedgehog was amazed by what he was seeing.

Infront of them was a jungle of concrete structures, glass and all sorts of lights. There was movement, it was lively, breathing as if it had a soul... It was a city (New York City)...

"Sonic... This is a city!" Tails shouts amazed at their discovery.

"Whoa! A city from another dimension!" Sonic shouts excitedly.

The two look around watching all the mysterious metal machines and the people hustling and bustling below them.

Tails suddenly starts to grumble and whimper. Sonic looks up worried about his little brother, "Tails... Just land and take a break!"

"R-Right..." Tails says, straining to carry Sonic.

Tails makes his way to one of the concrete structures and drops Sonic on one of them before dropping out of the sky and making a not so glamorous landing on a metal box nearby. Sonic runs over to see if he's okay.

"Are you okay?" Sonic asks, the anxiousness fills his voice.

"Yeah, I'm okay" Tails says giving his bigger brother a nervous chuckle, "No broken bones"

Tails slumps down on the side of a door, Sonic sits by him and leans the fox on his shoulder, Tails takes off his goggles and sighs.

"If it wasn't so gloomy, I'd say this place is perfect" Sonic says, resting his head on his palms.

"This place has a similar weather system to the one back where we come from, the clouds should clear up in a little bit" Tails says, looking down at one of his gadgets.

Sonic gives the fox a toothy grin ruffles his head aggressively, "Man, you're awesome!"

"Heh heh, thanks" Tails says, blushing at Sonic's kind words.

Soon, the clouds do in fact start to clear up and when they do. Sonic's eyes glow with anticipation, this first thing he wants to do is explore, see what it's like.

"Suns out! Whoooo!" Sonic shouts enthusiastically.

Then the two hear noises coming from behind them so they almost immediately stand up. The door swings open and out steps a tall almost hairless creature, he's holding something in his hand and he seems to be talking into it. When he sees Sonic and Tails stand there in shock he freezes and starts shaking nervously.

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