Chapter 81

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"Wake up!" The loud female voice shook the whole house. "It's Christmas Eve!"

In response she got silence. She knocked on each of their doors. "Hey! Get up! Or else no waffles for the lot of you!" She rushed downstairs as she heard the thunder of footsteps.

By the time she had the ingredients out on the table, a crowd of zombies formed at the kitchen door. "She didn't even make them yet." Namjoon stifled a yawn.

"Such a bad girlfriend." Yoongi entered, with the intention of making coffee.

"It would be better if you helped you know." She raised the spatula. "You can put in anything you want, as long as it's edible."

They all lightened up at the sound of that. "Can I put chocolate chips in mine?" Hoseok paced over to her side putting his arm around her shoulders.

"You could dip it in ice cream for all I care." She pat his chest and started sorting out the ingredients. "Yoongi pass the milk will you, please?"

He extended his arm, carton in hand. "Here, I'm not feeling it today." She took the carton and got out a large bowl.

"Are the rest of you just gonna stand there?" She looked at them as they were still waking up. "Man your stations, this breakfast needs all hands on deck."

They all took different bowls and got started on the batter. It looked like they were going to feed an entire city by the time the batter was ready.

"Why the fuck is yours yellow?" Yoongi blurted out  pointing at Hoseok's bowl.

"It looked boring so I added food coloring. Sunny waffles on Christmas Eve." He was beaming at the mention of his creation.

y/n assessed everyone's bowls, "Joonie get the waffle maker ready will you?"

"I'll do it!" Jimin stopped Namjoon from moving.

"We don't want it to end up like the blender." Jin snickered evilly.

"Am I ever gonna live that down?"

"The blender did, until you put it to rest!" Jungkook burst put laughing causing a whole chain of laughter to fill the kitchen.

"Hey! Stop making fun of Joonie, you all look like idiots laughing at an innocent man." y/n said tight lipped, pulling Taehyung's ear gently.

"You get used to it." Namjoon clarified half-heartedly.

Within the next twenty to thirty minutes they all had their own batch of customised waffles and made their own side dishes to eat with it. Jungkook poured a drink for everyone and they all started eating, happily chatting about their plans for the day and how to spend it.

"So what do you plan on doing today?" Jimin directed the question to Yoongi.

"Hibernate. And probably eat more."

"Is there ever anything else on your schedule?" y/n pondered aloud.

"I also go to the bathroom sweetheart, it's not an easy life." His sass caught them of guard.

"Anyone else wanna share their schedule before we call our army to hunt you down later?" Jin chewed loudly.

"Remember my old home? The one that was being renovated?" She got some nods in response. "My father called me this morning and said that it's done, and I should go check it out. The interior designer should be there and I can fill it up with new furniture and move in."

"That sounds great!" Hoseok cheered. "We'll come visit you as soon as you're done."

"Does that mean you're leaving us?!" Jin ang Namjoon said offensively.

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