Holding Out For A Hero

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A Few Days Later

In New York

In The Lair

The brothers were in the kitchen in a cell with April asking how to ask the sisters on a date. "Just be yourself and you will be fine." April said to them. "Will that even work?" Leo asks her. "There may be a 1% chance of them saying yes." Donnie said to them. "Donnie cut that out!" April yelled at him. "Who is going first?" Raph asks them. "I will go to show you that it will be a failure and that Cheyenne doesn't like me." Donnie said to them and he walks away with his brothers following him. "I knew he likes her." Leo said to himself with a smile.

The sisters were in the living room just talking until Tasneem looks at her sister, Cheyenne who was thinking about something and she knows what. "Hey, Cheyenne are you thinking about him again?" Tasneem asks her making Jesse and Jamey look at Cheyenne. "No." Cheyenne said to her. "But it is so obvious, it's written all over your face. You like Donnie." Tasneem said to her making Jesse and Jamey laugh a little. "No, I can't like him." Cheyenne said to her. "I may not be smart like you and Donnie but I know you like him." Jesse said to her. "Okay, fine I like him but he doesn't show his feels so it is hard to see if he likes me back." Cheyenne said to them making the three clap for her. "Why are you guys clapping?" Cheyenne asks them. "I KNEW IT!" Tasneem yelled while hugging Cheyenne. "And I like Mikey. His mask was definitely cute and fits him well. His eyes, god they made my heart flutter whenever my eyes met his." Tasneem said to her sisters who look at her. "Sometimes I just can't believe that Raph can just stay in my mind all the time. I mean he has a cute little snaggletooth and his eyes will not leave my head. And for a big turtle, he is a big softie." Jamey said to them. "I swear guys, Leo has been driving me crazy. Leo also gives me his one-liners and cheesy pickup lines...." Jesse said and Tasneem cuts her off. "YOU'RE TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH LEO!" Tasneem yelled at her getting in Jesse's face. "I didn't say that." Jesse said to her. "But your face is." Tasneem said to her making Jesse push her away from her. "I find it funny that we like them." Cheyenne said to them while rubbing her chin. "We've known them for about a few weeks or more." Jamey said to them. "I think it is because they are male turtles and we are female turtles and the animal inside of us knows that they can be ours." Jesse said to them. "You're funny, sister, and what you said makes no sense to me." Cheyenne said to them making Tasneem get in Cheyenne's face. "You are not wrong my nerd sister." Tasneem said to her and she hugs Cheyenne's arm. "How do we deal with our feels?" Jesse asks them. "I say let it play out and see where this takes us." Cheyenne said to them making Tasneem jump up. "Party time!" Tasneem yelled at them and she runs over to her player. "What?" Cheyenne said as the song, Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler.

The Music Player
Duh, duh, duh, duh
Duh, duh, duh, duh
Duh, duh, duh, duh
Ah, ah

"Why are we doing this?" Cheyenne asks her younger sister who was dancing to the song.

Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?

Tasneem sings while she uses her weapon to make a swing as the brothers enter the room but they stop once they hear the song playing.

Where's the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?

Tasneem sings while she swings herself. "What is going on?" Jesse asks herself as Tasneem jumps off of her homemade swing. Jamey stands up making Jesse and Cheyenne look at her.

Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and

Jamey sings as she walks over to Tasneem while Jesse and Cheyenne look at each other.

Tasneem and Jamey
I dream of what I need
I need a hero

The two sing as Jamey makes fireballs in the air and she makes them fly high in the air keeping them here like they are lights.

Tasneem and Jamey
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night

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