The Gumbus

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The group was falling through the vent screaming until the group lands on the floor then a vacuum cleaner falls onto Leo's head. "Ow!" Leo grunts making Jesse rub Leo's head. "Mikey, why do you have that thing?" Leo asks him. "To suck up the ghost." Mikey said to him while he picks up the item. "It's lined with tin foil to keep him in." Mikey said to him. "Very smart." Tasneem said to him. "Guys check this out." April said as she turns on her flashlight while Leo helps up Jesse and he gives Jesse a kiss on the cheek. "This place is like Christmas morning for food." April said to them while looking around. "This place is creepy." Tasneem said to them while Mikey holds onto Tasneem's arm. "Creepy or awesome! Answer, both." April said to them then suddenly a metallic jangling sound was heard freaking Mikey out. "What was that?!" Mikey yelled as he turned around, shining his flashlight to where the sound came from. "Uh, what?" Leo asks him unenthusiastically. "I heard something." Mikey said to him as his lower lip quivered. "Uh." Leo said while Jesse points her flashlight towards the sound of a train whistle. "A model train. Simple answer." Leo said to his brother then he laughs. "Gah!" Mikey said while Tasneem pats his back. "What kind of sicko puts a model train in a grocery store?" Mikey asks Tasneem as the group walks down the aisle. 

"Focus guys. We came here to see a ghost, and a ghost we shall see." Jesse said to them while Mikey starts to freak out seeing things in the shadows backing up into a Shadowy figure. "Ghost!" Mikey yelled and he starts his ghost catcher and sucking the figure. "Hey I'm not a ghost!" Leo yelled as he pushes the vacuum off his face very annoyed. "And now we know for sure." Mikey said to him with a smile while turning off his Ghost catcher. "Good, because I didn't know if my boyfriend was real or not." Jesse said to Mikey who laughs. "Jesse." Leo said to her making Jesse laugh a little. "What is the hold up guys?" April asks them.  "I don't know, ask Mikey." Leo said to her while pointing at Mikey. "Leo..." Jesse said to him. "What? I'm sorry if I am a little annoyed right now." Leo said to her. "I feel like somebody's watching us." Mikey said to them. "Me too. Isn't it great?" April asks him with a smile. "Uhh, not really." Tasneem said to her. "You three are nuts. The only people here are us." Leo said to them suddenly a mop hits Leo, Mikey screams and wraps around Tasneem while April was laughing. "The gumbus got Leo!" Mikey yelled while clinging onto Tasneem while the mop begins to hit Leo on the head over and over again. "There's no such thing as a Gumbus." Leo said while Jesse walks over to Leo and she grabs the mop. Jesse pulls the mop away from the person's hands then Leo shine his flashlight and it was Baxter kneeling on the floor. "You? What's the big idea?" Leo asks him. "I'm sorry! I thought you were the Gumbus. Wait, are you turtles?" Baxter asks the turtles. "We're not into labels." Tasneem said to him while pushing up the glasses she was wearing. "All that matters is that we're huge fans of your haunting videos." Mikey said to him. "Well, I and Mikey are fans." Tasneem said to him with a smile. "Always great to meet my fans-in any form. Did you subscribe and donate?" Baxter asks them. "No, but we've been thinking about meaning to." Mikey said to him while Leo puts his arm around Jesse. "If we had the money to donate." Jesse said to the boy while Leo plays with her mask ends. "So can you tell us about this awesome ghost?" April asks him. "Or figment of your imagination." Leo said to him. "Sorry about Leo, he thinks this is stupid." Jesse said to Baxter while Leo pulls her closer to him. "Because it is and who side are you on?" Leo asks her. "Perfect timing...I was about to vlog about that." Baxter said to them and he pulls out his phone. "The Gumbus. It all goes back to ancient times 1987." Baxter said making Mikey yells still holding onto Tasneem. "I'll spare you the gory details. The greatest stockboy the store's ever seen. Jeremiah Gumbus got crunched in the chains of the milk processing plant!" Baxter said to his phone. "What happened to the gory details?" Mikey asks while Tasneem rubs Mikey's head. "Chain and soul combined and now as the chain laden Gumbus, he haunts the aisles of the store. Legend has it the only way to free the Gumbus from his eternal torment is-" Baxter said as blue chains creep from behind him. "Huh?" Baxter said then the blue chains pulls him away. "AAAHHH!! The Gumbus!" Baxter yelled as he gets dragged into the shadows. "Got a simple answer for that Leon?" Tasneem asks him. "Ugh!" Leo yelled then he walks over to the stacks of cans. "Obviously he's behind the cans." Leo said then he pushes over the can stack. The others see the words 'Save me' graffitied on the wall in neon green. "Leo, look at the wall." Jesse said to him making Leo turn to the wall then back to the group chuckling. "It can't be No no no no!" Leo yelled while frantically inspecting the wall. "This can't be happening. There's gotta be an explanation." Jesse said to herself then there was a loud cackle. "Anybody there?" April asks while shining her flashlight towards the noise. The group hears liquid squelching while they shine their flashlights down the aisle until Leo's light lands on a turkey. "Uh...a turkey?" Tasneem said while Leo goes down to pick it up. "I'm alive!" The turkey yelled making the group jump. "IT'S A TALKING TURKEY!" Leo yelled while holding onto Jesse as he points at the turkey. "Guys it's me! Stockboy." The turkey said to them as he stands up. "The Gumbus trapped me in here. Hold on a second." Baxter said then he pulls out his phone while the group watch in horror. "Hey fans, It's me Stockboy." Baxter said to his phone. "This is happening...this is really happening." Leo said going crazy. "I know right?" April said to Leo then she grabs Mikey's vacuum. "Hide behind the giblets. I'll smash you out!" April yelled ready to smash the vacuum on the turkey. "No! You'll destroy my soul. And mess up my inventory. The only way to expel Gumbus is to build his greatest creation, the liberty stack." Baxter said to them while Mikey leads his group away from Baxter. "You'll need to access my video, subscribe and donate it..." Baxter said then Mikey interrupts him. "I've seen that 1000 times for free. I can do it!" Mikey said to him then the group runs down the aisle. "Whoo hoo! Come on guys!" April yelled with Baxter watching them run away. 

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