Minotaur Maze

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In New York, At Night

The turtles were demonstrating their weapons to each other on a rooftop. "Oh yeah!" Mikey yelled as he jumps over to Raph with his Kusari-fundo spinning around while on fire. Raph stops his attack and pushes his brother away from him. Mikey lands by the others who was watching them. "Check this out! Power fun Jitsu!" Mikey yelled as fire flys over to Raph. "Uh-oh." Raph said to himself as the fire hits him. "Not bad, not bad. But check out these puppies." Raph said then he put together his tonfa making a hand gauntlet that causes the fire to go away. "Tonfa-power Jitsu!" Raph yelled making everyone look at Raph's gauntlets. "Oh." Donnie and Leo said at the same time while Mikey was looking at the gauntlet like a kid seeing a puppy for the first time. "And that's how you do it." Jamey said to them while Leo runs over to Raph. "If you guys wanna see real skills, look right here." Leo said to them making Raph look at his brother. "I'm gonna make a portal to New Jersey." Leo said and he starts doing some moves with his swords and tried to make one but it was not working. "Come on power portal Jitsu." Leo said as he tried to make a portal. "Try again." Jesse said to him making Leo move his sword around again, and then he makes a portal but it was small. "Yeah!" Leo yelled making Raph laugh while Mikey and Tasneem look at the little portal in front of them. "That's not going to get you across the street, let alone to New Jersey." Raph said to him while Cheyenne and Donnie were on the sideline looking at something. "Okay but..." Leo said then he puts his hand in the portal and it opens another portal behind Jesse and he starts playing with Jesse's mask ends. "See it's practical, which makes it better." Leo said to them with a smile. "Cut it out, Leo." Jesse said to him while Mikey looks over at Donnie who was showing Cheyenne something. "Hey Donnie, what are you doing bud?" Mikey asks him making everyone look at him. "Well, while you guys took flashier items from Draxum, I on brand, took a more cerebral one." Donnie said to them and he shows the group a purple crystal. "See, this crystal, combined with the elements..." Donnie said to them and Leo cuts him off. "Get to the point." Leo said to him while he closes the portal. "Now I can see all of the mystic energy hidden around New York, you're welcome and thank you." Donnie said to them while he puts the crystal in his goggles. "Whoa, that's awesome." Raph said to him while the group walks over to Donnie and Cheyenne. "Hey, what about that laundromat?" Tasneem asks Donnie while pointing down at the shop. "It looks like a laundromat." Donnie said to her while looking through his goggles then he rises the goggles up. "But what do we have over here?" Donnie asks as he lowers his goggles and zooms in on an old lady. "Whoa..." Donnie said to himself. "What is it, Don?" Cheyenne asks him. "Underneath that old lady's skin is some sort of fire mutant thing." Donnie answers her while the lady does a hand motion to a wall that opens up a portal that she walks though. "She just disappeared into that wall." Tasneem said to them. "I believe she went into some sort of cool mystic pizza place." Donnie said to her while hitting Leo's hand away from his goggles. "Pizza!" Tasneem yelled in Cheyenne's ear. "Yeah, don't yell in my ear." Cheyenne said to her. "Guys, my blood shuggies getting low. I need to eat bad!" Mikey yelled at them. The turtles jumps down from the building's rooftop and landed in the alleyway. Raph was about to do the hand motion to open the portal but Leo jumps in front of him. "Step aside. Let's put the prettiest face first." Leo said to them. "I don't think that's a good idea." Jesse said to him making Leo look at her. "Why? The one who's gonna get us inside is me." Leo said to her and he does the hand motion making the skeleton head look at Leo and he blows a raspberry making Tasneem and Mikey laugh. "Nice try pretty boy." Jesse said to Leo while Raph pushes Leo back. Raph does the hand motion causing a blue flame to appear on his hand and the doorway instantly opened. "Awesome!" Raph yelled and the group jumps into the doorway but Leo. "Don't leave me!" Leo yelled and he jumps next.

"Huh?" Raph said as the group sees it was a restaurant but it was different from the human restaurant it had Yokai. "Alright, alright." Raph said to his group who looks at him. "Everybody be cool. This is our first time in a classy restaurant. Uh...establishment." Raph said to them making Jamey laugh a little. "Whatever you say, Raphie." Jamey said to him making Raph look at her. "What?" Jamey asks him making Raph laugh a little and he kisses Jamey's cheek. "Hey, guys!" The group hears Leo making them turn to see Leo was stuck in the doorway. "This wall is definitely broken." Leo said to them. "Is poor Leo stuck?" Jesse asks Leo while she walks over to him. "Just get me out of the wall." Leo said to them making Mikey and Donnie start pulling on Leo's head. When Leo gets through the doorway, he falls on top of Jesse, and they both fall to the ground. "Oops." Mikey said with a smile while Leo and Jesse stare at each other. Leo remembers the moment he and Jesse shared together in the arcade room. "You look really familiar." Leo said to her with a smile. "Yes, I was in your nightmares." Jesse said to him while Leo places his hand on Jesse's cheek. "Of course, you're going to be my girlfriend and maybe even my wife." Leo said to her making Jesse look at him. "LEO!" Jamey yelled as she pulls Leo away from Jesse. "No, fair. I was trying to make her blush." Leo said to her while Jesse stands up while she hides her blush from her face. "Hm, a table. What do we do?" Raph asks them. "Okay, be cool." Cheyenne said to them. "I think we just sit at it and ask for stuff." Donnie said to them. "And pay for the meal." Cheyenne said to them. "Uh, like regular people?" Mikey asks them. "I think here, we are regular." Donnie said to him and the group walk over to a table.

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