Origami Tsunami

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In New York

Later At A Shipyard

The turtles were waiting while Leo was staring at something through binoculars. "Okay guys, this is our moment. They may have given us the slip before..." Leo said to them making Mikey jump up. "Twice before!" Mikey yelled at him making Leo look at him. "Thank you, Mikey. Twice before, but now we've got them cornered and there's nothing that can stop us." Jesse said to them and the group goes over to a hatch door. Jamey starts to spin the wheel to open the door. Raph rolls in first, thudding into a wall then Leo cartwheels inside and Raph rolls past him, slamming into something before rising. "Can you guys be any louder?" Tasneem asks them as the group walks down the walkway. The group finds an open hatch and they all stare down through it into the hull of the ship. Below them, the two Foot stand amongst piles and piles of stolen paper making Leo leaps into the hull first. "Okay, twerp and..." Leo said as his brothers and sisters jumped down making Foot Lieutenant turns and then Foot Brute turns. "Surprisingly big man. It's eight against two, so what say we just call it a day, right?" Leo asks them. "Whoa! They've got footprints on their faces!" Mikey yelled at his group. "Uh, are those flames on their heads?" Jamey asks them. "Feels like a real hazard for a paper thief." Donnie and Cheyenne said at the same time. "You! I'm gonna grind your bones with my fists." Foot Brute said to them. "Ooh, that's inspired." Foot Lieutenant said to his partner then he looks at the turtle group. "We're both gonna grind your bones." Foot Lieutenant said to them. "Right. Listen, bubs. Before we put our footprints on your faces, we gotta ask, what's with all the paper?" Raph asks them making the Foot Lieutenant grabs a sheet of paper and quickly begin folding it and when he is finished it was a tiny paper ninja. "Yay, arts and crafts!" Mikey yelled while everyone else was very confused. Foot Lieutenant throws paper ninja at them and it transforms in midair, becoming as large as Raph. "Whoa!" All the turtles yelled as the Ninja rushes at them making the turtles dive out of the way, leaving Raph standing there. "Huh?" Raph said as the Ninja slammed into him, knocking Raph back against a wall and leaving a crater in the wall. "Uh, hey, maybe we should fight now and register our amazement later?" Donnie asks them as Leo rushes the ninja. Swipes at it with his sword and it explodes into confetti. "What?" Jesse said as all the turtles groaned and spit and swung their arms as the particles rained down on them.

"Ah, no!" 


"It's all in my mouth!" 


All of them said at once until Jesse stops. "Wait a minute!" Jesse yelled making the group stop. "It's just confetti." Jesse said to them. "Huh. Oh yeah." Raph said to them. "Paper viscera." Donnie said to them. "I believe that right now, we all appear foolish." Cheyenne said to them while the Foot Lieutenant was forming more paper ninjas. Throws a handful at the turtles, all poof in midair to become full-sized. Raph leaps at them, jumping and kicking and destroying them. Mikey standing on a balcony swings his weapon and destroys a ninja. Jesse takes out her fans and she throws both of them at the paper ninja destroying them as Jamey makes little fireballs and she throws the paper ninja. Tasneem throws her weapon at the ninjas making it wrap around them then she pulls on the weapon making the paper ninjas hit the wall. "Whoa!" Tasneem hears Mikey making her turn to see him on the ground. Tasneem uses her weapon and she swings over to them. Tasneem hits into the ninjas as more come over to them. "Mikey, up high." Tasneem said to him making Mikey nod and he swings the Kusari-fundo upwards. Mikey's weapon wraps around a pipe and lifts him. Tasneem lifts herself up as the paper ninjas were closer. The two younger turtles spin around and they shred the ninjas, then shoot an okay symbol with their hand. Jesse and Leo are on the balcony where ninjas were coming at them. "I hurt this." Jesse said to herself as she makes water and she shoots it at the ninjas that were around her and Leo. "We're getting nowhere fighting these guys. We gotta take out the source." Jesse said to her team making Leo leaps towards the Foot Brute, who also has a sword. Their swords clash and then they're swinging at each other but in the end, Leo slides back. "Okay. You think you're pretty good, huh?" Leo asks him. "Indeed." Foot Brute said to him as Jamey jumps down from above and she kicks in the face. Foot Brute grabs Jamey's ankle, shoves it down, and then kicks Jamey across the room making her land in Raph's arms. "You are good." Jamey said to him as papers begins a whirling in a cyclone around the two Foot. "What?" Raph said very confusedly he lets go of Jamey while the paper formed into a huge ninja that growls.

The ninja reaches down and scoops up Leo, who strains but can't get out of his grip. "Leo!" Jesse yells his name. "Donnie, it's pinata time!" Cheyenne yelled at him as turtles all charged at the big ninja. The paper ninja hits the floor, trying to punch them, but they dodge. When the fist that's holding Leo comes down, Cheyenne, Tasneem, Jesse, Donnie, and Mikey pounce on it and they strain to hold on. The ninja growls and grabs them in its other hand. "How is he holding all of us?" Jesse asks herself while trying to get out of the paper ninja's hand. "Uh. Huh?" Raph said to himself while he and Jamey look at the looks from the ninja to the two Foot. They see the Foot Lieutenant chuckling and smashing his fists together making the paper ninja do something. "Raph, use your weapons." Jamey said to him. "But I don't know how to use them." Raph said to her. "Just try." Jamey said to him making Raph charge at the paper ninja. "Hero town! Population, me!" Raph yelled as the Foot Brute jumps in front of his Lieutenant. Raph plows into them, activating his force field. Raph grabs both of them and swings them around several times before releasing them. They fly screaming across the ship and hit a wall, both out cold. Raph looks with surprise at his tonfa, then looks up.

"That's what I'm talking about." Jamey said as she walks over to Raph who looks at her. "Good job, Raph." Jamey said to him and she puts her hand up for a high five. "Yeah." Raph said to her and he gives her a high five. The huge paper ninja starts to fall, releasing the turtles. It crashes and paper goes whooshing in all directions, much of it spilling off the ship. After all the turtles pop out from under the paper with Jamey sitting on top of Raph's shell. The two Foot themselves up through the paper pile. Foot Brute quickly forms an origami swan, realizes his mistake, and begins manipulating the paper again. "Hm. Mikey, the sprinklers!" Leo yelled at his brother who looks up. "I'm on it!" Mikey yelled and he Flings his weapon at a sprinkler head. The sphere flames on and causes the sprinkler to activate. Alarms sound and water rains down on the paper as the paper becomes soggy and can't be formed into anything. "You may have shredded our plans for now. But next time, you will feel the fury of a thousand feet!" Foot Brute said to them. "Ooh, you're on fire today!" Foot Lieutenant said to him and he makes a form with the salami and tosses it at the turtles. A dripping, sloppy form stalks them. "Ew! That's nightmare fuel, man!" Mikey yelled then suddenly it splats to the ground into hundreds of individual salami slices. "Okay, salami origami doesn't work." Cheyenne said to them. "Hey, look. They vanished." Raph said to them as he points to a ladder that the two used to escape. "Then what are we looking at?" Donnie asks him as Raph stares at the pile of salami. "Oh. What is that? Don't do it." Leo said to Raph who was getting closer to the salami. "No." Donnie said to him as Jamey gets off of Raph's shell. "Don't do it. Don't do it." Cheyenne said to him. "No!" Tasneem yelled at him. "Don't do it, Raph!" Jesse yelled at him. "No. Raph, no!" Donnie yelled as Raph scoops up a handful of salami. "Look at me. No!" Donnie yelled at him as Raph stuffs the salami in his mouth. "Ugh! Gross! Ugh. Oh." Mikey said to them. "What? Five-second rule." Raph said to them. "So...does this count as a win?" Jesse asks them making everyone look at her. "Well, I don't know. Let's think about it." Leo said to her as he puts his arm around Jesse's neck. "Did the bad guys get their big supply of paper? Uh, no. Did they build their army of soldiers?" Leo said as he laughs. "No. No, they didn't. Are they otherwise thwarted, and we unscathed?" Leo asks them making everyone cheer but Jesse who was looking at Leo. "Hero mission accomplished, my friends!" Leo yelled at them making everyone cheer again with Jesse joining them and the group starts rolling around on the paper together.

Later at April's House

Mikey was knocking on April's door who answers it in seconds. "Hey, April." Mikey said to her. "Do you want to apologize for leaving me without telling me what you were doing?" April asks him making Mikey nod no. "So, what can I do for you, Mikey?" April asks him. "I'm falling for Tasneem." Mikey said to her making April's eyes widen. "You're staying over." April said to him as she pulls Mikey into her house to talk about the feels that Mikey is feeling.

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