💙.•||Leo x M Reader||•. •AYAYAYA (HUSH)•💙

433 14 12

(This story was requested by @NionApple, I hope this story comes to your liking! Mutant form: None, Power: None)

Every night You always had someone come to your house...through your window, I mean yes Your parents know Leo but its your Dad.

Even if your other Dad says its fine it wont be, Yes you have two gay parents and a little sister, Back then your Mom wasn't that supportive of you. 

But a story for another time, lets get in the story.

You laid on your bed tired as you moved into a different room, Your little sister got your old room while both your dads are still gonna stay in the same room.

You heard a message on your phone as you swiftly grabbed it, You notice it was from Leo.


<My dumb himbo💙>
-Hey baby just a heads up to not step near the window

-Gonna use a portal to get in ok?

<🤍Y/n my love>
Ok babe-

Wait what-
Read at 10:34-

You panicked as you quickly got up and swinged your door open, You heard your little sister scream in her bedroom as you face palmed yourself.

"Woah woah kid- I'm not a monster I'm-" "LEO?!" You burst through the door as your little sister ran to you "EAT HIM HE HAS MORE FLESH THAN ME!" Your sister yelled in fear

You threw a death glare at her before hearing a loud thud "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Your dad- lets label them as Dad 1 and Dad 2.

Dad 1 came in holding a bat as Dad 2 came out behind him with a kitchen knife "WOAH WOAH ITS ME- ITS LEO!" Leo said covering his face with his arms.

"O-Oh- Sorry to scare you!" Dad 2 said a little embarked "DAD- DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS ROTTEN RAISIN IS?" Your little sister yelled as You sighed.

"He's a not raisin and stop calling him weird names!" You said walking over to Leo, You gently wrapped your hand around his before speaking.

"He's my boyfriend" You stated to your little sister "...You have weird taste-" "Says the one listening to genshin rp asmr's" You spat as your little sisters face grew red.

"H-HOW- YOU- DAD DONT LISTEN TO HIM!!!" Your sister growled as Dad 2 chuckled "Sweetie I already knew from the start- besides I saw your Youtube history when I used your ipad" You dad said as Your sister grew redder then Raph's mask. 

"Leo- I know your confused lets go to my bedroom- the new one" You stated looking at Leo who was nervous "You explain to me why here ok?" You said as saw Leo nod.

Dad 1 got in the way as he threw a glare at Leo "Better not lay a finger on my kid got it?" Your Dad threatened as Leo gulped nervously. 

"Don't worry he wont- come on" You said dragging Leo with you to your new room.

"Wow- you moved in the new room quickly" Leo said looking around your room "And it has more room than your old one hehe" Leo said as You sat down on your bed. 

You patted the empty space next to you as Leo listened like a puppy, He sat next to you while wrapping his arms around you "You think cuddles and kisses are gonna stop you from explaining?" You said as Leo looked up at you.

"Well...I was gonna on the phone but I thought it would be better in person" Leo said as You cupped his cheek "And that is?" You asked as Leo tilted his head a little leaning into your touch.

"Maybe...A movie date...here?" Leo hesitated as he heard you sigh "Seriously- couldn't have typed those words?" You said before laughing a little.

"I'll grab the snacks- you pick the movie ok?" You said as Leo's face lit up with a smile.

'This man is a big baby take my soul-'

Sadly there will be no part 2

Word count: 632

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