Chapter 61

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I kept fidgeting with my fingers as we walked down the empty corridor. My mind racing, trying to find the words to speak even though my mouth waa dry.

"Do I look okay?" I adjusted my skirt looking up at Jungkook.

"You look beautiful." He smiled his doe eyes sparkling in the light.

"What if I choke? What if I say the wrong thing? What if it's... really bad?" I starting to hyperventilate but Jungkook held my shoulders firmly.

He looked me dead in the eye. "You'll be fine. Don't overthink it, if you do start to panic remember to breath. Okay?"

I took a deep breath and sighed. I nodded and smiled weakly, "Could you wait outside? I'll find you once I'm done."

"I'll be downstairs." He pat my head and walked away. I stared at the door infront of me, I put my hand on the doorknob and held my breath as I opened the door and stepped inside.

And there he was, the man that broke my heart into a million pieces and treats me like I'm some valuable object. My heart clenched when our eyes met.

My father laid in his hospital bed, looking pale with a tired expression. The heart monitor being the only sound filling the room.

"I wasn't expecting you to come." He tried to sit up but I shook my head.

"Mother called. She-" Maybe it wasn't best to tell him that she begged me to visit him. "Was worried about leaving you alone." It wasn't all a lie.

"I hope she didn't disturb you." He sighed leaning back against his pillow.

I closed the door and sat down in the seat next to his bed. I crossed my legs and placed my hands in my lap, trying not to make my nervousness visible.

"No." It came out hushed. It felt so awkward trying to talk normally with my father, because we never really had a normal conversation. "I didn't know whether to bring flowers or not."

His face remained still as he spoke. "It's fine. It would make me feel like I was dying." His words cut me so deep that my eyes began to water. I was dying.

"y/n," He must've realised his mistake. "I didn't mean.... I'm sorry." He tried to hold my hand but I just stood up.

"I hope you get better soon, father." Bitter tears streamed down my cheeks. I hid my face and rushed out, stumbling into someone as I ran through the corridor. "I'm sorry." I managed to apologize before locking myself in the bathroom.

I was panting. My cheeks damp and my hair wild. Jungkook couldn't see me like this, I washed my face and air dried it. I retouched my make-up and mustered the best smile I could.

"Ms Shin?" I heard someone call me. I turned to see one of the nurses walking up towards me. "It really is you."


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