Chapter 49

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The dining room was filled with the sound of clattering dishes and light conversation. I constantly gazed over the table to see the men chattering like they didn't have a care in the world.

"They could've done better in the last half though." Jin pointed out as the others agreed with serious faces.

"If he'd pass the ball then there would have been a better chance of scoring a goal." Jungkook looked hurt as he spoke so passionately about the recent match.

"At least it was a tie." Namjoon smiled making them all groan in agreement.

"What's on your mind?" Taehyung asked looking intrigued by my existence.

I blinked back my confusion and smiled. "Just listening." I shrugged my shoulders playfully.

"Thanks for babysitting Yoongi y/n." Hoseok sighed loudly. "He seems to be cured but just won't admit it."

Everyone turned to Yoongi who was sitting next to me sending death glares at them. "I'm fine." He said bluntly before stuffing his mouth with rice.

"Don't eat like that, you might choke." I said under my breath but it seemed like they all heard me. They all started taking smaller bites of their food, and chewed more thoroughly.

"How are the renovations going?" Jimin broke the sudden silence that filled the room.

"It'll be done before the end of the month." I plopped a shrimp in my mouth.

"So fast?! You only started, like what, two weeks ago!" Jin gasped.

"We verified the sketches in five days. My men work faster than most others would, my father's men actually." I gulped down my glass of Coke.

"So you'll move in by then?" Taehyung stroked his chin.

"I want to spend the hoildays here. But I'll move my things by December first, and after that I'll put up my home here for rent for the holidays since people will be looking for places to stay." I felt like I was in a business meeting and I hated it.

"So you'll be staying at your old home?" Hoseok asked with a confused look on his face.


"A hotel? Or B&B?" Jimin offered.


"With your parents?" Namjoon's voice was so low I swear my chair vibrated as he spoke.

"I don't want to but...." I chose my next words carefully. "It's an option."

The eerie silence that came after my answer made me feel uneasy. Like they were judging me but didn't say anything about it.

"You could stay with us." I turned to Yoongi in shock. He continued eating as if he hadn't said anything.

"Excuse me?" I'm pretty sure my hearing left me at that moment.

"You. Could. Stay. With. Us." He looked me in the eye as he said each word slowly.

Heat crept up my neck and I could feel my cheeks turn red. "I couldn't. I-"

"That's a great idea!" Hoseok interrupted me. "The more the merrier."


"We do have an extra guest bedroom, with its own private bathroom." Jin spoke into the choas. "It's on the other side of the house so more privacy. It could work."


"Plus we'll have lots of fun for a whole month!" Jungkook exclaimed like a three year old that found a toy in their cereal box.


"Hey think of it this way." Taehyung wiped his mouth before speaking. "You want to stay in Seoul for the holidays until next year when you mave back. You want to rent out your current home before the holidays to make some extra money in advance.

"You don't want to pay for a living space knowing that there's no use in that. You don't want to stay with your parents because your having some... communication problems.

"We're offering you full accommodation, a months worth of company, an awesome holiday and we don't ask for anything in return."

I bit my bottom lip as they all continued saying how great it would be. But I was actually feeling anxious about the whole suggestion.

"Guys. Let's not rush her." Namjoon spoke loud enough for us to here over the overlapping chatter. "Think about it, and tell us what you think. Take as much time as you need."

"Thanks Namjoon." I glanced at everyone, my mouth feeling dry from anticipation. "I'll get back to you guys on that."

I could see the disappointment on their faces which brome my heart into a million pieces. I didn't want to hurt their feelings, they're just trying to help out. So I had to think about this fast.

"Other than that, have you spoken to Jackson?" I was greatful that Jungkook changed the topic.

I sighed. "No... but he sent me something that caught my attention."

"It wasn't anything weird right?" Taehyung twisted his hair with his finger.

"It was an invitation to an event in Paris. I didn't really read into it. What I do know is, I can bring a guest with me and it's all paid for."

"When is it being held?" Jin pouted cutely wiping his mouth.

"It lasts, what was it, five days? From the twenty-fifth to the thirtieth." I rubbed my temples to regain my memory.

"Next week?" Jimin gasped. "Why are all your trips on such short notice and so close too?" He whined with a pout.

I gave him an 'I don't know' look which made everyone laugh. I joined in which calmed my nerves alittle, feeling relieved that the atmosphere lightened slightly...

"At least you'll be having fun." Namjoon chuckled softly.

I smiled shyly turning my attention to my food. Knowing that what he said was far from true, or maybe it wasn't.


A/N: What an interesting turn of events. I wonder how things will turn out, I guess we'll have to find out.

Sorry for the lack of pictures, I couldn't really find anything that could fit with what was happening. I hope it doesn't bother any of you.

Hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and stay safe.

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