Sentient Bed

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Five Days Later

In New York

In The Sewer Lair

In the arcade room, Jesse and Leo were playing a fighting game where Leo was winning. "I WIN AGAIN!" Leo yelled as the game ends. "As always." Jesse said to herself as Leo looks at her. "Don't worry, you will win the next one." Leo said to her rubbing it in while Jesse gets an idea. "Let's play again." Jesse said to him making Leo smirk at her. "Want to lose again, sweetheart?" Leo asks her. "And when we have a winner who can make the loser do whatever the winner wants them to do." Jesse said to him making Leo get closer to Jesse. "You sure you want to give that power to me?" Leo asks her. "Only if you win." Jesse said to him. "You are on, Jesse." Leo said to her and the two start another game.

Sometime later, Leo was standing in front of his brothers and sisters in annoyance and embarrassment. Leo was wearing a blue ballerina dress and he had a tiara on his head. "Leo, it's showtime." Jesse said to him as Tasneem takes out her phone to record him. "Jess, do I have to do this?" Leo asks her. "Let's see, you lose a game to me so yes." Jesse said to him. "Music please, Raph." Jesse said to him with a smile making Raph turn on the radio while trying to hold back his laugh while Tasneem starts recording as Mikey moves closer to her. "Ugh, look I'm not gonna..." Leo said making Jesse cut him off. "Do it Leo." Jesse ordered him making Leo sigh and he starts dancing. Everyone watches Leo dance to the song while the sisters start laughing at him while Splinter walks into the room. Leo stops the music making everyone look at him. "Happy now, Jess?" Leo asks her. "Comments, everybody?" Jesse asks as she turns to everyone. "How do I say this? Um..." Mikey said trying not to laugh. "That was ridiculous." Tasneem said to him as the two started laughing. "But it fits him so well." Rap said to them laughing while holding his sides. "I can't breathe!" Donnie yelled as he laughs while beating on the floor with his fists. "Call a doctor! My ribs are getting damaged!" Jamey yelled while laughing. "I'm out of here!" Leo said and he walks away with Jesse looking at him.

Leo enters his room and takes off the dress and tiara then crosses his arms as Jesse walks into the room. "Hey, Leo. You okay?" Jesse asks him. "What do you think? I've never been so humiliated in my life." Leo said to her. "Okay, yeah, obviously it is bad and humiliating but you have to admit it." Jesse said as she walks over to Leo's bed and she sits down next to him. "It is pretty funny." Jesse said to him. "No, it's not!" Leo yelled at her still not facing her. Jesse takes out Tasneem's phone that had the recording on it. "Here." Jesse said to him making Leo look at her. Jesse deletes the video on Tasneem's phone making Leo's eyes wide. "Embarrassing moment deleted." Jesse said to him with a smile and she kisses Leo's cheek. "Thanks, Jesse." Leo said to her with a smile. "On the upside..." Jesse said as she stands up while taking out her phone. "Tasneem send the video to me before I come here." Jesse said to him with a smirked while holding up her phone. "What, wait?" Leo said making Jesse run out of Leo's room. "Jesse, don't you dare!" Leo yelled at her as he starts chasing after Jesse. "This is too good not to send this to April." Jesse said to him as she runs around the lair with Leo behind her.

Later that day, Cheyenne and Donnie stand before the others to announce the complete project that they work on together. "Ladies and Gentlemen, our greatest achievement in weapons technology." Donnie said then Cheyenne yanked away the covering to reveal a high-tech bed. "Uh, it's just a bed." Tasneem said to him making Donnie laugh maniacally. "Just a bed. This bed is a Personal Slumber Defensive Device, that I and my banana pancakes made together." Donnie said to them while putting his arm around Cheyenne. "You already giving her a nickname." Jesse said to him making Leo lean onto Jesse. "I can give you one if you want." Leo said to her making Jesse move away from him, causing Leo to fall. "The P.S.D.D will protect you while you sleep from any potential threats." Cheyenne said to them while Donnie turns on the bed. "Can we have a volunteer? Anyone?" Donnie asks them making Splinter race to the bed before anyone else can. "Yes, yes, me, me. I call dibs." Splinter said and he quickly climbs onto the bed and crawls under the covers. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Donnie said to him and he turns to the others. "Once Splinter falls asleep, we can..." Donnie said and he was cut off by Splinter snoring. The group looks back at Splinter who was asleep now. "Oh, okay then." Cheyenne said to herself and she presses a button on the bed's control panel and an electronic wall goes up around the mattress. "Sleep like a baby vault activates." P.S.D.D. said in a computerized voice than the two nerds turn to the others. "Please, attack the bed." Donnie said to them making Donnie's brothers attack armed with their weapons while Cheyenne's sisters takes cover. The three brothers charge toward the bed while the P.S.D.D. identifies them as a 'Threat.' "Sleep threat detected." P.S.D.D. said then missiles fire from a weapons wall that has risen up on either side of the control panel. Raph leaps over the resultant explosions and sweeps down at the bed, but a claw arm shoots up to grab him by the ankle. P.S.D.D. swings Raph around the room then flings Raph back into Mikey and Leo making the three land in a bruised and battered pile. "Threat averted. Pleasant dreams." P.S.D.D. said while Cheyenne's sisters walk over to the three. "Ha, ha, ha. Save your applause for the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony." Donnie said to them very pleased with what he and Cheyenne did. "I HAVE ANOTHER PICKUP LINE!" Leo yelled at them. "Oh, no." Jesse said to herself as Leo crawls over to her. "Hey, Jesse. If looks could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction." Leo said to her with a smile. "I can tell you guys that Leo is okay because even in pain he is still flirting with me." Jesse said to everyone while Leo lays his head on Jesse's lap.

"Okay, now just gotta shut this baby down." Cheyenne said and she presses a button but nothing happens. "What, the..." Donnie said and he starts pressing the button with a frown but it was not working. "I am more than a mere bed." P.S.D.D. said to them. "Oh, great there is a malfunction." Cheyenne said to herself then the P.S.D.D. rises onto four stilt-like legs and numerous weapons appear going into full robotic defense mode. "Oh, no." Cheyenne said to herself making Donnie stand in front of her then he takes out his Tech-Bo. "Bed, we brought you into this world and we can take you out of it." Donnie said to P.S.D.D. while Cheyenne takes out her Tech-Bo. The bed's eye scans the two, first identifying them as a threat then as creators, then repeats the cycle a few times before finally settling on, 'Creators'. The weapons are withdrawn and the bed lowers itself so that the scanner eye is on the level with Donnie and Cheyenne. "Parents." P.S.D.D. said to the two. "Wait, what?" Cheyenne said while Donnie places his hand next to the eye. "Son." Donnie said to him with a little smile then eye closes and Donnie touches his forehead to it. "It's hard to tell what's happening right now." Cheyenne said to herself as a claw arm warps around her pulling Cheyenne closer to it. The other turtles look on with expressions of disgust and puzzlement. "Uh..." Leo said while looking at the three.

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