I'll Stand By You

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In New York

The Next Day

In the skate area of the lair, Leo was trying to do the 14-40 while Jesse was on her phone. "Oh-ho, yeah!" Leo yelled as he soared up in the air and skidded back down to the ground. "Watch me do the 14-40, Jesse!" Leo yelled at her making Jesse shake her head at him in a teasing way. Leo soared up in the air through the ramp once more and started spinning around on his skateboard. "COWABUNGA!" Leo yelled then the skateboard suddenly flew away from him and he fell to the earth, rolling across the ramp and skidding to a stop. Jesse runs over to him to see if he was okay. "You okay, Leon?" Jesse asks him. "Nothing to it." Leo said to her showing her a thumbs up with his face flat on the concrete. Jesse helps Leo sit up and she doesn't see wounds on him. "How in the world do you keep putting yourself in harm's way?" Jesse asks him. "Um, so I can look cool." Leo said to her making Jesse look at him. "Really? Getting yourself hurt is cool?" Jesse asks him with a raised eyebrow making Leo chuckle nervously. "You have a cut on your arm." Jesse said to him and she walks over to the First-Aid Kit that Cheyenne put in the room. Jesse walks back to Leo after grabbing a bandage, she knees down to Leo and puts it on his arm with Leo watching her.

"There, you go all bandaged up." Jesse said to him then she walks away to put the Kit back on the wall. "Look, Jesse." Leo said to her making Jesse look at him. "Can we just talk for a minute?" Leo asks her making Jesse walk over to him and she sits down next to him. "What's up, Leo?" Jesse asks him. "We've been friends for a while now and you know we have fun all the time, we laugh, we share pizza, we watch movies together and it's just I have this weird feeling that I haven't been able to shake off." Leo said to her then he looks away from Jesse. "What kind of feeling? Did I do something wrong?" Jesse asks him making Leo look at her. "No, you didn't do anything wrong it's just I have this feeling where I can only think of you whenever I'm not doing anything or even when I'm doing something." Leo said to her while Jesse watches Leo's movements. "When we were fighting against Big Mama, you become the person that hears and trusts me the most." Leo said to her with a smile making Jesse smile at him. "Well, you saw what the others didn't." Jesse said to her. "Do you think you can trust me with your life?" Leo asks her making Jesse think about it. "I will trust you with my life." Jesse said to him making Leo smile. "I get this feeling that I wanna hold your hand in mine." Leo said as he slides his hand and holds onto Jesse and intertwined his fingers with hers. "When you're sad I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you tight, I want to be there when you're distressed, I want to make you laugh and smile, and you do the same for me." Leo said to her while he looks at their hands. "This is a new feeling, I'm not really used to, I mean I'm always about action stuff, making the best jokes, being the cool guy that I am, I never thought I'd get the chance to even have these emotions." Leo said to her. "Leo..." Jesse calls him making Leo look at her hoping she returns his feelings. "I care about you and your family. And I feel the same way as you do, it was very confusing when you keep on giving me pickup lines, so it was hard to tell if you were serious." Jesse said to him making Leo very surprised at what she was saying. "I feel the same way as you do, but I wish you can stop with the pickup line." Jesse said to him then Leo hugs her. "This is so great!" Leo yelled while Jesse hugs him back. "I actually didn't believe for a second that I would be with you so does this mean that we're more than friends?" Leo asks her while the two look at each other. "Of course, that's what it means." Jesse said to him. "Good, because I've always wanted to try this." Leo said to her and he kisses Jesse lightly, making Jesse gasp but she slowly puts her arms around Leo's neck. After some time the two pull away, then Leo starts playing with Jesse's mask ends. "That was amazing, I'm not all too good at this so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing." Leo said to her. "Wow, the great Leonardo has doubts, well I never thought I'd see the day." Jesse said to him. "Stop it." Leo said to her with a smile making Jesse laugh as Leo holds her close. "You have no idea how long I wanted to hold you." Leo said to her while Jesse gently touches Leo's face following the red strip he has on his face. Leo leans into Jesse's touch loving every moment of it. "You are very beautiful, Jesse." Leo said to her as Jesse sits on Leo's lap. "You tell me every day." Jesse said to him. "But this time I am telling you as your boyfriend." Leo said to him and the two share another kiss.

Donnie walks out of his lab and he sees Jesse and Leo hugging each other being very closer than before. Donnie then sees Jesse and Leo share a kiss making him shocked to see that the two were now together.

Later at night, Cheyenne enters her and Donnie's lab while looking at her phone thinking she left it in there. Cheyenne then sees that the lab was not bright and thriving it was now gloomy. "Donnie, are you in here?" Cheyenne calls out to Donnie but there was no answer. Cheyenne was about to call his name again when she feels a pair of arms grab her from behind making her gasp. Cheyenne looks behind her to see Donnie hugging her from behind and he doesn't have his goggles or his battle shell on. "Donnie?" Cheyenne said softly then she feel tears leaving his eyes and touching her neck. "Do you want to discuss whatever is bothering you right now?" Cheyenne asks him but Donnie shook his head. The two sit on the floor of the lab with Donnie's arms still wrapped around Cheyenne's waist. Donnie pulls Cheyenne closer making her put her arms around him. "I'm right here, Donnie. I'm not going anywhere." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie smile.

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