How to Flirt Like Lu Jitsu

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In The Sewer Lair

Donnie was watching Cheyenne who was talking to her sisters about Jesee and Leo who have started dating each other. Donnie finally realizes that he loves Cheyenne but can he do it?

"What are you doing?" Donnie hears Splinter's voice suddenly making him jump. "Ahh!" Donnie yelled in surprise. "Don't do that." Donnie said to him with a red face after being caught staring. "Ooooh, I know that look." Splinter told to him while nodding his head slowly. "What look? There is no look." Donnie said to him with his heart pounding. "Just as I suspected. You have finally seen that you love Cheyenne." Splinter said to him. "Stop that!" Donnie yelled at him. "Hey, Donnie." Donnie hears Cheyenne's voice making him turn to see the sisters standing there. "Hey, guys." Donnie said to them. "What are you doing standing there?" Jamey asks him. "No reason. Stop questioning me." Donnie said to them. "Okay, we are leaving now." Tasneem told to him and the sisters walk away from the two but Cheyenne. Donnie looks at her, and Cheyenne gives him a smile before following after her sisters. Donnie looks at his dad who wiggles his eyebrows up and down. "Would you stop that?!" Donnie yelled at him. "You are going to get that girl. I will make sure of it, I want all of my sons to get the girl of their dreams." Splinter said to him making horror fill Donnie's eyes. "Oh, please don't." Donnie said to him. "I will teach you the ways...of 'wooing a woman." Splinter told to him.

Later, Donnie and Splinter were in Donnie and Cheyenne's lab. "Lesson one, nothing can keep you pursuing the woman you have in your sights." Splinter said to him. "Uuughhh." Donnie groaned dramatically. "Lesson two. You must create suspense." Splinter said to him and then he gives his son a sly wink. "Leave her wanting more." Splinter said to him making Donnie grimace slightly. "Lesson three. Now listen carefully, this may be the most important lesson of all." Splinter said to him and he climbs up onto a stool so that his eyes were level with Donnie's eyes. "You must give her..." Splinter said to him and he paused for the drama. "The Face" Splinter said to him making Donnie both curious and confused. "The face?" Donnie said to him. "Yes, the face." Splinter said to him and he gives Donnie the face which was a terrifying combination of lidded lovey-dovey eyes, a smooth smirk, and a soft wink. Donnie moves away from his father. "Please stop looking at me like that." Donnie said to him. "You must master the face before showing it to Cheyenne." Splinter said to him.

Later that day, Donnie walks into the main room where Cheyenne was sitting on her phone. "Okay, you get this Donnie." Donnie said to himself and he walks over to her. "Hey, Cheyenne." Donnie said making Cheyenne look at him. "Hey, Donnie. Do you want to do something together?" Cheyenne asks him with a smile.

Don't hesitate

Donnie said to himself mentally. "Of course, I would, why wouldn't I? I mean, after all..." Donnie said to her as he sits down next to Cheyenne. "You're one of my favorite people." Donnie said to her then he gives Cheyenne the face with a wink making her blush. Cheyenne looks away from him trying to stop herself from the red. "What do you have in mind?" Cheyenne asks him. "Doesn't matter to me as long as I am with you." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne look at him. "You okay?" Cheyenne asks him. "Yeah, why do you ask?" Donnie asks her. "Well, you are sounding like Leo right now and you ever flirt with me so it is a little out of character for you." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look away from her. "Who told you to do this? Was it Leo?" Cheyenne asks him making Donnie look at her. "My dad." Donnie said to her. "That's even worse, has Splinter ever had a girlfriend before?" Cheyenne asks him making Donnie think about it. "Now that you said that, I don't think so." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne move closer to Donnie. "From what I can see, you like me, don't you?" Cheyenne asks him making Donnie's face turn red. "Of curses, a genius like yourself can see it." Donnie said to her. "Donnie, don't do what others think you must do." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look at her. "Do it your way, you know ✨Dazzle✨it." Cheyene said to him while doing the jazz hands making Donnie laugh. "Go at your own pace, I'll be waiting for you." Cheyenne said to him then she kisses Donnie's cheek. Donnie's face turns red as Cheyenne walks away to have a talk with Splinter about the flirting lessons he has given to Donnie.

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