🧡.•||Mikey 012 x M Reader||•. •Cracked shells•🧡

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(This story was requested by @Aiden_thedummy_, I hope this story comes to your liking, Mutant form: none, Power: Spiritual power)

The turtles had a mission to stop a wolf mutant from getting some mutagens in a lab, luckily they had a plan.

But Raph added an idea which everyone disagreed on quickly but he forced them to do it anyway...I rather not say what they had to do...

Mikey was holding off the wolf on his own as the others grabbed the mutagens, Leo was about to call out to Mikey to leave but Raph dragged Leo with him.

Others tried to stop him but it was a fail, Mikey was left alone to fend for himself, the wolf slashed their claws at Mikey throwing him through three walls.

Mikey held on his side as the creature pounced at him pushing him through the floors of the building, one last floor they landed on he felt a crack on his back.

The mutant threw him away as Mikey was fully bruised, his shell cracked leaking a little bit of blood, Mikey's vision began to blur as the wolf slowly approached him with a growl.

Until a wave of white energy shielded him, the last thing he saw was you walking towards the wolf...

Mikey slowly opened his eyes to see he was back in the lair "Morning love" You said as Mikey slowly turn his head to look at you.

You gave him a warm smile as you hovered your hand over his body, White streams of smoke gently swirl around his injuries and heal it.

"That thing really broke your shell huh?" You said as the stream slowly slithered down to his shell "I think its best if you lay on your side" You said slowly pulling him.

Mikey winced in pain as he felt your power flow in his shell, his shell slowly being repaired by your power made him feel at ease. 

April walked in as You stopped and turn to look at her "Can you keep fixing his shell for a bit...I'm gonna talk to Raph for a while" You said standing up as your eyes glowed a gentle hue of white.

April nodded as she walked over to Mikey and began to heal him, You walked around and found Raph in the lounge "Raphael Hamado" You said in a inhuman voice.

Raph froze as he slowly turn to look at you "So this was your idea...?" You asked walking down the stairs to him "You became the leader for this day and this day only" You said as three orbs of light formed and swirled above your head.

"And your plan...was to get my boyfriend killed...just for you guys to escape?" You said as you turn to look at Leo and then Donnie.

"Your own brothers even try to stop you but you didn't care...if you have another plan to sacrifice someone...make sure its you" You said as the three orbs flew towards Raph pushing him away.

You walked out of the lounge as you returned back to Mikey...

Light bonus:

You gently rubbed your hand up and down Mikey's shell as white streaks wrapped around the both of you, You two were watching his favorite movie while cuddling.

Mikey buried his face in your chest as You looked at him confused "Anything wrong?" You asked cupping his cheek.

"I cant even hold my own to one mutant...how can I be a ninja if I cant fight on my own" Mikey's eyes began to well up with tears as you sighed.

"Mikey your not weak...and your not alone I'm here with you no matter what" You said giving a small kiss on his forehead "You just need more training and you'll become the best ninja ever!" You said with a warm smile.

Mikey cant help but smile from your support as he pulled himself closer to you "I love you...so so much!" Mikey said as You pulled him closer.

You two continued with your little movie date not realizing Mikey's shell was fully repaired.

'You and I will be together, Underwater'

Word count: 658

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