Shell in a Cell

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In New York

At Night

Inside the New York Wrestling Association, the turtles were sitting in the rafters. "Nasty Team up. But last one in the ring wins the championship! Who will it be fans? The undefeated Ghostbear or the invisible Annihilation?" Jessica asks who was the host with a microphone in her hand. "Go Ghostbear." Raph said making Jamey look at him who was wearing a 200-0 shirt. "He's the greatest ever. He's gonna win number 200 tonight!" Raph yelled with a smile. "My Raphie is a big fan of this guy." Jamey said to herself making Raph look at her with a red face. "Yeah." Raph told to her while rubbing his neck and turning red. "He still turns red around you." Jesse said to Jamey who looks at her. "Yeah, but I find it cute." Jamey said to her while Raph and Leo start wrestling each other. "Buddy come on. You know wrestling is bogus, they always pull their punches. Even I could beat Ghostbear." Leo said making the group look at the two. "I call this one the Three Star Hurricane." Leo said while hitting Raph's face. "You think Ghostbear could match these moves?" Leo asks Raph while pulling on his cheek. "Oh, here we go." Donnie said as he rolls his eyes. "Everytime." Mikey said to them while Raph and Leo argue. "You take that back Leo, No one beats Ghostbear." Raph told to him while Donnie reached for the last slice of pizza but Mikey grabs it before he can. "Whoa--ah." Donnie said making Cheyenne look at him. "Oh, You know what? That's fine, you have it. I'll have the next last piece of pizza." Donnie said to him while Cheyenne can see he was a little upset. "Thanks, D." Mikey said to him with a smile. "Here, Donnie." Cheyenne said making Donnie look at her to see Cheyenne hand him her last slice of pizza. "Are you sure?" Donnie asks her. "Yeah, take it." Cheyenne said to him giving Donnie a smile. Donnie takes the slice from her then Cheyenne looks down at the ring while Donnie smiles a little. "Donnie, are you smiling?" Tasneem asks him making Donnie jump and he looks at her. "No, STOP invading my space!" Donnie yelled at her then he looks away from Tasneem who starts laughing. 

A bell rings caught the turtles' attention and they look down to see Ghostbear was in the ring. "Ghostbear is the last man in the ring. And when I raise his arm he will be officially 200 and O!" Jessica yelled while she holds onto Ghostbear's hand. "Ha, told you Leo." Raph said to his brother. "Wherever Ghostbear's just a chump in a costume." Leo said to him making Raph throw him. Leo began to backflip over to the others. "I could beat him. I could beat any of them." Leo said to him not realizing he was not standing on the rafter making him fall down. "Oh no, here comes Leo." Jesse said to herself as Raph gets in between the group. "Leo!" Raph yelled as he watched Leo fall down. "Avenge me!" Leo cried then he crashes into the floor where Ghostbear was standing making him sink into the ring. Jessica was now holding Leo's hand and had shocked at what just happened to him. The crowd gasped while some were silent at the turn of events. "People are gonna see him!" Mikey yelled while holding onto Tasneem. "I can't believe this is happening." Cheyenne said to herself. "Well, I hope Leo gets home, okay, you guys ready to go?" Donnie asks them while he calmly stands up making the group glare at him. "And the mystery wrestle of the hour erasing Ghostbear flawless record your new champion uh this guy!" Jessica yelled and she drops Leo's arm and threw the belt on his waist. Leo looks down at the belt and then back at the fans who start cheering for him. "Alright." Leo said as he holds the belt and poses for the cameras around him. "Wave goodbye to Ghostbear fans. We'll be right back with more wrestling." Jessica said to everyone with a smile on her face. "This is going to get to Leo's head." Jesse said with a grin as Leo looks up at her giving Jesse a wink.

Jessica takes Leo backstage all the way to Ghostbear's dressing room. "I don't know who you are but in my league, we turn disaster into stone-cold cash. I'm Jessica Jaclyn. What do you go by kid?" Jessica asks Leo who clears his throat. "Neon Leon." Leo said to her with a smile. "That's terrible. We're calling you Primetime now. Let's talk costumes." Jessica said to him. "Okay." Leo said to her with a smile. "How married are you to this whole turtle situation?" Jessica asks him as the two walks over to a dressing room. "Now there's this girl I really like." Leo said to her. "There's no need to say more." Jessica said to him then she removed Ghostbear's name from the board before writing 'Primetime' on it. "Remember you're the champ now. Anything you need, it's yours. And get ready. I'm putting you in the next match to defend that belt." Jessica said to him as she kicks the door open and she pushes Leo into the room. "Primetime in primetime!" Jessica yelled then she closes the door and walks away.

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