Does The Gumbus Exist?

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In New York Sewer

In The Lair

Tasneem was drawing in her room until she realizes that she needed some more pencils. "I hope Mikey has more pencils I can use." Tasneem said to herself as she leaves her room and she walks over to Mikey's room. Tasneem walks into Mikey's room and starts trying to find some pencils but she finds a pink turtle neck. "I didn't know, Mikey wears turtle necks." Tasneem said to herself and she puts it on and she looks at herself in the mirror. She could see that the shelves were concealing her hands, and the turtleneck was too long for her, yet it was incredibly warm. "I know." Tasneem said to herself then she runs out of Mikey's room and she runs into Cheyenne's room. Tasneem finds one of Cheyenne's old glasses and puts it on and she walks over to the mirror in Cheyenne's room to see how cute she was.

 Tasneem finds one of Cheyenne's old glasses and puts it on and she walks over to the mirror in Cheyenne's room to see how cute she was

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"OH MI GOSH!" Tasneem hears Mikey making her turn to see him staring at her. "You are wearing my turtle neck." Mikey said to her as he walks over to her. "I'm sorry, I can..." Tasneem said but Mikey cuts her off by hugging her. "YOU ARE SO ADORABLE!" Mikey yelled hugging her and he kisses Tasneem's forehead making her turn red. "You don't mind?" Tasneem asks him making Mikey look at her. "Not at all." Mikey said to her with a smile. "I like you in this." Mikey said to her holding her closer to him. "Thank you, Mikey." Tasneem said to him making Mikey look at her. Mikey moves closer to Tasneem as the two young turtles stare at each other as though the world has stopped. "What are you two doing in my room?" The two hear Cheyenne making them turn to see her standing by the doorway. "Sorry, Cheye." Mikey said to her and the two leave the room. Cheyenne notices Tasneem wearing one of her spectacles, she decides to leave it. "Let's make a pillow fort." Mikey said to Tasneem as the two enter the main room. "Okay, let me get out of this." Tasneem said to him. "No, stay in this you appear very adorable." Mikey said to her. "Okay." Tasneem said to him with a smile while turning red. "Let's make a pillow fort." Mikey said to her and the two started making their pillow fort. When the pillow fort was done, Tasneem and Mikey were laying inside their pillow fort. "I want to show you a YouTuber that is very cool to wacth." Mikey said to Tasneem while he pulls out his tablet. "Okay, what is the YouTuber's name?" Tasneem asks him while Mikey opens YouTube. "StockBOii." Mikey said to her while he plays the first video. Tasneem approaches Mikey and clings to his arm as they grow comfortable.

"Hello? Is someone there? It's the Gumbus!" 

Stockboy yelled making Mikey throw the tablet and he then wraps himself in the blankets shaking in fear. "Mikey, it's okay." Tasneem said to him while rubbing his back.

The tablet lands over to Jesse, April and Leo. Jesse picks up the tablet making Leo look over Jesse's shoulder. "Uh, What'cha watching Miguel and Tas?" Leo asks them. "Oh, mi gosh!" Mikey yelled as he jumps out from under the pillow fort. "Ohmigosh! We were was just watching my favorite can stacking channel." Mikey said to the three while Tasneem pops her head out from under the pillows. "Can stacking...okay." April said while looking over at Jesse and Leo in confusion. "It's a thing." Mikey said as he and Tasneem walks over to them. "There's the one supermarket stock boy. He builds forts, towers, national monuments." Mikey said to them while he shows the three Stockboy's channel. "Yeah, I see his channel has a like." Leo said to him judged while Jesse stands there suppressing a snicker. "I would like it twice if I could. Anyway he's at the store after hours and you gotta see it." Mikey said as he presses on one of the videos. 

"And now I shall complete the most difficult stack of all. Only completed by one other stockboy." Stockboy said then he points his flashlight at the camera. "The Lady Liberty Stack!" He yelled then suddenly cans clatter off camera startling the boy. "Hello? Is someone there?" Stockboy calls out while panning over to where the noise cames from a single can rolls into frame. "Ah!" Stockboy yelps panning back to himself. Stockboy gasps as he points his flashlight at his stack before the camera goes all distorted as he screams dropping his camera out of the shadows Stockboy crawls back into frame before screaming. "It's the Gumbus!" He screamed as he gets dragged into the shadows. "Be sure to subscribe and donate.

"Woah!" April said while Jesse looks at Leo. "What's a Gumbus?" Jesse asks him. "I don't know." Leo said to her while he shrugs. "It's a ghost that haunts the Stock N Shop." Mikey said to them while Tasneem pats Mikey's head. "Oh, Pfft. There's gotta be a simple answer. Earthquakes, magnets, giant prankster mice." Leo said to them. "Yeah, there's no such thing as ghosts." Jesse said to Mikey agreeing with Leo. "What?!" Mikey yelled as he falls to the floor then he stands up. "How can you say there's no such thing as ghosts when there's no such a thing as us? The Gumbus is real!" Mikey yelled while giving Leo and Jesse a mean look. "Only one way to settle this heated debate." Tasneem said to them while pulling Mikey away from them. "We head up to the Stock N Shop and tamper with the mysterious forces of the underworld." April said then she laughs evilly. "Uh..." Mikey said then he chuckles nervously. "I'm fine, Just getting the pants scared off of me in my pillow fort." Mikey said and he was about to walk away but Leo grabs his arm. "Oh no. April's right. I'm gonna prove to you there's no such thing as a Gumbus." Leo said as he starts pulling Mikey out of the lair with the girls following them. "Leo, no, no! I don't want to go! Please!" Mikey pleads with his brother. "Yeah! Ghost hunting!" The girls yelled while giving each other high fives.

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