Chapter 74

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The ringing of an alarm fills the still and lifeless house. The ascending sun creeping in through the blinds and spaces between closed curtains. The ringing continues, begging to be acknowledged.

I lazy hand goes to dismiss it, retracting and finding it's way back into the warmth of the blankets it emerged from. But the sound of movement from one of the rooms signals that the morning had come too soon.

Taehyung, being the first one to show any signs of waking up, stretched with a loud groan. With his pillow still locked in his embrace, he smacks his lips and lifts himself up into a sitting position.

Looking around his room, eyes still blurred by sleep, he crawls out of bed and heads to the bathroom. Stumbling the whole way to and from, he sits back on his bed. He caught a glimpse of his unkept hair and creased face.

Scratching his jaw he makes his way out of the room, the cool air of the hallway greeting him with open arms. He makes a beeline straight to Namjoon's room, opening the door to see that his still sleeping.

Another journey to Hoseok's room, but he too is fast asleep. And so is Jungkook and Jin. Since that early birds were asleep would five more minutes hurt anyone?

He rushes back to his room, closing the door and crawling back into the warmth that he missed so much. He closed his eyes and let it lull him to sleep.

After a few moments he hears the turning of a doorknob and a loud yawn. Shit. He covered his head with his pillow, in a desperate attempt to go back to sleep.

"Mornin' guys. Wake up, we have a tight schedule to follow today." The loud bass booms through his door.

He hears knocking and doors being opened, the groans and grunts of the others echoed as the footsteps got closer. He screws his eyes shut and goes limp as his room door opens.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed and go wake up Kookie." Yoongi's voice protruded but he didn't respond. "Don't make me come in."

At that the male groans snd shoots upright, glaring at a crusty-looking Yoongi. "Fine, I'm up but I'm not waking that demon up." He pulls away the comforter and gets up, slipping into a pair of duck slippers.

"You know the rule." Yoongi shuts the door and Taehyung sighes, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "I mean it Tae!"

He lifts himself from his bed and marches downstairs, straight to the kitchen. The other's looked like zombies with their half open eyes and groggy movements. "Why do I have to wake him up?" Taehyung protests as a few heads turn in his direction.

"Good morning to you too." Namjoon reaches for the cabinet.

"You were the last one to wake up." Hoseok stifles a yawn. "And Jungkook's always the last one to wake up."

"I was literally the first one up!"

"Hey, some of us are still trying to wake up okay? Keep it down." Jimin pat his shoulder as he brushed past him to the fridge.

Taehyung pursed his lips. "Where's Yoongi?"

"I've been up since four, so don't even try to drag me down that lane." He stern voice echoed from somewhere behind him.

"Ugh fine!" He throws up his hands and drags his feet to the youngests room, mentally cursing at the situation he's in.

Standing in the doorway, he sees a sleeping Jungkook sprawled out across the queen size bed. His fluffy hair, which grew longer, brushing past his eyebrows in different directions. His shirt worked it's way up one side of his torso, exposing his left side. His lips parted and his entire body limp, chest rising and falling with every breath.

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