Chapter 33

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Y/N scrolled through her tabs on her computer in the study, doing online shopping for new clothes and items she may need around her home.

Her phone rang. She picked it up from the desk and answered, her eyes glued to the laptop screen.


"Well well well Y/N. Haven't heard from you in awhile."

"Jackson? Hi, how are you? It's been awhile." She leaned back on her chair.

"Eh. I've been better." He sighed.

"I'm guessing you want something?" She smiled.

"You make it sound like I only call when I need you."

"Aren't you doing that right now?"

"Okay. You got me." He chuckled. "So... I've been working on a new project with a friend of mine. She's a great business woman I think you'd like her."

"Point being?" She tapped the mouse ordering a few items off the browser.

"She wants to launch a new make-up line for the holiday."

"Just say it Jackson." She giggled.

"Fine." He took a deep breath. "She wants a model for her new make-up line. I suggested you, because you are gorgeous. She said that she wants to meet you next week and discuss a few things.

"You get a check, a BIG check, free make-up from the specific make-up line and well... basically a new business partner. Plus fame~"

She couldn't help but giggle at him as he spoke. "It's very tempting."

"So are you interested?" You could hear that he was excited about it.

"I'll have to talk to-"

"I've already spoken with your agent. Arranged a new schedule for you and everything. I even organised a date for a meeting with her next week. All you have to do is say yes." He laughed.

"I might higher you as my manager." She joked.

"I'm a busy man. But I'd be willing to." He hummed. "Is that a yes or no?!"

"I'm interested. Send me the details." She giggled lifting her leg onto the desk.

"Yes! You won't regret it." He clapped happily. "I'll call you back tonight. I have to go, business."

"Alright. Talk to you soon, bye."

"Toodles~" he hung up.

She sighed dropping her phone in her lap. She tapped on a few more outfits before closing the browser.

"Well... atleast I have my model career back." She sighed.



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