No Connection

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In New York

In The Sewer Lair

Mikey and Tasneem were making some pizza for the group in the kitchen. "How are the pizza rolls going?" Mikey asks Tasneem who looks at the Oven. "Looking great captain, how is pizza tots going?" Tasneem asks him as Mikey takes the pizza tots. "Already baby." Mikey said to her while putting the tots down. "Isn't this a lot of food?" Tasneem asks him making Mikey look at her. "So? You and the others need food to survive, and pizza items are the best items to eat when you are hungry." Mikey said to her. "Okay, I get it. We all love pizza." Tasneem said to him with a smile. "Why do you say that?" Mikey asks her. "All we eat is pizza, Mikey that we order or homemade." Tasneem said to him with a smile. "Right." Mikey said to her with a smile and the two sit in silence not knowing what to say. "Tasneem..." Mikey said to break the silence. "Yeah." Tasneem said to him. "Do you find me annoying?" Mikey asks her making Tasneem takes his hand. "Why would you ask that?" Tasneem asks him making Mikey look at her. "I know something I can be annoying at times." Mikey said to her making Tasneem kiss his cheek making Mikey turn red. "Mikey, you are a kind, happy, easy-going family man." Tasneem said to him making Mikey hug her. "Thank you, Tasneem." Mikey said to her with a smile. "Anytime, Mikey." Tasneem said to him and she kisses his cheek. "What are you guys doing?" The two hear Cheyenne making them turn to see Cheyenne, Donnie, Raph, and Jamey walking into the kitchen. "Nothing." Tasneem said to them with a smile. "That's a lot of food." Jamey said to them. "We know but we will eat all of it." Tasneem said to them. "And if you don't I will force it on you." Mikey said to them with an evil voice making the group look at Mikey. "What?" Mikey asks them with a smile.

At The Skateboarding Area

"I'm learning about important dates in history, wanna be one of them?" Jesse asks Leo giving him a one-liner making Leo hide his red face in his hands. "What did I do to deserve this?" Leo asks himself as he crossed his arms. "It's the taste of sweet revenge, Leon." Jesse said to him as she stands behind Leo. "Speaking of sweet..." Jesse said to him as she leans against Leo. "Your lips are looking really sweet right now, mind if I have a taste?" Jesse asks him. "JESSE!" Leo yelled at her while the others walk into the area. "Alright, what is all the commotion about?" Donnie asks them and the two see Jesse laughing on the floor while Leo was hiding his face. "I'm sorry, what did we just walk in on?" Cheyenne asks them making Leo look at them. "HELP ME! JESSE IS TRYING TO KILL ME AND IS SUCCEEDING!" Leo yelled at them. "What is she doing?" Raph asks his brother. "She giving me one-liners." Leo said to him. "So, she is fighting back." Jamey said to him making Raph laugh a little. "Don't mind us, guys. Nothing much is happening, the tables have simply turned." Jesse said to them with a smile. "Good for you, Jesse." Tasneem said to her as she and Mikey rolled in the food they made while Leo lets out a groan of defeat causing Jesse to laugh. "Don't worry, Leo, take a break. You must be tired from running through my mind all day." Jesse said to him then she laughs again making Leo grab her by the shoulders. "JESSE, I PROMISE I'LL NEVER USE MY ONE-LINERS ON YOU AGAIN JUST PLEASE STOP!" Leo yelled at her, Jesse knows Leo was not going to stop using his one-liners on her so she just wants to enjoy the moment. "Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, if you're here, who's running heaven?" Jesse asks him making Leo put his head on Jesse's shoulder. Leo looks at her with a smile happy to see her laughing and smiling again making Leo kiss Jesse's forehead. "I would never play hide and seek with you because someone like you is impossible to find." Leo said giving her a one-liner making Jesse laugh a little.

Later Leo was skating into the air on his skateboard with Jesse watching him. Donnie and Cheyenne were on their tablets while Donnie would look at Cheyenne who was leaning against him. Donnie was getting very confused with his feelings of love for Cheyenne, he doesn't know what to do with the way he feels. Donnie wishes he was like his brothers who can show emotions very easily. Jamey was watching Raph do push-ups while she was sitting on his shell. Tasneem walks over to Mikey who was looking over the food that the two made. "Okay, Mikey roll call." Tasneem said to him. "We got pizza rolls, pizza balls, pizza tots, pizza puffs and duck a l'orange pizza!" Mikey yelled then Tasneem places down a new plate. "And I made brownies for dessert!" Tasneem said to him with a smile. "They are beauty." Mikey said to her as he try to take one making Tasneem hit his hand away. "Ow!" Mikey said while rubbing his hand. "After you eat your food, Mikey." Tasneem said to him making Mikey smile and nod. "As if today could get any more perfect." Donnie said to them. "If it was too perfect you would been hiding in your lab." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie laugh a little.

"Live in Tokyo, the extreme skateboarding finals."

The announcer said making Raph walk over to Donnie and Cheyenne who was looking at Donnie's tablet. "Hey, it's starting guys." Raph said to them making everyone walk over to Donnie but Leo. "Whoo-hoo!" Mikey yelled as Leo skated behind them looking at the screen. "Huh?" Leo said as he stopped by Jesse. 

"Three hours of insane tricks. And the rumors are true. Sydney Allen will attempt a 14-40 on the Mega Ramp."

The announcer said while the sisters look at Sydney remembering that she was an idol to the brothers. "Is that even possible?" Cheyenne asks herself. "No way!" Tasneem yelled while looking at the tablet. "She's gotta be a mutant." Raph said to them. "Sydney is more of a daredevil." Jamey said to them in surprise. "Hey." Leo calls them making the group turn to him to see Leo on top of the ramp. "I bet I could do a 14-40." Leo said to them making Donnie sigh. "I will forego my usual, "No don't, That's four rotations. That's crazy talk Leo. And skip right ahead to cover the food." Donnie said to them. "Because it gonna get messy." Cheyenne said to them making Raph and Mikey run over to the food to cover it. "For Sydney!" Leo yelled then he jumps off the ramp. "Hot soup!" Leo yelled as he skated down the ramp where he speed right past the table of food. "Whoa!" Raph and Mikey said as Cheyenne holds up her phone to record Leo's skating performance with a cruel smile on her face. Leo speed past Jesse who watched him while Donnie's eyes were glued to his tablet. Leo goes up the ramp and into the air. "Cowabunga!" Leo yelled as he try the move but his skateboard flew away from him. Leo thumbed down the ramp with a scream until he slid down the ramp and stop by Jesse's feet making the group laugh at Leo but Donnie and Jesse. Unfortunately, Leo's skate went flying into the Wi-Fi conduit breaking it. "The Wi-fi." Jamey said as Raph grabs Donnie's tablet and he sees there was no connection. "Oh, this can't be good." Tasneem said looking at Raph going a little crazy. "Wi-Fi, skating." Raph said then he grabs Donnie and Cheyenne. "Raph watch, Donnie and Cheyenne fix, Raph happy." Raph said to the two making Donnie use his robotic arm to push Raph away from the two. "I need pre-game. Stats, highlights of past stats, projections of future stats. We're missing the stats, people!" Donnie yelled and the brothers start going crazy while the sisters watch them. "And we're gonna Miss Sydney and the 14-30!" Mikey yelled as the brothers panicked scream. "Now, I see why dad ever gave us Wi-Fi when I ask for it." Cheyenne said to herself then Donnie runs up to her. "There are stats I need from you, woman." Donnie said to her while grabbing her shoulders. "Okay, let's be sure not to be here next time the Wi-Fi is out." Cheyenne said to her sisters. "And when Splinter is sick." Jesse said to them making Tasneem look at her. "You sure you don't want Leo being all cute with you when he is sick?" Tasneem asks her. "I can live without getting sick when he hugs me." Jesse said to her. "Everybody cool it!" Jamey yelled making the brothers stop moving. "There's worse things in the world than-" Jamey said then Raph grabbed her. "Our lives are ruined!" Raph yelled as he starts crying then he hugs his girlfriend. "No wait. I got a fix. But it ain't gonna be pretty." Jesse said to them making Leo run over to her. "Yes, what is it we will do anything." Leo said to her. "Go talk to your father." Jesse said to the brothers who look at each other. 

The teens enter the other room where Splinter was watching tv. "Splinter, your sons want to ask you something." Tasneem said to him as the brothers kneel in front of Splinter. "Dad you gotta let us watch T.V." Raph said to him as the brothers give Splinter their sad faces. "We'll do anything!" Mikey said to him. "Anything? Hmm...that is more than something and just shy of everything. Go on." Splinter said as he was about to drink his tea. "Gourmet dinners?" Mikey said to him. "Nostril waxing?" Donnie said to him making the sisters look at him. "Hey Raph will even carry you around 24/7." Leo said to him. "That off the table, Raph can only carry me." Jamey said to Leo. "But..." Leo said to her making Jamey cut him off. "No." Jamey said to him as she jumps onto Raph's shoulders. Mikey then tries to grab the remote but Splinter hit his hand away with his tail. "Ow!" Mikey yelled then he moves over to Tasneem. "Despite the generous offer, I must refuse. We are in the golden age of commercials! I would bring disgrace on my family if I missed even one." Splinter said to them as a commercial was on.

"You ever wanted ice cubes but found pouring water directly into the freezer isn't helpful? Then you need...Ice Tray brand trays for ice."

The teens leave the room and into the skating room. "Okay ideas people. My eyes need extreme skateboarding ASAP." Donnie said to them. "Maybe next time let's not put the Wi-fi in a high traffic crash zone." Leo said to him making Donnie glare at Leo and he was going to attack Leo. "Donnie, no." Cheyenne said to him grabbing Donnie's hands, and stopping him from attacking Leo. "Wi-fi!" Raph yelled making everyone look at him. "That's it. I know what to do." Raph said to them.

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