💙.•||Leo x M Reader||•. •Scales•💙Part 2

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You were well squished between Leo and Mikey, Mikey was jumping excited and impatient as Leo was giving you all the attention. 

He complimented how you looked and how everything you worn makes you more beautiful/handsome. 

"Were here~" Donnie said as Mikey quickly got off his seat, You looked out and saw...the ocean "U-Um- W-What are we doing here?" You asked nervously as They all began to put on big jackets and a pare of shorts.

"Don't worry we wont swim!" Leo said as he helped you out of the car, You began to walk in the sand hearing the splashes of the waves.

"Wow~ Look!" Mikey said pointing to the beach as the waves glowed a gentle blue glow, You were amazed on how beautiful the color was. 

"Hey- lets take a closer look!" Leo said dragging you close to the water, You were keeping a very close distance near the dry sand as the water was right Infront of you.

You were curios on one thing though...you hovered your hand over the water as the blue light grew stronger, the waves suddenly grew strong only aiming for you.

You yelped and ran off leaving Leo to get wet "Y/N- YOU GOT ME WET!" Leo said as he lightly chuckled.

You patted yourself as to make sure you were dry...you were, You sighed in relief as Leo approached you.

"Hey is everything alright-?" Leo asked as he was about to hold your shoulder, You moved back a little as Leo was confused.

"MARSHMALLOWS!!!" Mikey yelled excited as he wanted one quickly but Raph stopped him, Leo helped out as you just stayed away from everything.

You were eating a smore as it was heaven, Leo offered you a drink and you accepted it as normal.

"Wait- MIKEY!!!" Raph yelled as Mikey ran into the ocean swimming he did removed his jacket, Donnie sighed as he brought out a back pack.

"This is why we bring extra towels..." Donnie said bringing out a towel and giving it to raph.

Raph got up as you followed "MIKEY CMON!" Raph yelled as Mikey ignored him "MIKEY IF YOU DONT GET OVER HERE I'LL EAT ALL THE MARSHMALLOWS!" You said as Mikey snapped his neck to you.

He quickly ran to you splashing water all over you, You gasped as Raph began to dry Mikey, You ran as fast as you could.

"Wait- Y/N WHERE ARE YOU GOING-" "RESTROOM!" You yelled as he never seen you ran that fast before.

"I just splashed some water on him- what's the big deal?" Mikey asked as he was wrapped in the towel.

"I dont know...but I'm going to find out!" Leo said as he got up and ran to your direction...

You entered the boys restroom as you locked the door and just in time, you fallen forward as it was accompanied with the scent of salt water. 

'...Shit' You thought as you were in your merman form, You quickly hovered your hand over your tail as steam left your tail.

To make matters worse you heard someone trying to opening the door, You panicked and tried to crawl away.

"Y/n is everything ok-?" You heard Leos voice as you panicked "Y-Yeah just a sec!" You said grabbing onto something but spilling it all over you making a sound.

"What was that-?" "Um nothing!" You said hovering your hand over your tail trying to dry it quicker "Alright I'm coming in there!" Leo said as a blue portal opened Infront of you.

"NO!" You yelled as Leo stepped out of the portal seeing you as...you "Y-Y/n...?" Leo said as he saw you in your tail.

"P-Please...dont look at me like that..." You said as tears streamed down your face, Leo moved forward but you moved back out of fear.

"I know...I'm a freak of nature..." You said as your voice was cracking while holding your tears "Hey dont- Dont say that!" Leo said as he kneeled Infront of you.

"So...how do I fix 'this'!" Leo said as you looked at him confused "Your not...gonna hurt me?" You asked as Leo scoffed.

"No- of course not!" "But mutants and humans hurt me...t-they wanted my power I don't understand-" You were cut off as Leo gave you a kiss on the forehead. 

"I will never hurt you...ever!" Leo said as you smiled "Now- how do we actually fix this?" He asked as you looked around.

"D-Did you bring a towel with you?" You asked as he nodded "Ok put it on my tail and try drying it!" You said as he did what you told.

You hovered your hand on the puddle you were in as it began to steam, You looked at Leo who was surprised to not only see you like this but have powers...

You and Leo walked back to the gang while holding hands "Well bad news- we ran out of marshmallows- good news we have pizza!" Donnie said as you noticed Mikey was tied up.

"Um-" You said pointing to Mikey as Donnie looked at him and scoffed "Dont worry- we'll let him go once you guys start eating!" He said as you laughed a little.

'Keep it a secret...for now'

Word count: 845

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