Chapter 41

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Yoongi POV

The night was cold, and the heaters in my car weren't helping. And to make things better it started pouring, not raining.... pouring.

I parked outside the studio building and ran inside. But I still got wet from the rain. "If I came down here for shit I fucking swear."

I had to use the staircase because we had a stupid protocol against usimg the elevator during tough weather. I couldn't help but curse as I took one step after the other.

I sighed loudly as I opened the door to my studio room. "What the hell?!" It came out more of a shock than a question.

 "What the hell?!" It came out more of a shock than a question

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"Yoongi." It was So-yeon. Jeon So-yeon, one of the biggest producers in the country and also internationally renowned. One of my close friends and partner in the industry.

"What the fuck happened to my desktop?" I brushed past her and walked over to my trashed desktop. The screen was cracked and it looked like there'd been a fight.

"You were almost robbed." She said calmly. "I got here just in time to catch them but they destroyed the tracks before I could stop them."

"When was that?" I snarled glancing back at her.

"About an hour ago. I tried to call the police but figured I'd call you first. Since it's your work." She huffed pacing back and forth.

I crouched down and scanned my desktop. "Shit!" I spat before taking out my phone.

"Are you calling your lawyer?" She gasped.

"Let her enjoy the last few weeks with her husband and kids." I put the phone to my ear. "I'm calling someone to clean this up."

"Are you going to just dump it away?" She scoffed.

"I'll have them try and regain what can. Try to fix it hopefully, and if it's completely useless discard of it carefully." I stared into her questioning eyes.


"Hi. Ji-sung, I have a job for you. How fast can you get here?"

"I'll be there in ten minutes. Just let me get dressed."

"See you then. Bring your tool kit."

"Later Mr Min." He hung up.

"Great. More waiting." So-yeon fell on the couch. "I would be in L.A. right now."

"Why are you here actually?" I crossed my arms. More of a calming gesture than a defence.

She crossed her legs. "The record label in America was interested in something 'fresh and original'. They called me eventually and invited me to L.A. to talk about a deal. Mind you, I was in London at the time looking for some inspiration."

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