The Sore Loser

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Five Days Later

In New York

In The Sewer Lair

In the Arcade Room

Jesse and Leo were playing a game and it wasn't going well for Jesse. "Ugh, seriously?" Jesse said as Leo wins the game. "Maybe next time sweetheart." Leo said to her as he smirks victoriously making Jesse stands up and walks away from Leo to go to a game to play solo. "Giving up so soon?" Leo asks her as Jesse sits down at one of the driving games while she starts thinking of something making her smile. Leo walks over to her and leans against the machine. "I can't help being good at winning." Leo said to her trying to get Jesse to talk to him. Eventually, Jesse finish in first place then she stands up and leaves the arcade and she heads to the kitchen. "Silent treatment, huh? I see how it is." Leo said to her with a smile as he follows Jesse then he stands in front of Jesse. "I'll let you win the next round if it'll make you feel better, Jess." Leo said to her but Jesse walks past him and she walks into the kitchen where the guys were. "Hey, guys." Jesse said to them with a smile as she sits next to her sister Tasneem. "I and Mikey made some cookies." Tasneem said to her with a smile. "C'mon, don't tell me you're actually mad at me?" Leo asks Jesse who stands up while taking a cookie and she leaves the kitchen.

"Looks like he's finally done it." Raph said to them making Leo look at everyone while Jamey walks into the kitchen. "Nice job, Leon. You actually got your crush to hate you." Donnie said to him and he sarcastically applauses. "Donnie." Cheyenne said to him as Leo groaned while Jamey sits down on Raph's lap. "Hey, this wasn't part of the plan. I was going to play one last round then I was thinking about confessing to her." Leo said to them making Jamey walk over to him. "You probably went overboard." Mikey said to him while Jamey puts her arm around Leo. "It will only get worse if you don't apologize." Jamey said to him making Leo look at her. "What do you mean?" Leo asks her. "Well, first Jesse will leave for ten days then she will come back with a look on her face and she will plan a way to get back on all of the ones who wrong her." Jamey said to him making Leo panic. Raph then pulls Jamey away from Leo. "Are you for real?" Raph asks her. "No, I was just playing." Jamey said to him with a smile.

Later, Jesse was back in the arcade room playing a fighting game when she hears someone plop down next to her and she knows it was Leo. Leo watches Jesse play until she lands a critical hit on one of her opponents. "Nice!" Leo yelled but Jesse doesn't respond, but she can see from the corner of her eye she can see Leo pouting, upset that she was still not paying attention to him. "Really? Nothing?" Leo asks her then he plops his head down on Jesse's lap. Jesse could feel Leo's gaze on her but she refused to take a peek. After finishing her game, Jesse was about to set up for the next round when Leo grabs her hand. Jesse looks down at him as Leo gently lowers her hand to him and he kisses it. Jesse looks back at the screen with all of her willpower not to do anything making Leo sits back up and blocks the screen in front of Jesse who looks at him. Leo goes on his hands and knees and he looks at her with pleading eyes. "Please don't ignore me. I'm really sorry for upsetting you." Leo said to her making Jesse feel guilty for making Leo practice asking for forgiveness from her but she was not satisfied yet. Jesse rests her arms over her knees and leans towards him, Leo blinks in surprise not expecting her to be so direct. "You win, alright. I just want to hear your beautiful voice again." Leo said to her as he looks down making Jesse let a smirk unfurl from her lips. Jesse lets out a chuckle, Leo's face perks up when he hears Jesse finally make a sound. "I finally got you! In your face, Leo!" Jesse yelled at him gloating. "Wait, were you even mad at me?!" Leo yelled making Jesse laugh a little. "For a second there, I really thought you hated me." Leo said to her and he gives Jesse a playful punch on her arm. "Leo, I was never mad at you." Jesse said to him and she flicks Leo's forehead making Leo return the favor. The flicks turn into arm pinches which turn into ticking and giggling. The two turtles end up wrestling for a bit until Jesse winds up on top of Leo with her pinning Leo's arms. Jesse knows that Leo was much stronger and could easily flip her over but for some reason he remained where he was. The two stay like that for a long time, simply gazing into each other eyes. "How does it feel to be on the losing end, Leo?" Jesse asks him and she sees Leo blush. "Feels more like a win to me." Leo said to her sending Jesse a devilish grin. Jesse feels Leo's fingers interlock with her and he lefts his head towards Jesse. "You're just too cute, ya know?" Leo said to Jesse who looks at him. "Never change, Jesse." Leo said to her and he kisses Jesse on the forehead making her face turn red. Then, Leo tries to kiss Jesse, but Jesse moves away from him. "Not so fast, Leon." Jesse said to him as she stands up then she runs out of the room. "Okay, then." Leo said to himself as he stands up and he follows after Jesse.

Leo will either tell Jesse or try to kiss her again now that she knows he was in love with her.

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