Overnight Party

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In New York, In The Sewer Lair

The sisters prepared to leave for April's house. "Are you guys all set?" Jamey asks her sisters who walk over to her with a bag each. "Yes, time with April will be good for our female souls." Tasneem said to them and the sisters walk to the exit. "Where are you guys going?" The sisters hear Mikey making them turn to see the brothers. "We are going to April's." Tasneem said to them making the brothers nod. "Let's go then." Mikey said as the brothers walk over to them making Cheyenne make a hologram wall and the brothers walked right into it. "Hey, what's the big idea?" Donnie asks them as the wall breaks down. "It's sad to say this, but no boys allowed." Jesse said to them. "It's a girls' sleepover party." Tasneem told to them with a smile. "But..." Raph said to them while Jamey walks over to Raph. "It's okay, my big guy." Jamey told to him while placing her hand on Raph's cheek. "We will see you boys tomorrow." Jamey told to them. "See ya boys." Cheyenne said to them as the sisters walks out of the lair. A kiss is given to Raph by Jamey on his cheek. "Be good." Jamey said to him and she follows her sisters. "We have to follow them." Leo said to his brothers. 


The brothers had followed the sisters to April's apartment without being seen. "Are you guys sure about this?" Mikey asks his brothers making them turn to him. "I mean, girls need their time together to be girls." Mikey said to them. "But, my girl is in there and I wanted to make sure she is okay." Raph told to him. "But she just going to a sleepover." Mikey said to him. "The perfect time to find out what girls talk about is right now." Donnie said to them while looking at his phone. "Really? We know you just wanted to watch her." Leo said to him making Donnie look at them. "That's ridiculous! YOU THINK I AM ONLY PLANNING TO WATCH THE ONE PERSON I CARE ABOUT!" Donnie yelled at them making his brothers stare at him. "Wow, just wow." Leo said to himself while watching Donnie who was on his phone.

In April's Apartment

The sisters were in the living room waiting for April who had a gift for the girls. "I hope it's a puppy." Tasneem said to her sisters while hugging Mayhem. "A sewer is no place for a puppy." Jesse said to her while rubbing Tasneem's head with a smile. April walks into the room with four boxes. "There we are." April said as she walks over to Jamey and she hands her a red box. "April, you didn't have to get us stuff." Jamey said to her while April handed Tasneem her box. "Don't be like that. You are my girls and I take care of them." April said while she hands Jesse and Cheyenne their boxes. "Now, what does every girl needs at a sleepover party?" April asks them.

Friends - Jesse

Games - Tasneem

No boys allowed - Cheyenne

No sleeping at a sleepover – Jamey

The girls said at once making April look at them with a face. "Oh, no. The outfits." April said to them. "But, at a sleepover you wear pajamas and we don't have that." Cheyenne said to her. "Until now." April said to them with a smile making the sisters open their boxes.

Outside, the brothers were standing on the opposite side of April's building when Donnie turns on a computer as a little dive flies over to April's window where they will see them. "With this, we can spy on them without them seeing us." Donnie said to them with a smile. "I am starting to think this was a bad idea." Raph said to them rubbing the back of his back.

In April's Apartment

April was waiting for the sisters to walk out in their new pajamas wear. "April, can you return this?" Cheyenne asks her from another room. "I am not returning them, so just get out of here." April said to them making the sisters walk out of the room. "It's all thanks to April'O Neil that you girls look amazing." April said to the sisters with a smile

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