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The Next Day, In The Sewer Lair

The girls were in the main room on their phones. "How was Paris?" Tasneem asks Jesse who look at her. "You know the city of love." Tasneem said to her with a smile. "More like the city of fliting with your girlfriend city." Jesse said to her. "Was it that bad?" Cheyenne asks her making Jesse turn off her phone. "Yep, I love him but I don't need that." Jesse said to them making Tasneem laugh a little. "Sounds like Leo." Jamey said to them then the brothers walk into the room.

"Hello, ladies." The girls hear Leo making then turn to see the brothers wearing band outfits.

Brothers' outfits

"Why are you guys dress like that?" Jamey asks them while Tasneem walks over to Mikey

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"Why are you guys dress like that?" Jamey asks them while Tasneem walks over to Mikey. "We are starting a band." Raph said to them making the sisters look at each other. "Can you guys sing or play instrument?" Cheyenne asks them. "You will see but you girls need something cute and beautiful to wear." Raph said to the sisters and Leo pulls out some clothes for them. "Where did you get that?" Cheyenne asks them. "April send this to us." Donnie said to them making the sisters look at each other.

The girls outfit

The group were getting ready to leave then Splinter walks into the room

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The group were getting ready to leave then Splinter walks into the room. "I've heard you guys are forming a band, and I'd like to join up with you guys." Splinter said to them making the teens look at him. "Okay, but what can you do for us?" Jamey asks him while Jesse and Leo sit on one of the speaker. "I can sing in the band." Splinter said to them. "I didn't know you can sing." Cheyenne said to him. "We didn't know too." Raph said to her. "Let me show you." Splinter said to them and he starts singing opera.

While Splinter was singing his lungs out, the sisters though it was not that bad while the brothers were not interested.

"No!" Raph said to him making the girls look at them. 

"Oh, not good." Donnie said to himself.

"That belongs in a sewer." Mikey said coldly.

"Please, my sons. Let me in your band." Splinter said to his sons while on his knees and pleads with his sons. "No thanks we can't groove to uh this whole situation big daddy." Raph said in a super suave voice while he makes a little box with his fingers around his dad. "You hit your head? Why are you talking like that?" Splinter asks him while twirling his finger. "He is in character." Jamey said to Splinter who looks at her.  "If you want to be soul, you gotta live soul."  Raph said to them in his deep voice. "But If an overbearing manager who robs us blind, we'll give you a call." Leo said to him. "Sounds good to me." Jesse said to them. "Okay, fine. I'll just start another family and join their band." Splinter said to them and he storms away. 

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