Chapter 32

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Y/N was busy doing her hair when she heard a knock at her door. "Come in."

The door opened and Felix stepped in. "Hey kiddo." He sounded tired.

"Hi. What's up?" She turned to him still tieing back her hair.

He stood infront of her with his hands in his pockets. He smiled sadly, "Umm listen kiddo."


'Oh no. Something's wrong.'

"Yongbok you're scaring me." He chuckled at my words.

"So... I got a call from the company back in Australia and..." he drew in a breath. "They've offered me a promotion."

"And? Did you except it?" I was practically on the edge of my seat.

"Of course I did." He nudged my shoulder. "I start work next week but... that means-"

"You have to go back." My heart ached as I said the words. "So you're leaving?"

He nodded and sat next to me. "I'm leaving Saturday. So I have enough time to adjust and plan, I guess."

"But Saturday is tomorrow." I felt my throat tighten. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You were having such a great time, I didn't want to ruin everything for you. You've finally opened up to people and go out every now and then." He sighed. "I don't want you to crawl back into the hole you got yourself out of."

I feel so betrayed. I want to be mad at him but I'm saddened by the fact that I'm going to be alone again. 'I guess if he really wants it, I should let him go.'

"I guess I'm okay with that. You do want it right?" A few tears roll down my cheek.

"You'll be okay. I promise to be back for your birthday." He hugged me tightly triggering more tears to escape. "I'll call you everyday. And who knows-" he looked me in the eye. "You might have an in-law for the holidays."

I managed a weak smile. "That would be nice." I wiped away my tears. "Plus. I have the guys to keep me company."

"You've matured so much. I swear it was just yesterday you were crying because I had to go to school." He kissed my cheek.


"I don't want you to go! Who needs school anyway?" She held his waist tightly.

"Let me go. I don't want to be late." He pried her arms away.

She cried. "Then I'm coming with you!" She marched ahead of him.

"They won't let you in. It's an all boys school." He chuckled.

"Then I'll be a boy." She crossed her arms.

"I admire your determination but Felix has to go now sweety." Her father pat her head.

"It's not fair." She huffed watching Felix rush to the car.

"You do want only the best for him don't you?" She nodded. "Then let him go."

She watched Felix wave as the car drove down the driveway. She ran until the gate and stared at the receding car until it disappeared around the corner.

"Come back soon. Please."


They walked to the boarding gate

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They walked to the boarding gate. She stopped and looked at him. She wiped away her tears trying to hide them from him.

"This is were we part ways." He chuckled sadly.

She played with her fingers nervously. "I don't want to cry." She whispered glancing back at him.

"You're going to be okay." He walked up to her and held her shoulders. "It's not forever. I promise."

"You won't forget me right?" Her voice cracked as she spoke.

He hugged her tightly hiding his own tears. "How could I forget my own blood? My little sister."


"How long will you be away?" She said softly watching him searching his pockets.

He turned to her. "I'm not sure. University can be unpredictable. But I'll visit during the holidays."

"Will you be back for my birthday atleast?" She held his hand.

He cupped her face, "I'd never miss your birthday for anything in the world."

She hugged him tightly buring her face in his chest. "Take care of yourself. Be nice to everyone... call me everyday... stay out of trouble." She sobbed softly.

A tear fell from his cheek. "I promise. I love you kiddo. More than anyone, so you take care of yourself too. Okay?"

She lifted her head, "Don't worry about anything. Do it for yourself." She cupped his face. "This is so hard."

"It's not goodbye. We'll see eachother again." He squeezed her wrists. "I'll see you later kiddo." He dropped her hands and backed away.

She tried to control her breathing, trying not to breakdown. Trying to be strong, for her brother.

"I'll see you later... Yongbok." She smiled through her tears.

He laughed a little, "Don't call me that." He said before walking towards the boarding gate.

She watched him diseappear in the crowd. She kept her eyes on the gate, her heart rate slowing with every secound that passed. She was about to turn to leave when she saw his hand waving above the crowd.

She waved back as it disappeared into the crowd again. She rused to the large glass window staring at his plane. A few minutes later it took off. She waved knowing that he's waving back.

"Come back soon. Please."


"I'll see you later kiddo." He hugged her tightly then let her go.

"I'll see you later... Yongbok." She laughed. He laughed too. "You'll never stop no matter how many times I tell you to."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Somethings never change."

He nodded agreeing with her. He walked to the gate and waved one last time before boarding the plane.

She walked to the large glass window staring at his plane. She smiled as it rolled down the runway and slowly rose into the air.

She waved seeing a small movement in one of the window of the plane. She knew it was Felix waving back, and her heart fluttered with happiness.

"Come back soon. Please."

She smiled.


A/N: I cried while writing this chpt. I didn't expect it to be so emotional.

I hope it didn't trigger anyone. And if it did, I'm sorry.


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