The Longest Fight

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Topside of New York

The ninjas arrived at one of the large shopping malls in New York named, Gilbert's Department Store. "Gilbert's Department store after hours, an ideal per excellence Raphael." Donnie said to his bother while Cheyenne turns the power on. The group all sit together at a table as Donnie turns on his tablet. "I was due." Raph said to him as Cheyenne takes Donnie's tablet. "And, thanks to April's job here last year, we have the Wi-Fi password." Cheyenne said to them then she type the password. "One." Cheyenne said then the tablet starts to access the Wi-Fi, the she hands the table to Donnie.

"We'll be right back with more skateboarding. Brought to you by Ice Tray Grand Trays for ice."

The announcer said making the brothers cheer then Donnie kisses Cheyenne's cheek, causing her to give him an unseemly look. "I love you guys and watching you this with all of you is my favorite bonding day of the year." Mikey said then he hugs Cheyenne and Donnie making the others enjoy them. Then the group sits two at a table few seconds later. "That didn't last long." Jesse said to herself seeing that Donnie was sitting with Cheyenne, Tasneem with Mikey and Raph with Jamey. "Hey, Jesse." Leo calls her making Jesse look at Leo who moves closer to her. "There something I want to tell you." Leo said to her. "What is it?" Jesse asks him before Leo can tell her a big bang was heard. "Did you guys hear that?" Raph asks them making Leo roll his eyes. "You mean that loud bang? No." Leo said to him. "Is anyone gonna check it out?" Raph asks them. "And miss skateboarding? Sounds like a job for the guy who's always telling us he's our leader." Donnie said to him making Raph look at Jamey. "See what I talk about it." Raph said to her. "Raph, it's fine we will go." Jamey said to him as she takes Raph's hand and the two leave the food court.

Jamey and Raph were on the escalator while Raph was on his phone watching the skateboarding competition. Jamey steps off the escalator then Raph who walks into something. "Raph." Jamey said to him then she pushes Raph into a hiding spot. The two see Brute the Foot ninja walking past them. "That foot face guy. What's he doing here?" Raph asks Jamey as the two follow Brute to the other one. "Enough buffoonery. Get back to work." Lieutenant said to him and the two start trying to get into a jewelry store. "Not good." Jamey said to herself.

Back in the food court, Leo looks over at Jesse who was reading a book. His desire to be with her and to love Jesse is now crystal clear to him. "Guys!" Raph yelled as he and Jamey run back into the food court. "Those freaky flame-guys are back stealing jewelry. Gear up fells. Time To show 'em what we think of that." Raph said to them. "Yeah okay. Do you mean after we're done watching the finals? Cool." Leo said to him making Jamey walk over to Leo. "Come on Leo! Crime never takes a break, so neither can we." Jamey said to him. "I am not sure I follow, you mean like on commercials." Donnie said to them. "Oh man, you guys are killing me." Raph said to himself then there was a loud crash. "Look, this is serious fellas okay?" Raph said to them. "Okay." Raph's brothers said to him making Raph groans. "Fine!" Raph yelled making the group look at him. "We'll try to do both. Fight bad guys and watch skating. Hey and we are real heroes." Raph said to them making his brothers cheer. "This will be fun." Tasneem said to herself.

"Sydney's signing autographs for the judges before she goes."

The announcer said as the turtles walk to the escalator to the store. 

"For those of you just tuning in Sydney Allen is about to attempt the 14-40 on the mega ramp. It's the moment skate fans have been waiting their whole lives for."

The announcer said as the escalator takes them to the store. "There they are." Jesse said as the group walks over to the store. "Alright hot heads. Hand over the ruby ring and-" Raph said then he stops. 

"Sydney Allen is climbing up the Mega Ramp as I speak."

The announcer said on the brothers phones and Donnie's table. The brother excited chatter making the sisters and the Foot ninjas look at them. "Hey, guys." Cheyenne said to them. "Ahem." The lieutenant said to them. "Hey with you in a sec pal." Raph said to him making the sisters stand infront of the brothers. "Give them a minute." Cheyenne said to them. "You ninjas are getting on my nerves." Lieutenant said to them. "Your welcome." Tasneem said to him with a smile.

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