❤️💜.•||Donnie x GN Reader x Raph||•. •Pick me!•💜❤️

491 19 9

(This story was requested by @Dwatk16, I hope this story comes to your liking! Mutant form: None, Power: None)

"Mama- Papa?" You looked around trying to find your parents, they promised to comeback after going to the bathroom but you waited and the sun was down.

You were shivering cold as you notice a sewer tunnel, You were a very exploring kid so you didn't hesitate to run in. 

You walked around the sewers hoping to find someone other than lizards and rats thankfully you did! You saw four green figures ahead as you decide to fallow them quietly. 

"Just one please~?" Mikey asked Donnie as sigh left his mouth "Fine just one" Donnie said as he slightly opened a chicken nugget box.

Mikey's eyes lit up in joy as he took one and ate it in one bite, Donnie chuckled a little before closing the box again, Meanwhile You felt your stomach growl looking at the bags of food.

The turtles made it back to the lair as Mikey excitedly looked for his box of chicken nuggets but to his surprise it was gone.

"W-What- WHO ATE MY SPICY CHICKEN NUGGETS?!" Mikey yelled as the others looked at him confused "...What-?" Raph questioned as Donnie walked over to see the bag was empty.

"Mikey its fine-" "Its not~" Mikey whined like a child as Donnie handed him a box of chicken nuggets "Take mine- I just wanted a cola" Donnie as Mikey shakily held the box with excitement.

"Thankyou~" Mikey said as hunger filled his eyes "You sure the cola was the only thing you want?" Raph asked a little worried as Leo scoffed. 

"Of course he'll be fine- now less talking more eating!" Leo said lifting a chicken bucket that had gravy on top.

Donnie took a sip of his drink as he made his way to his lab, He suddenly heard sheldon talking to someone making him quicken his pace.

"Sheldon what are you-..." Donnie swinged the door open as he saw Sheldon on a tiny human's lap "Hm?" You lifted your head looking at Donnie.

"...Who is this tiny human-?" Donnie asked as Sheldon got off your lap and flew towards Donnie "Sir this human walked in with a box of chicken nuggets and simply began to pet me" Sheldon added as Donnie tilted his head looking at you.

"...So that's where Mikey's food went alright-" Donnie said pointing to you, You looked at the box of chicken nuggets then back at Donnie.

"What...I was hungry" You pouted, Donnie felt his heart beat faster from your cute face "...Sheldon prepare my equipment I would like to test on this tiny human" Donnie said as he slowly approached you.

"Hey- why don't you get on that table over there" Donnie said as you looked over at a metal table "Hm- Sure!" You said innocently as a grin on Donnie's face. 

Everyone was already fast as sleep except for Raph, His senses were telling him something was wrong, He got up and put on his slippers and began to look around the lair.

To his surprise he saw Donnie's lab lights on, He took a deep breath in before walking over to his lab, He slightly open the door as he stepped on something wet.

He looked down on his feet to see something...Red like blood, His eyes filled with fer as he heard scraping in the corner.

"DONNIE- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN- here-?" Raph's horrified look changed into a confused one as Donnie turn to looked at him.

"Oh hey- dont mind me just testing something on how this human is so tiny" Donnie said as he had a small stick in your mouth, You just smiled and waved to Raph as a hello.

"Um- then what is-?" "Oh that- that's just colored water don't worry" Donnie said as he took the stick out of your mouth.

Donnie put the stick in a machine as data began to print out on a printer "Hm~" Donnie lifted the paper scanning through the data.

"...How and where did you get this kid?" Raph asked pointing his thumb to you "Oh- I found them in here so took the opportunity" Donnie said as Raph sighed. 

"Ok were not keeping them here- their parents might be worried for them" Raph said as he got down on your level "Look kid- do you know where your parents are?" Raph asked as you replied.

"Well- they went to go to the bathroom and told me to wait but they weren't back for a while now" You said as Donnie looked at you with a concerned look.

Raph and Donnie exchanged looks before Raph spoke "Well...how long did you wait for them?" You thought for a moment before replying.

"Around like an hour or more i guess?" You said as Raph felt his heart skip a beat, Both of them knew that your parents abandon you just from your answer.

"What...did something bad happen to them?" You asked a little worried as Donnie chuckled nervously "Well uh- look kid the thing is they kinda...left you there" Donnie said as Raph threw a death glare at him.

"Yeah cause they told me too-" "OK we'll not speak of this AGAIN!" Raph grinded his teeth together, His gaze softened as he looked down on you.

"Ok how about you stay here for a bit- will that be fine with you?" Raph asked patting your shoulder "If its fine with Mr. purple yes!" You said.

Raph smiled softly from your cuteness as you became his adopted child

'Raph would def be the cool dad-'

Word count: 914

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