Chapter 72

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Why me? What did I do to deserve this? What if I don't make it?

"I'm sorry but I have some very bad news about your condition." The doctor removed his glasses.

"I hope it's nothing serious." My bottom lip quivered.

"I'm not one to sugar coat things so I'll give it to you straight.... you have... cancer."

Time stopped. The vibrant colours I saw just moments ago were drained away leaving shades of grey, black and white. My chest tightened begging me to take a breath, but I was frozen. No... I was dying.

I woke up with a start. Hand on my chest as I gasped for air, drenched in sweat and tears. Raspy breathes left my mouth as I leaned back against the headboard, my head pounding to the point it could explode.

I closed my eyes to try and clear my head. I turned to my phone to see the time, it was quarter to noon. "Shit."

I was able to get to my feet, and walk to the bathroom to freshen up. I caught my reflection in the mirror, my eyes filled with tears so I focused on taking a quick shower.

I had to wear the same clothes from yesterday since I didn't bring any extra clothing, I left my hair to sway with every movement since it wasn't wet. Washing it would be signing my death certificate.

I made the bed and grabbed my things before heading out the door. My stomach growled softly, reminding me that I had to eat something.

I went to the hotel's restaurant and ordered a simple but filling meal. I got a few sympathetic smiles from the waiter but he was friendly enough to offer me a ride back home.

He excused himself as I finished my meal. He returned dressed warmly and escorted me to his car. We got in and he was the first one to speak.

"Luckily there wasn't that much snowfall last night." He joked as he turned on the ignition.

"Thank you again. I really appreciate your help Taec-yeon."

"I didn't want you to go through all the trouble. No need to thank me." He smiled politely as he drove the car smoothly.

"I owe you one. And don't try and deny it, you'll only encourage me to pursue it more." A small smile pulled at my lips as I glanced at him.

"I'll keep that in mind." A hearty chuckle left his smiling lips which made my heart flutter slightly.

He drove down the street and parked infront of my house. Our house. "I see you're already getting a head start." He pointed at the decorations.

"Just... feeling the spirit I guess." I shrugged my shoulders. "Thanks again for the ride, how about I buy you lunch sometime."

"Ummm.... Saturday? Next week?"

"It's settled. Here's my number, call me if you want to reschedule." I took his phone and saved my number.

"I guess I'll see you then." He smiled brightly.

I opened the door and stepped out, gently closing it again. I waved at him as he drove away. I could feel my smile fade as he turned down the block.

I turned to the house, my heart clenched at the site of every detail. The echoes of laughter and talking, the faded images of everyone busy outside, the haunting smiles on their faces. It was like coming home after so many years, to a foreign place that you used to know.

I walked up to the house and went in. Judging by the eerie silence that filled the void, no one was home. I removed my coat and dusted my boots, trading them for a pair of slippers. Sitting down on the couch with a loud sigh, I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy the silence.

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