Chapter 70

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"You never cared about me!"

"You know that's not true...."


"I can't believe he was blinded by love." Taehyung chewed on his popcorn. "She was a gold digger since the very beginning."

Namjoon rolled his eyes as he turned his gaze to his dictionary. "You can't do anything about it."

"I'll text the script writer, I know him personally." He flicked a popcorn kernel in his mouth with a smug smile.

The front door closed gently and heavy footsteps filled the room. Jungkook was back from his run and was panting softly, sweat covering his whole face even though it's cold outside.

"I don't think it's safe for you to be taking a run this late Kookie." Namjoon sounded his worry for the youngster. Running around midnight in winter was not a good way to 'cool off' as Jungkook put it.

His words were ignored as Jungkook raced up the stairs, not bothering to greet his elders or announce his arrival.

"Do you think he's still mad at us?" Taehyung's features softened as he stared at Namjoon.

"I don't blame him." Namjoon said simply. "We should give him some space."


The eerie silence would make anyone curious as to what had just happened. Everyone stayed in their respective rooms, but kept listening to the commotion that went down at Yoongi's room.

It was quiet after the door slammed shut. Not a single footstep, not a rustling of fabric, nothing.

When morning came, the tension was so thick that it was suffocating. But the strangest part was.... y/n never came out of her room.

"What was that all about?" Jin was the first one to bring about the topic.

"I'm dealing with a hangover, I don't need this right now." Yoongi deadpaned.

"Because you came home drunk."

"And you attacked her." Jungkook cracked his knuckles to relieve his anger.

"Oh. You heard that?" He screwed his eyes shut to stop his head from throbbing.

Jungkook growled internally. "It's not like you were trying to keep it low-key."

"It wasn't my intention."

"Do you know that she's locked herself in her room? Refusing to speak to anyone, not eating?" Namjoon lowered his tone.

"That effects me how exactly?" Yoongi looked up at him.

"You might be- no, are the reason she's blocking everyone from talking to her!" Jungkook spat slamming the counter top.

"Fighting won't help Jungkook." Namjoon's voice was even, turning to the youngster who was fuming. "I'll talk to him."

Jungkook growled, reluctantly leaving the kitchen to give them some privacy. Making sure to glare coldly at Yoongi before fully exiting the room.

"He's not wrong." Namjoon sat across him, crossed arms on the counter top.

"Can't we discuss about this when I can actually hear you?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

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