Chapter 68

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"Park there." I directed Hoseok as he drove through the underground parking lot, since the outer parking lot was covered in snow it was our best option.

As soon as we parked the doors opened and a wave of groans and sighs of relief filled the air. I removed my seatbelt and stepped out of the car joining the others.

"You guys alright?" I laughed seeing them do stretches as if they were about to sprint.

"No." Yoongi groaned bending awkwardly.

A secound car parked in the parking space next to ours. The door opened and out came Namjoon who shut the door as y/n opened hers.

"Complaints along the way?" He laughed seeing the affected of the long drive.

"That's what you get for making me drink your poison." y/n spat directing her words to Yoongi specifically but he just rolled his eyes.

"End the feud now or else you'll both stay in the car, together." I warned them. They sighed before shaking hands with forced smiles. I swear I heard bones crack as they tightened their grip.

"Can we get going? My legs might fall asleep again." Jungkook scrunched his nose as he hopped in place.

"Poor Kookie is restless." Jimin pat his head. "We should get moving before we all end up like this."

I nodded with a smile. "Well since we're eight we can divide into either two or four groups."

"How is that gonna work?" Taehyung glanced at everyone trying to make sense of what I was saying.

"Let's split up into two groups for now." Namjoon suggested. "Then when it's needed we can split further."

"My question is, who's going to be in which group?" y/n interrupted. "No offense but this group can get clingy."

She wasn't wrong. We all could get clingy from time to time, especially the main two Jimin and Taehyung. So we had to divide the group considering this factor and with someone who is responsible enough to handle the group. I had to think about this carefully and realised the simplest way to divide us.

"Group one Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok. Group two Yoongi, Namjoon, y/n and me."  I pointed as I said their names.

"Why can't y/n be with us?" Taehyung whined angrily.

"Fine. y/n and Hoseok will switch."

I heard Yoongi and y/n let out a silent 'yes' and I knew that my plan worked. "I'm not complaining." y/n said defensively smiling brightly as she walked over to Jimin.

"So the kids are going together? Willingly?" Namjoon lowered his voice as he spoke to me. "Nice job."

I felt my heart flutter at the sudden praise and gave him a toothy smile. "Please say that everyone has a list."

"Yep!" They all said unison.

"y/n and I are group leaders, what we say goes." I winked at her as she giggled shyly.

"Can we go now?" Jungkook asked getting even more restless.

"Alright." I felt bad for holding them back for so long. "We'll take the bottom floor, you guys can take the first floor. We'll regroup on the secound floor."

And with that we all made our way to the elevators, but I pulled y/n back.

"Keep me updated okay? And if anything gets out of hand, call me."

"I'll be able to handle them. But I will." She smiled before rushing to the elevator where her group was waiting for her.

"Care to share?" Hoseok asked as I stepped into the elevator.

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