Date Night

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At Night In New York

In The Lair

Jamey walks into the room where the big screen was and she sees a red blanket on the floor with some snacks on it. "Surprise!" Jamey hears Raph yell making her look up to see Raph wearing a red tie to match his bandanna. "Don't you look good tonight." Jamey said to him making Raph turn red. Jamey walks over to the blanket and looks that the screen that was on. "So a movie date." Jamey said to him as she sits down on the blanket with Raph following her. "So, what are you watching?" Jamey asks Raph who nervously playing with the blanket. "Well, I have a couple of different ones, so you can pick. April said I can't just have Lou Jitsu movies so she gave me some extra movies." Raph said to her making Jamey nod. "I mean you can watch whatever you want. I am here to make you happy on this date I had planned." Raph said to her very nervously making Jamey look at him. "Anyways, do you wanna watch the Lou Jitsu movie or something else?" Raph asks her. "Lou Jitsu." Jamey answers him. "You don't mind?" Raph asks her. "Not at all. I want to see what your dad likes about them anyways." Jamey said to him. "Well, then you are in for a treat." Raph said to her as he excitedly pulled up a Lou Jitsu movie. Jamey watches as Raph taps on the keys carefully so he doesn't break them. Jamey see he was scared making her move over to him. "Let me help you." Jamey said to him taking the CD from him and she puts it in with Raph watching her with a smile. Jamey moves away from the player and she sees Raph playing with his thumbs then Raph pulls out another blanket. "Here." Ralph said to her and he gently places it on Jamey. "I don't want you to get cold." Raph said to her making Jamey smile at him. "Thank you, Raph." Jamey said to him as she can see Raph was nervous. Jamey moves closer to Raph and she leans against his arm as the movie starts. In the middle of the movie, Jamey looks at Raph who was watching the movie still looking nervous. Jamey looks at Raph's hand and she holds onto it making Raph look at her. "No, need to be nervous Raph." Jamey said to him. "How can I not? I am with a very beautiful girl alone and I don't know how to act in front of her." Raph said to her. "Well, I like it if you were yourself, Raph. I think it is one of the best things about you." Jamey said to him making Raph smile at her and he looks at the movie again. "This is my favorite part." Raph said to her and he jumps up and he reacts to the scene, causing Jamey to laugh. 

No matter what they do, they enjoy being with each other, and that is all that matters.


On Top Of April's Building's Rooftop

Donnie takes Cheyenne's hand helping her up the building rooftop. "Thank you Donnie." Cheyenne said to him and she sees the blanket set up under the telescope with some lights, a few snacks, and a box of pizza. "How'd you know I like the stars?" Cheyenne asks him as the two walks over to the blanket. "Lucky guess." Donnie said to her with a smile as Cheyenne sits down on the blanket and she looks at the things on the blanket until she realize that Donnie was still standing. Cheyenne looks at him and she pats an empty spot on the blanket that was next to her. "Sit with me, it would be weird if you just stood there the whole time." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie laugh a little before sitting next to her. "Did you plan this on your own?" Cheyenne asks him. "Yeah, if I ask my brothers, they would have ruined my idea." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne nod a little. "Makes sense." Cheyenne said to him and she looks through the telescope to look at the stars. Donnie watches her for a moment as Cheyenne pulls away from the telescope and the moonlight hits her glasses Donnie can see the city gently reflecting on her glasses making his heart melt at what he was seeing. Cheyenne looks at him making Donnie laugh nervously and he looks away from her. Cheyenne smiles a little and she then reaches out and holds onto Donnie's hand who jumps a little as he looks down at the two hands. Donnie holds onto Cheyenne's hand as she leans onto Donnie who has a little smile on his face.

Despite being in bustling New York City two felt at peace like they were the only two in the city. 


Back In The Lair

Tasneem was in her room doing some artwork when Mikey walks into the room. "Hey." Mikey said making Tasneem look at him. "It's time for our date." Mikey said to her making Tasneem smile at him and she walks out of her room and she follows Mikey to an empty wall in the lair. Tasneem sees a box full of spray cans paint by the wall. "I thought for our date we can spray paint this wall." Mikey said to her making Tasneem look at the wall. "And I wanted to try showing you some of my art. So, are you up for it?" Mikey asks her making Tasneem look at him. Tasneem picks up a can and throws it at Mikey who caught it. "Show me what you got." Tasneem said to him making Mikey smile at her. The two younger turtles start working on some artwork on the wall. Tasneem spray paint a remake of the Mikey Way Galaxy that had the brothers, sisters, April, and splinter around the Milky Way Galaxy. Tasneem smiles at her work as she looks over it. "Tasneem, look at whatI did." Mikey said to her making Tasneem walk over to him to see her sisters and Mikey's brothers together as a team. "Wow...that's way better than mine." Tasneem said to him making Mikey look at her. "Nah, it was nothing. Yours is awesome!" Mikey yelled with a smile as he looks at Tasneem's art. "Thanks, Mikey." Tasneem said to him. "Now this work on something together." Mikey said to her making Tasneem nod. Both the two younger turtles start working on artwork together. In the end, the two spray the words, COWABUNGA! and HOT SOUP with a drawing of hot soup. 

It may be an art date but to the two of them, it was the best date in their little eyes.


Topside In New York

Jesse was with Leo jumping from rooftop to rooftop following him somewhere. "Leo, just use your sword." Jesse said to him as she runs next to him. "What the fun in that?" Leo asks her with a smile making Jesse roll her eyes playfully. Sometime later, the two arrive at an abandoned skate park, Jesse follows Leo to a blue blanket with a couple of lights around it with some snacks and the two skateboards. "You made this look nice." Jesse said to him making Leo look at her. "What you ever been on a date before?" Leo asks her as he leads Jesse to the blanket. "This is my first time on a date actually." Jesse said to him making Leo's eyes widen a bit. "Really?! I mean-really?... I thought you would've dated plenty of guys....not that we're dating! But we are on a date....but." Leo said to him making Jesse cut off Leo. "Leon." Jese said to him making Leo smile. "Sorry, I'm a bit nervous...this is my first date too." Leo said to her making Jesse place her hand on Leo's to comfort him. Leo smiles as he holds onto Jesse's hand. "Do you want some pizza?" Leo asks her as he pulls out a box of pizza. "Why do you and your brothers love eating pizza?" Jesse asks him as Leo opens the box. "Because it is best." Leo said to her making Jesse laugh a little. "Of course." Jesse said to him with a smile. "Can I asks you something?" Leo asks her making Jesse nod. "Was the sword yours before?" Leo asks her making Jesse nod. "It was once until I get new weapons." Jesse said to him. "The fans." Leo said to her. "That's right." Jesse said to him. "Why did you replace your weapon with two fans?" Leo asks her. "Leo, the fans have two powers in one water and fire." Jesse said to him. "Makes sense but I would have stayed with the sword." Leo said to her making Jesse smile at him. "Okay, I get it. You like sword." Jesse said to him. "You know it girl." Leo said to her then the two started eating some pizza together. Leo looked at Jesse to see she was looking up at the stars and Leo can see the stars in her eyes making him melt once seeing them. Jesse looks at him making Leo stand up. "Up for some skating?" Leo asks her making Jesse smile at him. "You are on, Leo." Jesse said to him as she grabs her skateboard and the two started skating with each other.

Another great date with the turtles, one to remember with the baby blue turtles.


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