Chapter 36

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Yoongi's POV

It's been about half an hour since I blasted my music so loudly. 'I wonder what their up to.'

I checked the time, 20:24 pm, it's already that late? I decided to get up and check up on them.

As I walked down the corridor to the staircase I heard voices and laughter. I listened closely and heard a female voice.

'Did Hobi finally get a girlfriend?' I walked down the stairs and into the living room, no one. I went to the kitchen and froze, my heart skipped a beat.

Y/N was the centre of attention as the guys huddled around helping and telling jokes. They seemed to be cooking, since my stomach rumbled at the delicious smell that filled the house.

"Hey Yoongi! Finally decided to come down huh?" Taehyung giggled.

Everyone turned their attention to me, even Y/N. She smiled when she saw me. "Hello kitten, enjoyed your nap?"

"Not the word I'd use." I whispered walking up to them. "I came down because I'm hungry. And it was too quite upstairs."

"You were polluting it with your childish behaviour." Jin mocked me. The others laughed except Y/N who turned her attention to the meal.

"Tae, Kookie, and Joonie, could you please set up the table?" Y/N said.

"Sure." Jungkook winked at me before following her orders.

"Hobi, Jin, could you please help me carry the food?"

"With pleasure." Hoseok chirped.

'What the fuck is going on? How much have I missed out on?' My mind was racing. I felt so left out and confused.

"Let's go make sure everything around the house is okay." Jimin swung his arm around my shoulders. 'Great. Now I'm an errand boy.'



Everyone sat down at the table. I said a small prayer before allowing them to start eating.

"Can we keep you? I truly want to eat your cooking more often." Hoseok mumbled chewing on his chicken.

"She's a busy woman Hobi." Taehyung cut in. "She literally has better things to do."

"Speaking of busy-" Jin pointed out. "What have you been up to lately?"

I felt butterflies form in my stomach. "Oh, well... I've actually got an offer as a model for a new make-up line."

"I can see why." Hoseok winked at me making me blush.

"Maybe the make-up would help." Yoongi coughed as I glared at him.

"You're lucky Mrs Hwang didn't come scold us because you were too lazy to come down." Jimin laughed.

"Not my fault you're all so neglective." Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, we're really proud of you." Namjoon laughed.

"Thanks. It was actually Jackson's idea." I saw Taehyung's eyes widen.

"You guys are still talking?" He pouted cutely wiping his mouth.

"Wait, what is he talking about?" Jungkook looked at me. "Who's Jackson?"

I felt a hint of guilt fill my chest. "Remember that week when Taehyung and I were in Tokyo?"

"The fashion week in Tokyo?" Jimin spoke softly.

"I met Taehyung's friend, Jackson Wang. I wasn't enjoying the show so much, we bumped into each other halfway and we started talking. Eventually we exchanged numbers and met up after the show for dinner."

They looked at me as I continued talking. "Just a few days ago, he called me and told me that his friend was looking for a model for her new make-up line. He said I was perfect for the role so he already made arrangements."

"He sounds.... nice." Jungkook sighed adjusting his seat.

"Yeah, I guess." I couldn't help but giggle at their jealous states.

"Very generous too." I could see Taehyung's veins pop out on his neck.

"You're jealous."

Their eyes widened as I continued eating, giggling into their sudden silence. "We're not jealous." Jin protested.

"Speak for yourself." The others said in unison making me laugh more.

"Guys. There's no way I'm ending up with Jackson." I brushed back my hair. "I don't have any love interests at the moment, so you can stop with your boyish behaviour."

"Sorry. We're just looking out for you." Namjoon swallowed.

"You sound like.... Felix." My stomach folded at the mention of his name. I missed him so much, we haven't talked ever since we parted ways at the airport.

"Well... he did tell us to look after you." Jungkook sighed. Yoongi punched his shoulder making him wince.

"He did what?" There were tears in my eyes.

Hoseok sighed. "Before he left, he met up with us at the park. He told us that he's leaving and that he would like it if we'd look after you while he's gone."

"We weren't supposed to tell you."Taehyung sighed. "We had to promise not to."

"You guys..." I really didn't want to start crying infront of them. I had to wipe away my tears, they saw my state and hurried to my side. "I'm not hungry anymore."

"That's okay." Jungkook held my upper arms. "Let's go outside for awhile okay?"

I nodded and followed him to their backyard. The cold breeze found it's way up my skirt, my tear streaked cheeks dried but I could tell that my face was red.

I sat down next to him as he held my hand. I couldn't look him in the eye. "I'm sorry." I sighed. "I didn't mean... I don't get so emotional."

"Hey. It's okay." He smiled slightly wiping my cheek. "You miss him."

"I don't want to cry just because.... I miss someone." I drew in a breath.

"I do."

I looked up to see his sympathetic smile. "You... cry?" I couldn't hide my shock. I never thought of Jungkook as someone that would cry, he was too badass for it. Atleast that's what I thought.

"When I moved to Seoul, I had to leave my family back at home. I was... fifteen. We were struggling so I decided it was my time to step up to the plate. Didn't know what I was doing, didn't have a place to stay. It was tough.

"I got help from Mrs Hwang. She's nice and all but... I missed my family. I cried every night until... I didn't have any tears left. Eventually, it got better.... I got better and here I am.

"It's okay to express your emotions when they become overwhelming. It feels better.... than bottling them up." He held me, laying my head on his chest.

My tears began to fall and I was crying my heart out. I had no idea where they came from, but it felt good letting them go.

And his embrace was so comforting. His strong arms held my shaking body. He smelt like banana milk and something euphoric. My mind was blank and foggy, I had no idea what was happening.

I felt his warm cheek on my forehead. His hands stoking my hair, trying to comfort me. I saw the others come out but everything suddenly turned black.


A/N: I'm proud to announce that Y/N's face reveal will, definitely, be in the next 3 chpts. I'm so excited.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading💜

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