First Mission

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A Few Weeks Later

In New York

In The Sewer Liar

Mikey followed Raph and Donnie to Splinter to re-enact one of the scenes for him. Mikey stops and he sees the sisters and Leo skating and his eyes go on Tasneem who was showing Leo her weapon. Mikey has known her for a few weeks now and he is starting to see her as Art that is alive. "Mikey." Mikey hears Raph calling him making him follow his two brothers. 

Sometime later, Tasneem, Jamey, and Cheyenne enter the room to see Splinter seating on his easy chair smiling as he watches the movie. The three see Raph in front of the screen, mouthing the lines with the character named Lou Jitsu. "Okay, ha. How 'bout soup?" Lou Jitsu said as Raph grips Donatello's chest and then Michelangelo's while the sisters see the actors on screen yell as they are tossed and Raph tosses his brothers too. Both yell as they fall face-first into hot noodle soup then a noodle lands on Splinter's face and he eats it. "Too spicy for you?" Lou Jitsu while the sisters walk over to them. "Everyone's a critic. Hm." Lou Jitsu said and Splinter pauses the movie. "Man, 'Teriyaki Shakedown' always gets me so..." Donnie said and he inhales. "Jazzed!" Donnie yelled to them. "Yeah, Lou Jitsu's the business!" Raph yelled as the Remote goes flying through the air and hits Raph in the face, knocking him down. "Oh no." Jamey said looking at them. "Then why do you insult the master with your poor technique?" Splinter asks as he leaps off the chair, and spins in the air. "Hot soup!" Splinter yelled and he smashes into all three of his sons. Splinter stands up while the three turtles groan. "No matter how many times I see that it is always funny." Jesse said to them as she enters the room. "Do not worry. Someday you will be great ninjas with a little something I would say if I were a liar." Splinter said to them. "That's nice of you to say, Pop, but I'm tired of practicing." Mikey said to him as the three sit up. "Yeah, we can be heroes like Lou Jitsu!" Raph yelled at Splinter who laughs at him. "Nice try." Splinter said to him and he walks away. "We got the squillz, we got the tight color-coordinated team look." Mikey said to Raph and the two do a fist bump. "Let's do it! Let's go out and bust some bad guys!" Raph said to them making Cheyenne walk over to them with her tablet. "Yeah. I just feel like, you know, we need a case to get the juices flowing a little bit. You know, let's see what the internet has to say about it, shall we..." Cheyenne said to them as she starts looking for something for them to do while Jesse leans on the easy chair. Leo hops up from behind the easy chair and then flops over the back of it. "Yo, Leo, we're gonna be heroes!" Mikey yelled at him while Leo slithers down so he was on his back in the chair seat. "Okay, what's the plan? Solve the city's rat problem?" Leo asks them making Splinter use his tail to smack Leo in the face, knocking him off the chair and into Jesse's arms. "Hey now. I am standing right here." Splinter said to him as Jesse drops Leo to the floor. "Pfft, no way. We're crime fighters." Raph said to him as Leo sits up, rubbing his head and Raph looks at him. "Okay, check this out. The Spine Breaking Bandit." Cheyenne said to them making Raph chuckle. "Yeah. Go big or go home." Raph said to them making Leo slide in between Donnie and Cheyenne. "Yeah, go home on a stretcher. What else you got?" Leo asks Cheyenne who sweeps up to have another mission on her tablet. "Uh, okay, here's something. The Long Island Mangler." Cheyenne said to them making Leo set his hands on the screen. "Okay, Cheyenne. I appreciate you giving your best effort, but maybe we should save mangling and spine-breaking for, I don't know, our second day?" Leo said to her making everyone stare at him for a second. "Mm..." Cheyenne said as she goes down to another mission. "Well, this one's kind of lame. Someone stole paper from a delivery truck." Cheyenne said to them and Leo snatches the tablet out of Cheyenne's hands and strikes a pose. "Not on my watch! That's exactly the kind of junior-level mischief we can put an end to." Leo said to them. "Really? That'll make us heroes? But it's only paper." Jamey said to him. "It's only paper?" Leo said while he starts laughing. "I'm so sorry. Donnie, what did she just say? Did she say it's only paper?" Leo asks his brother. "Yup." Donnie said to him. "Did she say it's only paper?" Leo asks Jesse who looks at him. "Yes, she did." Jesse said to him. "Okay! That's what they all say." Leo said to them and he starts pacing in front of his brothers and sisters. "You think the road to hero town is paved with real crime? No! It's paved with the tears of the poor paper man. And who helps that guy? I'll tell you who; we are who." Leo said to them. "Say what now?" Jesse asks him as the brothers' cheer.

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