Mrs. Cuddles

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In New York

In The Sewer

Jamey was on her way to Raph's room when she heard him singing, which prompted her to slink inside. Raph is seated on the floor facing away from the door, as Jamey can see. "Hey, Raphie. What are you doing?" Jamey asks him as she walks into the room. "I'm not doing anything." Raph said to her obviously unwilling to tell Jamey something who sees yarn on the floor. "Is that yarn?" Jamey asks him making Raph turn to her and Jamey sees Raph knitting something. "Yeah, I'm knitting." Raph said to her. "Knitting? Can you show me how to knit?" Jamey asks him making Raph is ecstatic because his brothers have dubbed him weak for it. "Okay." Raph said with a smile as Jamey sits down next to him. "What color yarn do you want?" Raph asks her. "Red." Jamey said without hesitation making Raph giggle. "Pinch the yarn with both hands, leaving the tail alone." Raph explains to Jamey. "Like this?" Jamey asks as she does what Raph told her. "Yes, hold the yarn in your hands and bind them together to form a loop." Raph said to her, Jamey follows Raph's instructions word by word, perfectly. "That's it, honey. You just tied a slipknot." Raph said to her making Jamey smile as Raph kisses her cheek. "To tighten it up, place it on the needle and tug the yarn tails." Raph said to her making Jamey nods, and she follows his instructions. Raph makes an endearing chuckle in response to Jamey's smile. "Give a thumbs up while grabbing the short tail of yarn. The yarn is then hooked onto your thumb by swinging your thumb behind the thread. Hold on tight." Raph said to her making Jamey do that. "Like this?" Jamey said to him showing Raph. "Perfect. Next, slide the needle into the loop by touching it to the front of your thumb." Raph said to her while scooting closer to Jamey and he kisses Jamey's cheek as she does what he says. "Okay, hold the needle in your left hand, take the yarn from the ball with your right hand, and wrap it around the needle from back to front." Raph said to her, Jamey was perplexed at this moment. "Here..." Raph said as he helps Jamey. "Thank you." Jamey said to him. "You're welcome." Raph said to her. "Now, bring the yarn down until it reaches the loop on your thumb, and pull your thumb's loop over the needle." Raph said to her while sitting behind Jamey who does what he says. "Place the loop on the needle and tighten the new stitch by bringing the yarn tail down." Raph said to her making Jamey nods and follows Raph's instructions. Then, Jamey raises it so Raph can see it while Jamey was wearing an expression. "Like this?" Jamey asks her. "Perfect, honey." Raph said to her making Jamey smile. "Now what?" Jamey asks him. "You've now mastered knitting, congratulations!" Raph said to her then he kisses Jamey's forehead. "You're going to have the greatest red scarf you've ever had when I create one for you." Jamey said to him and she follows the instructions Raph just gave her. Raph then takes a seat behind Jamey and gives her a bear hug, causing her to lean into his chest while knitting.

Later the Turtles, Splinter, and April in the living room about to watch a TV cable program since April was hired to be an actress. "Congrats on the acting job April! I'm so happy for you I could punch a rainbow." Raph said to her while Leo pulls Jesse into his arms. "It's just a tiny basic cable show." April said to him while Tasneem leans into Mikey's chest. "Not so tiny. It knocked Scorpion Treadmill out of its time slot." Splinter said to them. "Scorpion Treadmill is going to kill your brian cells." Cheyenne said to him. "Or whatever is left." Donnie said to her then Splinter throws his shoe at Donnie hitting his head. "Ow." Donnie said while rubbing his head. Leo kisses Jesse's cheek then he walks over to Raph and Jamey. "Say how'd you like to sit in the front row Raph?" Leo asks his brother while holding onto Raph's shoulders. "Okay." Raph said to him and he walks to the front with Leo as April laughs alittle. Raph sits infront of everyone without looking back Leo gives his brothers a smile. "I feel like we are missing out on something fun." Tasneem said to Donnie who smiles at her. 

Then the show starts with April dresses as a bunny and very close to the camera. "Hi kids. It's time for the Laffy Fun Time Hour with Mrs Cuddles!" April said then the group sees a puppet rabbit she had a white tail, short blue fur, a light blue snout and belly, dark blue seam-like markings, a red nose, long, hanging rainbow-striped ears, enormous black eyes, and yellow bow on top of her head. "Let's be friends forever~" Cuddles said to them on the tv.

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