🧡.•||Mikey x TransMasc Reader||•. •I'm here your ok!•🧡

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(This story was requested by @AConfusedGayFruit, Thankyou my friend I hope this story comes to your liking! Mutant form: None, Power: None)

Ever since the day you came out to your parents your father was the only one who accepted you, as for your mother she was...disgusted.

She tried every way to change your mind "Sweetie what about this-?" She asked showing you a dress that was so bright and pink.

"Mom- Please stop-" "Oh c'mon- I'm giving you a chance to not embarrass yourself- Besides this is just a faze!" "ITS NOT A FAZE AND I CHOOSE TO BE LIKE THIS!!!" You yelled as your mother snapped.

"Oh really? Well I never asked for a daughter to change her whole life to a MALE- YOU ARE A GIRL AND THATS FINAL!" She yelled while slapping you.

"And if you don't accept that- I can take you out!" She said as your father came in, He pushed your mother away as he tried to comfort you.

"Why on earth are you protecting that mistake-?" "THEY ARENT A MISTAKE- THE ONLY MISTAKE HERE IS ME MARRYING YOU!" He yelled as your mom was shocked.

"Hey sweetie...why don't you go hangout with your friends...I'll have a chat with your 'mother'..." You dad said as you listened.

You were about to walk out until a thought came in your mind "Hey!" You said to your mother catching her attention "I just wanna say...you suck as a mom...no wonder why you work at a club!" You said walking out...

You were walking in the lair as you noticed no one was there great or so you thought...Someone pounced behind you giving you the most comforting hug.

"HEY BABE- HOW ARE YOU-..." Mikey cut himself off as he saw the slap mark on your face "W-What happened?" Mikey asked concerned as he got off of you.

"Oh you know the usual- My mom trying to change me saying I'm a mistake- So I told her Infront of dad that she worked in a club!" You said sitting on the couch.

"What's a club-?" "Not important!" You said cutting him off as he sat next to you "Are you sure your ok- I mean your mom might kill you when you come back!" Mikey said as you shrugged it.

"I'm used to it!" You said as Mikey knew you were lying, He hugged your arm as he buried his face in your shoulders.

'...You big baby!' You thought as you picked him up and put him on your lap, You were the one Ehem- your the one who wears the pants in the relationship!

"So- When will you go back?" Mikey asked as you thought about it "Probs 4 or 5 I don't care!" You said as you two cuddled...

You were walking back home as you noticed bags on the sidewalk "PLEASE, PLEASE!!!" You noticed your mom pleading on the door.

Your mom noticed you and ran to you, She opened her arms but you passed her, You walked to dad and greeted him a hello.

Your mom- well she was furious "Really- After all the sacrifices I made for YOU?!" You mom said pointing to you.

"You didn't do jack shit!" You said as you still remembered everyday your mom would dress you up and never care weather it made you liked it or not.

Not to mention she embarrasses you in public and treats you like a little toy, And every time you made friends with a person that was part of the LGBTQ+ community she would switch you from a whole different school, well not anymore "And YOU!" She yelled pointing to your father.

"I hope that slut keeps your dick moist!" She yelled with a grin, a man appeared behind you "Yeah sure right-!" They said as they gave a peck on your dad cheek.

You smirked as your mothers smile faded, she fell on her knees realizing she lost...

'Revenge is sweet huh?'

Word count: 642

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