The Nexus Hotel

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In New York

On a dark starry night, the turtles were in the Turtle Tank on their way to the Nexus hotel after hearing the news that it was full of Oozequitoes while wearing bug buster outfits. "Donnie, Cheyenne. I and Mikey need an update." Tasneem said to the two. "Okay, one more time." Cheyenne said to her while she and Donnie turn to the young turtles. "Baron Draxum created ooze and put it in carrier bugs that bite people and turn 'em into mutants." Cheyenne said to them. "And for some reason, it's up to us to stop the whole situation." Donnie said to them. "No, we need an update for our phones." Mikey said to the two who give the young turtles a little. "Focus, you two." Jamey said to them. "The news said this hotel was full of oozesquitoes. We're suited up, so let's get down to business!" Raph said to the with a smile while Leo moves closer to Jesse. "Hey, Jess." Leo calls her making Jesse look at him. "Bee mine." Leo said to her with a smile. "Not the time for this, Leo." Jesse said to him making Leo smile at her.

At The Nexus Hotel

The turtles enter the hotel wearing special suits, and there a swarm of Oozequitoes was flying everywhere in the hotel. "Okay bugs, it's just you and us." Jamey said to them while the turtles take out their bug weapons. "And me!" The teens hear someone making them turn to see a human named Stanley standing by the front desk. "I get this." Leo said to Jesse and he runs over to the guy. "Do not fear sir. We are unlicensed amateurs and we have this situation mindly under control." Leo said to him. "Ew, your skin's all green." Stanley said to Leo. "Relax sir, it's just a perfectly normal side effect of all the chemicals we use." Leo said to him and Leo runs back to the others. "All right, remember the plan. Attract, smash. Zap smash bash smash!" Raph yelled and he runs away to zap some Oozequitoes while hitting a vase over a table. "Ah, no, no, no, nope." Stanley said as he picks up the vase and he looks at Raph. "Don't break anything! The boss will have my hide!" Stanley yelled then Oozequitoes starts flying over to him. "I say we revise Raph's plan to make sure this guy doesn't get mutated." Leo said to them while Stanley runs away from the Oozequitoes. "Stick to the plan. If we capture the oozequito nobody gets mutated." Raph said to Leo who rolls his eyes while Jamey looks at Mikey. "Mikey, you're up." Jamey said to him. "Roger skipper." Mikey said to her and he takes out a gun that Donnie and Cheyenne made for him that shot out honey. "Honey-based distraction released!" Mikey said as he shots some honey onto his suit. "I'm so sweet baby! Come and get me!" Mikey yelled and he starts running around while Jesse takes out her bug weapon which was a fan zapper. Raph then walks over to a state that a bug was sitting on. "Zappin like a-" Raph yelled as he swings but he doesn't hit the bug he hits Stanly. "Not me, the bugs!" Stanley yelled at him making Jamey run over to them. "You need to leave the building." Jamey said to him as Jesse and Leo walks over to them. "Get behind me. My trusty cloud of noxious gas will save you." Leo said to Stanley. "Leo, you're wasting it! We need that for the bugs!" Raph yelled at him. "I'm protecting this guy." Leo said to him and the two brothers start fighting each other. "Guys, this is not the time to fight each other." Jamey said to the two brothers while Jesse frees Stanley from Leo's hand.

Donnie and Cheyenne stand together while looking at the bugs. "Okay bugs check-in time is now a clock." Donnie said to the bugs making Cheyenne look at him. "Good one, D." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie give her a smile while taking out a purple sphere. Donnie throws the sphere at one of the bugs, the sphere traps one of them. "Yes!" Donnie yelled while Cheyenne walks over to the sphere and picks it up. The Oozequito breaks free from the sphere trap and flies away. "Wait, what?" Cheyenne said to herself. "Cowabunga!" Donnie and Chyenene hear Mikey and Tasneem yell making them turn to see Mikey and Tasneem flying at them. When the two lands on top of Cheyenne and Donnie, Mikey presses a button on Donnie's suit making them trapped in a sphere. "Can you two stop fighting." Jesse said to Leo and Raph as the sphere hits Leo, Raph, Jamey, and Jesse making them trapped in the sphere too. "Plan is really coming in together Raph." Leo said to him. "No more honey next plan." Jesse said to them while seeing honey on her hands. "However, honey is as sweet as you." Leo said to her making Jesse look at him. "Not the time, Leo." Jesse said to him then a mutated bull runs past them may like a clumsy bull that flees the hotel in panic with the Oozequito. "Gah, no! Leo, If you'd just listen to me we would've gotten the bugs." Raph said to him while Tasneem tried to free her hand from Mikey's suit that was covered in honey. "And been hosing down Mikey right now." Tasneem said to them. "We did listen to you Raph and that persnickety guy was ironically  mutated into a clumsy bull." Leo said to him. "Leo." Jesse said to him while Raph growled. "Hey how about we continue this classic Raph Leo argument outside the trap?" Donnie said to them while Cheyenne presses a button on Donnie's suit freeing the group from the trap. Donnie sits up to see Cheyenne on top of him making his cheeks turn red. "Sorry, Donnie." Cheyenne said to him as she takes up and then she helps Donnie up. "It's okay." Donnie said to her. "Look at this mess." Mikey said to them making everyone look at him. "We gotta do the right thing guys. And get out of here." Mikey said to them. "Sounds like a plan." Tasneem said to them while jumping onto Mikey's back. "And we can talk about you two fighting each other when we are home." Jamey said looking at Raph and Leo. "I am with you on that." Jesse said to Jamey while looking at Raph and Leo. 

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