Hypno! Part Deux

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In New York

In The Sewer

Cheyenne walks out of her room on her phone talking to Todd who was asking her to come over to fix a few things at his little heaven for dogs. Cheyenne looks up from her phone to see Donnie on his tablet. Cheyenne walks over to Donnie whose eyes were glued to his tablet. "Hey, Donnie." Cheyenne calls him making Donnie jump. "No, why!" Donnie yelled then he turns to see Cheyenne there. "Oh, hey Cheyenne." Donnie said to him with a smile. "Todd is asking for some help fixing up the heaven for dogs." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie stand up. "Heaven for dogs?" Donnie asks her. "It wasn't my idea to name it that." Cheyenne said to him while Mikey and Tasneem walk into the room. "What do you say, would you like to accompany me to Todd's home to do whatever repairs are necessary?" Cheyenne asks Donnie before he can answer her Mikey jumps in between the two. "I want to see Indiana Bones, and Little Bones again." Mikey said to them while holding onto Cheyenne's shoulders. "I want to see Miho again." Tasneem said to them. "Fine, you guys can come only if you stay out of..." Cheyenne said to them but before she can finish her sentence the two younger turtles run away from them the Turtle Tank. "The way." Cheyenne said to herself then she looks at Donnie. "What do you say, Donnie?" Cheyenne asks him making Donnie take ahold of her hand. "Sounds fun." Donnie said to her making Cheyenen laugh alittle. Then the two hear the Turtle Tank's horn being pushed. "COME ON LOVE BIRDS WE ARE LOSING DAYLIGHT!" Mikey yelled for the two. "Mikey!" Tasneem yelled as Donnie and Cheyenne walk over to the garage where the Trank Tank was. 

Later the group arrived at Todd's place Mikey and Tasneem were playing with puppies while Donnie and Cheyenne were fixing the bath area. Donnie looks over at Cheyenne to see a puppy on her shoulder making him smile. "Us visiting this location again never crossed my mind." Cheyenne said to Donnie while she rubs the puppy's head. "I agree, but Todd is obviously not as intelligent as we are." Donnie said to her with a smile. "Donnie, your comments are always accurate." Cheyenne said to him while she places a puppy on Donnie's head. "I am aware that I am reliable at all times." Donnie said to her with a smile while Cheyenne sits down. "I'm well aware of that, Donnie." Cheyenne said to him and the two stared at each other until Donnie's phone rang. Donnie takes it out while Cheyenne pats a puppy's head. "You are conversing with Donatello." Donnie said while Cheyenne looks over at him. "What is a Donnier blocker?" April asks from Donnie's phone. "I put it on your phone so that you wouldn't get hacked or download anything with malware because I know how much you're into fantasy." Donnie said to her. "The only thing Donnie's blocking is April from being cool!" April yelled at him and ends the call. "Someone is in trouble." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look at her. "She will understand that the app is being her phone safe." Donnie said to her while in the background Tasneem and Mikey were playing with the puppies. 

Tasneem was drawing Mikey with a puppy with a smile on his face. "Do you think we can live here and not in the sewer?" Mikey asks Tasneem who looks at him. "If we move there then you can't see your dad." Tasneem said to him with a smile. "You are so right but the puppies." Mikey said to her while hugging a puppy. "Mikey, you know Todd said you can come over anytime." Tasneem said to him. "I know but Donnie doesn't let me drive the Turtle Tank." Mikey said to her. "That makes sense." Tasneem said to him then Mikey moves closer to Tasneem. "Can I look at your artbook?" Mikey asks her making Tasneem nod and she hands the book over to him. "Sure." Tasneem said to him as a puppy jumps onto her lap. Mikey looks through her book and he sees a drawing of Donnie wearing a suit while dancing with Cheyenne who had a dress on. On the other page, it was Leo holding a rose and giving it to Jesse. "Those are very good." Mikey said to her while turning the page. "Thanks." Tasneem said to him while holding a puppy. Mikey turns the page to see Raph and Jamey hugging each other with teddy bears around them. "Awwww." Mikey said to himself then he turns the page to see a drawing of him and Tasneem eating some sweets. Mikey smiles seeing the draw and he looks over at Tasneem who was laying down with puppies on her. Mikey takes out his phone and takes a picture of her with a smile while Tasneem hugs the puppies around her.

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