First Villain Boss

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In New York

At The Construction Site

The five return back to the construction site brick wall. Raph holds up the compass in front of the wall trying to figure out how to open the portal with the device. "A few hours ago I would've called this foolish and impossible. Now I just call it foolish." Donnie said to the group making Mikey look at him. "Say what you want, Donnie. Raph'll pull it off, 'cause if he doesn't, we'll lose our best friend forever." Mikey said to Donnie. "Mikey, don't say that. You know he chokes under pressure." Leo said to him. "Does he now." Tasneem said to them. "Leo, he's even more self-conscious when you talk about it." Donnie said to him. "And then you can smell his fear." Mikey said to them. "He's what?" Tasneem asks him making Mikey look at her. "His fear stink." Mikey said to her making Raph turn to them. "Stop talking about my fear stink!" Raph yelled at them making the four give him a look. Raph then dramatically points the compass at the wall but nothing happens. Raph then pushes it closer and shakes the compass, but nothing happens. Raph then try punches the bricks repeatedly while his brothers and Tasneem look on. "Come on! Stupid wall!" Raph yelled then he threw the compass at the wall only for it to bounce back to hit him and he falls. "Oh." Raph said as Mikey caught the compass. "How about we let the artist of the crew take a poke at it?" Mikey asks them. "I say give him a shot. I mean, he can't do any worse, respectfully." Leo said to them. "Hey." Raph said to him as Mikey approaches the wall and holds the compass close to it. The pointer starts spinning and a glow appears, creating a matrix. Mikey cries out triumphantly and quickly draws the M on the wall. The opening appears and he gazes down through the glowing tunnel. "You beautiful fools. It worked!" Donnie said to them as the four walked closer to the tunnel then Raph comes up behind Tasneem and Mikey. "All I had to do was believe in myself." Raph said to them. "Okay, uh, what do we do now?" Tasneem asks them making the brothers look at Raph. "Cannonball!" Raph yelled and he leaps into the tunnel. "Okay, we are going with that." Tasneem said to himself as the brothers follow Raph down. "Cannonball!" The brothers yelled as they jump into the tunnel. Tasneem jumps in last following the brothers through. Tasneem sees Raph, Donnie and Mikey didn't land so great. Tasneem lands on her foot while hearing the other three grunts in pain. "Landsafely..." Leo said as he lands on one leg. "Aha! Oh, whoa!" Leo yelled as the brothers expressed amazement as they look around at a strange world full of creatures. "I can smell Raph's amazement stink." Leo said to the group. "Exactly what I expected." Donnie said to them. "Are you kidding me?" Raph said to them while Mikey turns to Tasneem. "You live here." Mikey asks her. "Yep." Tasneem said to him making Donnie walk over to her. "You get to show me around." Donnie said to her making Tasneem move back a little with a smile. "Psst." The five hear something making them turn around to see April. "Hey, guys, over here." April said to them. "April!" Mikey yelled with a smile. The brothers rush over to April and the group shares a group hug. "Missed you!" Raph yelled as they separated while Tasneem walks over to them. "Donnie, where are we?" Raph asks Donnie. "According to my calculations, we are in a tertiary meta-verse." Donnie said to them. "Actually..." Tasneem said to them making the group look at her. "If you friend April has been exploring, and we're in amystic hidden city deep under New York." Tasneem said to them pointing up making the group look up to see a hole showing New York. "That was my second guess." Donnie said to them. "Whoa." Mikey said to himself. "So where's the dog thingy?" Leo asks Tasneem who looks at him. "If I am right, he's in there." Tasneem said pointing at something making the group look towards a round structure high up on the hill.

Next, the metal door slides open and the group is standing there. The brothers and April all gasp and make amazing noises. "Look at the color scheme. Whoa, I'd love to do my lab in this style." Donnie said to them as the group follows Tasneem. "Hey, there's the little guy. And the delivery guy too." Raph said to them as the group looks down. The dog thingy and the delivery guy are in separate cages. Dog thingy keeps trying to portal out, unsuccessfully. "We gotta help them get out." Raph said to them making Tasneem stop him. "Someone's coming." Tasneem said to him as four figures enter the room, where three of them are wearing long black jackets with their hoodies up. Tasneem knows it was Baron Draxum and her sisters. "If you're the guy that keeps calling about the calamari, fine, it's pig butts! But the crab cakes are real." The Delivery Guy said to them. "I assure you, I have no interest in your petty cakes of crab." Baron said to him then the small creature leaped from Draxum's shoulder onto the front of the cage. "But we would love to hear more about those pig butts." Muninn said to the guy. "Ah!" The Delivery Guy screams while one of the figures wearing a jacket walks over to the dog thingy's care. The figure reaches inside the cage. "So nice of you to return my monster's vial." She said as she yanks the globe off its neck. She then walks over to Baron and she hands it to him who walks over to the delivery guy. "You are about to be part of an experiment that will change the very nature of humanity." Baron said to him. "All right!" The Delivery Guy yelled with a smile. Baron corks the globe and pours green liquid contents into a giant tank full of Oozesquitoes. Liquid flows up to cylinder and electricity begins to spark of tubes. "This dude looks like trouble." April said to her group. "Yeah, and if I've learned anything from "Jupiter Jim" movies, glowing green usually equals bad." Raph said to her as the Green liquid multiplies in size and Oozesquitoes begin drinking it. Draxum extracts one of the Oozesquitoes from the container and walks back to the caged delivery guy. "So..." The delivery Guy said as Draxum gestures and cage walls turn into vines which wrap around the delivery guy and lift him up. "Is this gonna hurt?" The Delivery Guy asks him. "It will...if I'm doing it right." Baron said to him as the Oozesquito latches on to the delivery guy's face and pumps green liquid into him. Leaves a red dot on his forehead. "Hey, that wasn't so – oh, ow. Okay, this part hurts." The delivery guy said as he begins transforming. "This part – oh! This part hurts. Ah, that hurts! Oh!" The delivery guy said while the brothers, April and Tasneem watched. "What's happening to him?" Raph asks them. "That is messed up." April said to them as the Delivery guy is transformed and making gurgling noises. The turtles and April react with groans and grimaces. "Yeah, the jury's in. That was imitation crab." Donnie said to them making the group look at him. "I just got used to acne. Now, this?" Crab guy said and he starts screaming and he runs out of the room. "Should we go after him, boss?" The one with the purple jacket asks Baron. "The mutation worked, just like it did all those years ago." Baron said to himself while looking at the three sisters. "Mutation? You mean like us?" Raph asks them then he gasps. "Could we be –" Raph said to them making Mikey cut him off. "Partimitation crab?" Mikey asks them making Donnie start laughing but stops when Mikey looks at him. "You are not kidding, are you?" Donnie asks him while Baron walks over to the doggy's cage. "I'll deal with you next." Baron said to it and he walks out with the three following him.

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