❤️💜.•||Raph x M Reader x Donnie||•. •Flames grow high•💜❤️

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(This story was requested by @RebecaWaisprot, I hope this story comes to your liking! Mutant form: Semi goat, Power: Eternal flames.)

You were well...very difficult to deal with since your emotions would sometimes be linked to your power.

For example if you get to a certain type of anger and it grows to rage your hair would spark flames. 

The last time you got angry is when your friends were annoying you to the point a small flame was over your head.

You grabbed they're wrist as you they tried to break free and well...they couldn't heal themselves as your flames can cause permanent damage.

"AND STAY IN THERE...runt" A guard said throwing Donnie and Raph in a cage "Is that all?" A doctor said as the guard nodded. 

"Hm good- well lets go!" They said as they were about to leave, not until flames covered they're path. 

"I dont think so~" You said as a ring of fire was over your head "Oh great- neck him!" The scientist said as a few guards brought out collars. 

You slightly moved your head down as a wave of fire thrown them all away "Ok- lets get you out!" Your friend said as they had the ability to make acid.

They poured it all over the cage but...it didn't work "Wow- you creatures truly are dumb!" The scientist said getting up as you and your friend were grabbed by guards. 

You tried to make a flame in your hand but it died as they put a collar on your neck "Dampeners...don't know them?" They asked as you tried to break free.

"Throw them and lets go!" You and your friend were dragged and thrown in the cage as you were well mad but it wont do anything.

"Great...now were gonna get skinned alive!" You said crossing your arms over your chest "Not helping- now these collars we need to get rid of them!" Your friend said as you scoffed.

"Yeah- use your acid and melt them- oh wait YOU CANT!" You yelled sarcastically, Your friend furrowed they're eyebrows as they noticed a few sparks flying over your head. 

'What if...' "Well its not my fault- you should have burned everyone!" They said as you glared at them then scoffed "excuse me?" You asked as you friend raised an eyebrow.

"Did I stutter?" "YOU told me not to burn everyone because you dont want me to be a killer but now you want me to kill them now WHATS THE LOGIC IN THAT?!" You yelled as sparks flew off your hand.

"Well- not my fault" They said as they smirked "Besides- For you everything is clear as water, RIGHT?!" Now that set you off...

A powerful explosion broke the cage as your friend, raph and donnie were thrown away "Oh great- what now..." The doctor cut themselves off as they saw you. 

Your body was covered in flames as your horns grew with flames swirling around it "G-GUARDS SHOOT HIM!" They yelled as they all brought out the guns.

The fired non-stop but the bullets turned into ashes before they could touch you, as they ran out of bullets you smirked and opened your hands.

"W-What are you-?" "Heh...the devil" You said as a huge blast of fire hit them all turning them into well...burnt statues.

"Well that worked-" Your friend said as you looked at them pissed off "Oh so now your happy-?" You said as your flames grew stronger.

"Y/n calm down-!" "Why...so you can pull me over and make more mad?" You asked as the fire you blasted grew bigger and bigger.

"I-Its getting worse- if we don't stop him he'll turn into ashes!" Donnie said as his scanner was showing your body temp.

It was over than a 3,000 degrees F "Y/n- YOUR GONNA BURN YOURSELF ALIVE!" Raph yelled as you laughed a little. 

"I mean- its better so I wont have to deal with stress anymore!" You said with a smirk, Raph had an idea as it included...burn marks.

Raph stood up and ran to you, He pushed through the flames and hugged you he can withstand the heat but not to long. 

"RAPH!" Your friend yelled as You were shocked on why he did this "P-Please...stop..." He said weakly as a tear streamed down your face but turned into vaper real quick.

You hugged him back as the flames quickly died, Raph was covered with burn marks as Donnie and F/n: Friends name ran to you.

"Well- we have to go back quick before its permanent-" Donnie cut himself off as he saw golden red streaks flowing through your hands.  

The stream was coming from Raph as you had gained a new ability...the ability to siphon your flames from anything. 

The scars and burn marks on Raphs body healed a little but not fully, You let go as you whipped your tears.

"Text leo- get him to open a portal..." You said looking down as F/n did what you said...

You were watching Raph get patched up infront of you as you held your hands tightly, Donnie and Raph noticed and went to you. 

Raph put you between his thighs as Donnie rested his head on your thighs, Raph gently patted your head as you had a light tint of blush grow on your face.

Donnie bopped your nose as you giggled a little, both of them just kept you calm by playing around with you.

'Your so good at being bad'

Word count: 888

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