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"Let me start at the beginning."

Someone said to the readers as a video was shown with the turtle ninjas fighting against a giant serpentine robot with two-fingered arms. "I first met the turtles in a battle that raged on for hours." The person said as the turtles fight the robot. Donnie jumped up in the air to pull out his teach bo that turns into a war hammer. "Since that first battle, I knew...That's not me, I'm over there." The person said making the readers turn to see Warren sitting atop a railcar. "Prepare to taste the awesome wrath of my incredible...." Warren said then Donnie landed on top of him and squashes him. "I knew after this first fantastical battle we would meet again." Warren said to them. Then five days later the turtles were now battling living bowling pins in a bowling alley. Warren stands in the foreground of the screen. "And again." Warren said as Jesse kicks a bowling pin away from her that landed on Warren. Then a few days later, Warren was standing on top of a building the suddenly a soccer ball lands on him. While Mikey and Tasneem snap pictures of themselves, the turtles run across the building playing a game. "For I am Warren Stone, former number one news anchor, and the greatest foe of the Teenage Mutant Loser Turtles." Warren said to himself then he laughs.

One Night Later

A large being whirls in midair and then lands on a ladder attached to a building. Weight causes the ladder to fall. Jumps up again, looks around, and then leaps on top of another building. It's clear that it's someone in a hippo costume. The then person struggles to remove the head and when it finally comes off, reveals that it's Raph inside. "You sure that evil mutant hippo is around here?" Raph asks his team who joins him. "It's a million degrees in this thing." Raph said to them making Mikey jump up to stick his head into the hippo's head. "Um, I'd be happy to wear it, if you need a break." Mikey said to him while Jesse leans onto Leo's shell. "No, no." Raph said as he starts pulling on the head. "No, no, no, no. I'm the leader." Raph said to him as he gets the head back. "The leader wears the suit." Raph said to him while hugging the head. "Well, I mean, he's got a point. Raph is the most hippo-like." Leo said making the group chuckle. "I need a little more of that female hippo scent." Raph said to them making Donnie take out a perfume atomizer shaped like a female hippo. Cheyenne presses the bulb, which sends a hippo-shaped mist toward Raph. It hits Raph's face with the sound of a kiss, forms a heart, and then dissipates as Raph blushes. "Jazzy fresh." Raph said to them. "Some leader." Jamey said to herself making Raph look at her with a smile. "When we are done can we get some pizza?" Tasneem asks the group who nods at her. "We will order all the pizza you want." Cheyenne said to her. "We can't do that, we only have so much money." Donnie said to her. "So says you." Jesse said to him while Leo plays with Jesse's mask ends. 

"Help!" The group hears someone yelling in the distance. "Guys, that must be him." Jamey said to them then the turtles leap from the rooftop and into the park playground. "A hippo magician is trying to saw my magic worm in half." Someone said as the turtles look down from atop a playhouse to see two lighted arrows directed at a magician's saw box. Warren's head is sticking out of one end then a spotlight snaps on and focuses on the box as the arrows fall over. "Does anyone else find this whole thing a little –" Leo said and Donnie cuts him off. "Odd? Just –" Donnie said to him then Tasneem and Mikey cuts him off. "Magic worm?" The two said to him. "Totally legit." Raph said to them and he jumps from the playhouse. "Don't worry, Raph'll save you. Ouf!" Raph yelled as he lands on a paper. "Uh...hey, hey." Raph said as he was struggling with the paper his feet are stuck to. "Raph stuck." Raph said to them as he tries to get the paper off of him. "Not again." Leo said to himself and the others jump down to Raph and Warren. Leo hands Jesse his sword and he helps Donnie try to get Raph off of the sticky paper. "Why was that even there?" Jamey asks herself while rubbing her head. "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" Warren laughs making the turtles look at him. "Stepped right into my goop trap." Warren said to them then there was silence. "Your what now?" Jamey asks him. "Goop trap." Warren said to her. "Talking magic worm?" Mikey asks him with a smile. "That was all a ruse. For I am Warren Stone, your greatest foe, and –" Warren said then Leo touches Warren's hair. "I'm sorry, Warren who?" Leo asks him with a raised eyebrow while he pushes down on Warren's hair. "Stop it!" Warren yelled at him while hitting Leo's hand away. "Stone. I'm your greatest fo—" Warren said making Jesse cut him off. "Ah, don't tell me. What are you? Uh, Worm-Man?" Jesse said to him while Raph was trying to get off of the paper again. "No, no, no, I'm Waa—" Warren said to her and Raph cuts him off. "Can someone help me get unstuck?" Raph asks them while Tasneem and Mikey start playing in the sand pit. "Fine." Leo said to him then Leo and Donnie struggle to pull the sticky paper off Raph's costumed feet. "Um, greatest nemesis, here." Warren said to them while the young turtles were making a sand castle, Cheyenne was on her phone while Jamey and Jesse watched Leo and Donnie who was trying to get their brother unstuck. "Stop!" Warren yelled and he then leaps to attack them only to land on Leo's head. "Ah, get it off of me! It's gross!" Leo yelled making the others look at him. "Classic mistake. I may be small, but I'm also very—ah!" Warren yelled as Leo smacks him making him go flying. "Huh?" Leo said then he grabs his sword from Jesse and he slices Warren in two. Everyone looks at Warren who was on the ground in two. "Oh, what did you do?" Raph asks Leo. "He was on my head! I panicked!" Leo yelled and he hugs Jesse. "Is he gonna be okay?" Mikey asks them. "Is he gonna be okay?! He's in two pieces!" Raph yelled while Jesse pats Leo's head. "You fools!" Warren yelled making everyone jump and they all hide behind Raph. "You've unleashed my ultimate power. Now I can—" Warren said then Tasneem cuts him off. "You can clone yourself?" Tasneem asks him while standing behind Jesse. "No, I regenerate. It's an amazing power, but it's incredibly painful." Warren said to them. "Fascinating." Cheyenne said to herself while Donnie walks over to Warren. "How long does the regeneration process take?" Donnie asks him. "Several days." Warren said to him. "And you grow back with double the strength." Mikey said to him. "No." Warren said to him. "But four times the size." Jamey said to him. "If I don't grow back twice as strong, why would I grow back four times as big? Ow!" Warren yelled while everyone watched him. "I don't understand you." Leo said to him with a bored face. "Can we go get some pizza now? I'm hungry." Raph said to his group who start walking away from Warren. "Are you sure he's gonna be okay, guys?" Mikey asks his group. "I'm fine, you swamp-stinking, county-fair-prize losers. Ouf." Warren yelled at them. "You heard his scream. He's fine." Jamey said to him. 

"Ugh, I had my fists set on bustin' up a magic hippo. What a waste." Raph said to them making Jamey jump onto Raph's shoulders. "No worries big guy, when we finish eating we'll try again." Jamey said to him brightly, making Raph smile. "Can we get four pizza boxes then two can share one between themselves?" Tasneem said to them making Cheyenne put her arm around her. "I like the way you are thinking." Cheyenne said to her giving her sister a hug. "Then let's get pizza my friends." Leo said to them making Jesse jump over Leo's shoulders. "The last group to arrive at Tony Lou's Pizza pays for the four boxes." Jesse said to them while her sisters stand by Jesse's side. "Do you girls think you can beat us?" Leo said as a smirk spreads across his face. "Are you scared, Leo?" Jamey asks him with a smile. "The Mad Dogs are not scared of anything." Raph said to her making Cheyenne laugh a little. "Then you boys are up for a little game then?" Cheyenne asks him making Donnie walk over to Leo's side. "You know it." Donnie said to them with a smile. "GAME ON!" Tasneem yelled and she uses her earth powers to make a wall around the brothers. "HEY, THAT IS NOT FAIR!" Leo yelled at them. "Who said anything about this being fair?" Jamey asks him and the sisters jump away leaving the boys. "If they want to play like that fine." Raph said to himself.

Leo makes a portal out of the wall that was holding him and his brothers. "LET'S GO!" Raph yelled and the brothers jump onto the rooftops. "They can't be far." Mikey said to them as they jump onto a rooftop and they see the sisters. "LET ME, ATTACK THEM!" Donnie yelled as he jumps over to the sisters as his bo changes into a hammer. "DONNIE WAIT!" Donnie's brothers yelled as Donnie hits the sisters who turns out to be stone. "Oh, they are good." Donnie said to himself after seeing the stone in front of him. "I am using my sword to take us there." Leo said to them. "Are you..." Raph said but Leo already made a portal then Leo kicks his brothers into the portal and the brothers land on top of the pizza place. "What take you guys so long?" The brothers hear Tasneem making them look up to see the sisters standing there. "It's not our fault that you girls use your powers on us." Leo said to them making the girls laugh at them. "Okay, it's not that funny." Raph said to them as the girls' landed on the ground laughing like crazy people. "I mean it was a little funny." Donnie said to himself making his brothers look at him to see Donnie staring at Cheyenne. "Maybe." Leo said to himself and he looks over to Jesse who was hugging herself while laughing. "I find this cute for some reason." Raph said to himself while watching Jamey. Mikey looks at everyone and then at Tasneem with a smile before looking confused. "What are we doing?" Mikey asks them with a smile making his brothers look at him while the girls calm down a little.

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