The Fast and the Furriest

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In New York

At Night

At April's House

The sisters were in April's living room while Tasneem was playing with Mayhem. "Are you sure the boys can handle being alone with their dad?" Jamey asks her sisters. "Maybe, but Leo will think of more pick-up lines so when I get back I will lock myself in Donnie's lab." Jesse said to them while Cheyenne turns on her phone. April walks into the living room with some popcorn and drinks. "How are my favorite sisters doing?" April asks them as she hands Tasneem a drink. "Very good." Jamey said to her. "If you call being sick for a day a bad thing." Jesse said to them while April smiles at them. "It wasn't all bad." Tasneem said to them making Cheyenne look at her. "You were trying to eat your way out of your room." Cheyenne said to her making Tasneem laugh a little. "Good times." Tasneem said to them with a smile while Mayhem smiles at her. "I have a question for you, April." Jamey said making April look at her. "How did you meet the brothers?" Jamey asks her making April smile at her question. "I meet them on my birthday. I ask a few of my classmates over for my birthday but none of them came." April said to them making the sisters look at her. "I was so set up that night, I wanted to be alone so I went to the rooftop to cry." April said to them while playing with her fingers. "I saw Leo and Mikey as kids, maybe like 10 years ago. Looking back at it, it was the best thing. Mikey and Leo started singing happy birthday to me as Raph and Donnie walked over to us. I made four new friends that day but they are more than that. The brothers are like family to me." April said to them. "Are we apart of this family?" Tasneem asks her making April look at her. "I know, the time first you meet me I was running away and I ran into you guys asking for help and all." Tasneem said to her. "I'm glad I have girls who I can talk to about girls' things. I am happy that you guys are part of this family." April said to them making the sisters smile at her. 

"Now it's my turn to ask you something." April said to them while she hugs her legs. "Are you more fond of the brothers than your friends?" April asks them making the sisters look at her. "There's nothing that can get past me. Don't be afraid to talk to me, girls." April said to them with a smile. "Well, I don't know whether Leo is real about liking me or just using me for his pickup lines." Jesse said to them making April look at her. "It makes me think I should find someone else who will take me seriously." Jesse said to her. "That's Leo for you. He hasn't known when to be serious for a long time, but I know he is serious about you." April said to her making Jesse look at her. "Every time he talks to me about you, he asks how to grab your attention." April said to her making Jesse look at her hands turn red at the thought of Leo asking how to get her attention. "Cheye?" April calls her making Cheyenne look at her. "Everyone knows that Donnie has difficulty expressing his emotions, so it will take time for him." Cheyenne said to her. "Donnie has feelings." Tasneem said to herself making Cheyenne look at her. "We all have feelings, including Donnie." Cheyenne said to her as Tasneem hugs Mayhem. "You are not wrong, D has a hard time with his feelings. But you look like a patient girl so you will wait for him." April said to her with a smile. "Of course, I'll wait for him." Cheyenne said to her making April nod. "As for me and Raph." Jamey said making April look at her. "Whenever we are together, he is very nice to me, and I want him to make the first move, but knowing Raph, he will be too nervous." Jamey said to them. "And how about you?" Jesse asks her. "I have the courage to do it, but I don't want to scare him." Jamey said to them. "He won't be scared of you, Raph only has been a softie around you." April said to her making Jamey look at her. "I agree, he is a softie around me and I like it." Jamey said to her. "Mikey is very cute." Tasneem said to them making the girls look at her. "And I believe he has two characteristics, two doctors, I believe." Tasneem said to them making April look at her. "You will get to know them very soon." April said to her with a smile. "Mikey even shares his art supplies with me and we even cook together. Like this one time, he and I were making cookies but it ended with us having a food fight." Tasneem said to them. "Wait, that was you guys." Jamey said to her while Tasneem hugs Mayhem. "You both are cute and adorable. Nothing lose in my eyes." April said to her with a smile then she leans into her chair. "Who is ready to start this girls' night?" April asks them making the sisters cheer.

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