Mystic Mayhem

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In New York 

A new night in New York was like any other. Except it becomes strange for the people here.

Tasneem was wearing a long orange jacket and holding onto a doglike creature while being pursued by two men. Tasneem knocks a bunch of flags to the sidewalk and men slow down to tiptoe between them, avoiding stepping on the flags. Tasneem turns around to see the two still following her making her runs between a delivery guy and street vendor. "Not cool, dude!" The delivery guy yelled at her as she runs down an alley and encounters a wall. "Oh, come on." Tasneem said to herself as the two men enter the alleyway. Tasneem turns around to see the two men approaching her, hands out menacingly. The creature that she was holding jumps onto her head and it glows then it magically teleports it and Tasneem away as the two leapsThe men hit the ground and the creature and Tasneem reappear far behind them. The creature and Tesneem run off as the men stand up growling then they follow after them.

Later that night, Four figures watched a shady deal from above the Molina Tower. They jumped from the very top and landed on the balcony in front of the sign. The turtle with a pair of goggles on his head pulled out his staff and aimed it at an unfinished building. The turtle shot it, a rope with a clinger catching one of the beams. He then connected the other end of the rope to the wall of the Molina Tower. "Yellow Submarine, are we clear?" The larger turtle with the red bandana spoke through the walkie-talkie in his hand. "Affirmative, Red Rover." A female voice said back to him. "Copy." He said to her and he looks at his brothers. "Right, boys, it's go time." He said to them. The team attaches clamps to the cable and begins sliding across. Below them, a rich man is was laughing while the Leader holds up his hand as a signal. The team zipped past the party going for the rooftop pool on the building next door. Approach a building next to it and the leader points down and they all jump from the cable. Then the shadows reveal four mutant turtles brothers named Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael. "Cow–" Leo yelled as he gets ready for the water. "A–" Mikey yelled with a smile. "Bun–" Donnie said sitting in the middle air. "Ga!" Raph yelled as the four get closer to the pool. "Cannonball!" The four yelled as they made various poses before landing in the pool. Water flies up in a huge jet as April comes out of nowhere. "Woohoo!" April yells triumphantly and holds out her phone only to be drenched in water. All the brothers start dancing and whooping in the now empty pool. "Ha! You must be this rad to ride that ride." Mikey said to them while he points at himself as Donnie walks over to him. "Well, based on our velocity and entry angle..." Donnie said while he typed in the results on his arm device. "I concur. We rad." Donnie said to him as April looks into the pool. "You guys crushed it. Gimmee five!" April yelled at them making the brothers leap out to join her. "Or three." April said to them as she high-three Mikey. "Couldn't have done it without you, April. Our girl with the plan." Raph said to her while Leo walks over to April taking the keys from her jacket. "And keys to the roof." Leo said to them showing them the keys before April take them from him. "Let's go bungee dunk on the hoops at Rucker Park." Mikey said them with a smile. "Game on! Just one thing first." April said and she takes out a warning sign that says 'Wet Floor' and she tossed it on the floor. "Wet Floor." April said and she takes out another sign with the words,  'Dry Pool' and she tosses that too.  "And "Dry pool". Our work is done here. Donnie, can I hitch a ride." April said to him making Donnie look at her. "No probbles." Donnie said to her and he turns his back to her and gestured towards his shell with his thumb. April jumps onto his shell, which immediately opens to provide a seat and handlebars. Rotors whirl and they lift off from the rooftop, followed by the other three turtles.  

As Raph is jumping down, he spots the little doglike creature, who is shivering and whimpering in a construction yard. "Aww." Raph said to himself before slamming face-first into a building. "Oh!" Raph said as he crawls up to the roof. "Hey, hey guys, hold up." Raph said to his brothers and April then points down as Tasneem walks over to it. "Poor thing looks lost." Raph said to them before jumping down and others follow. Raph lands heavily behind the creature startling it while Tasneem stays in the shadows. "Hey, little guy." Raph said to the creature in a baby way while Tasneem sees the other brothers and April land behind Raph. "What'chu doing here? Mm, mm, come to big Raphie." Raph said to it making the others laugh. "What? Pets love me all right? I am at one with the animals." Raph said to them as the creature growls and leaps at Raph's face, clawing him up, and then jumps into April's arms. It begins licking her. "Aww. I didn't get this drenched from the cannonball." April said to them while Tasneem walks over to them. "It looks so weird. What is it?" Mikey asks them. "Maybe it's some kind of nuclear St. Bernard." Donnie said to them while he touches a small globe attached to its collar. "I call it a Doglike creature." Tasneem said making the group look at her. "Guys, it's a human." Leo said to them unable to see Tasneem was a turtle because she had her jacket's hoodie on. "Oh, I'm not a human." Tasneem said to them and she removes her hoodie to show herself to them. "WOW, ANOTHER TURTLE!!" Mikey yelled with a smile as he walks over to Tasneem. "Nice, and it's a girl turtle." April said as she walks over to Tasneem. "What's your name?" April asks her while Mikey looks at Tasneem up and down before Tasneem can tell them Donnie specks. "My name is Donnie and I am the brains of the group." Donnie said to her making Tasneem look at him. "My name is Leo, I am the one with the cool swords." Leo said to her with a smile. "I am their leader, named Raph." Raph said to her making Tasneem nod. "I'm am Mikey, nice to meet you." Mikey said to her with a smile. "And I am April." April said to her making Tasneem nod at all of them. "My name is Tasneem and I am in trouble." Tasneem said to them making Raph walk closer to her and he places his hand on Tasneem's shell. "You can tell us and we will help you." Raph said to her making Tasneem look at the group and she has a feeling she can trust them. Before Tasneem can tell them they hear angry scoff draws their attention to two figures nearby. "Oooh! Humans!" Raph yelled and he and his brothers duck behind April but Tasneem who was looking at the two figures. "Initiate plan H." Raph whispers to his brothers then Raph, Leo, and Mikey come out of hiding. "Um, excuse me, sirs. Can you direct us to the local science fiction convention that we are currently dressed for?" Leo asks them in his best nerd voice. "Snazzy alien turtle outfits, huh?" Mikey said to them in his nerd's voice then Donnie stepped in front of Mikey. "We are just typical, normal humans who got lost in the middle of our normal, everyday human lives." Donnie said to them. "Nailed it." Donnie said to himself making Leo look at him. "Dude, you gotta make it to rehearsal." Leo whispers to Donnie. "Give to me creature and the female turtle." The one in the blue jogger said to the group making Tasneem hide behind Mikey. Mikey looks at her before giving her a little smile. "How you say...pretty please...or I'll destroy you." Blue Jogger said to them. "Really? You think you're gonna step to our friends? Rookie mistake, hoss." Raph said to him. "And if you step to my friends for stepping to you for st-stepping to me? You're gonna have to step to me. Mm-kay?" April said to him. "You do not intimidate us, with or without your fake nerd voices." Blue Jogger said to them. "That was actually my real voice." Donnie said to him while crossing his arms. "Well, you better get intimidated, 'cause we're like nothing you've ever seen." Raph said to two men while Donnie looks at Tasneem. "What's wrong with my voice?" Donnie asks her before Tasneem can answer him both men start to glow and purple stuff flows around their bodies. "Whoa! No way!" April yelled as she watches the two. "Dude!" Mikey yelled while hugging Tasneem. "Jumping Jack Flash!" Raph yelled as the two men begin to transform into huge monsters astride monstrous dogs. " guys from Jersey?" Leo asks them making a joke making Mikey, Donnie, and Tasneem look at him. "Really, Leo?" Mikey said to him while Tasneem holds onto Mikey's arm. "What? I can't make a joke in the middle of the craziest thing ever? That's how I cope." Leo said to him.

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