And You Are?

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Later that Night

The turtles were on top of the Burgundy Center after their little pizza break. "Now, you're sure the hippo is in there?" Jamey asks Donnie who looks at her. "Uh, yes, I picked it up on my scanner. A Current Occupant called it in." Donnie said to her while Cheyenne makes a hole in the glass for them to jump through. "Now, explain it to me again, why can't I wear the suit?" Raph asks them since Mikey is wearing the suit now and not him. "Oh, we've been over this." Jesse said to him. "You ruined that woman's ninety-fifth birthday." Donnie said to him. "She's fine." Raph said to them mad. "I'll do you and the suit proud." Mikey said to Raph while putting his arm around Raph's neck. "Treat her with respect. And be careful." Raph said to him then Raph kicks Mikey down through the hole in the glass that Cheyenne has cut. 

Mikey hits the ground while the others jump down onto the rafters above Mikey. Leo then aims a light box at Mikey, who starts dancing. "Uh, what is he doing?" Tasneem asks the group. "Some mating dance he saw on Nature Planet." Cheyenne said to her. "Hippo, I'm right here." Mikey calls out while Jesse jumps down and she grabs a microphone. "Hippo man! Your biggest fan is here. She loves magician's animals." Jesse said through the microphone then Leo lands next to her. "Bunnies, doves, tigers, and was hoping you brought some." Leo said while Mikey was dancing behind them. "I hope he likes me." Mikey said to himself while Donnie and Cheyenne move into the Channel 5 News set. "Of course, he will like you. You're adorable." Jesse said to him as the group moves to the Channel 5 New set. "I thought I was adorable." Leo said to Jesse who looks at him. "That's not what I meant." Leo said to himself with a smile and he gets closer to Jesse. "My cuteness cannot compare to your cuteness." Leo said to her giving Jesse smile. "Shut it down, Leo." Raph said to him while taking ahold of Leo and he walks away from Jesse. "What? I didn't lie. I was telling the truth." Leo said to his brother while Jesse looks at Jamey who was smiling at her. "Not a word." Jesse said to her and she walks away from her sister. "Whatever you say." Jamey said to her while trying not to laugh.

Mikey dances over to where he's in front of the Channel 5 news set. "Ah, ah, ooh, ah, ah, uh." Mikey said while dancing around. "Breaking news." The group hears someone making the turtle ninjas jump leap from hiding to join Mikey. Overhead lights shift to focus on the news desk atop the podium. "You may have beaten me before, but I'm a little tougher this time. You see, I've enhanced myself. I've really grown into my role as your greatest nemesis." The person said to them as the chair turns slowly as he speaks and finally reveals a heavily muscled Warren. "I'm really pumped for our little tête-à-tête." Warren said to them making the group look at him. "Jumpin' Jack Flash!" Raph yelled while Jamey slowly hides behind Raph. "Okay." Jesse said to herself. "You're not a hippo, are you?" Cheyenne asks him. "No, I'm not a hippo. Do I look like a hippo to-" Warren said and Donnie cuts him off. "Maybe a baby hippo?" Donnie said while he takes out his measuring tape and he starts measuring Warren. "I am not a hippo, and please stop interrupting me." Warren said to them while Donnie walks over to Cheyenne. "I called in the hippo sighting." Warren said to them. "Guys! He's Current Occupant." Tasneem said to her group. "Yes, she gets it. I am Current Occupant." Warren said to them. "And we're here to save you from the hippo magician. Where is he?" Mikey asks him looking away and making his mask fall down on his face. "No, you green idiot. It was a ruse. There is no hippo. I'm Warren Stone, your greatest nemesis." Warren said to them making Mikey walk back to his group.

"Prepare to meet your—" Warren said before he can finish there was a sudden explosion behind him. Warren is once again in two then the smoke clears to reveal Hypno-Potamus. "Ta-da! Hypno-Potamus has arrived." Hypno said to them as Warren's front half plops down in front of the turtles making Raph shove him aside. "Finally. It's the thing we actually care about." Raph said to his group. "You're up, Mikey." Tasneem said pushing Mikey forward. The scent wafts off Mikey, reaching Hypno's nose and making him rush up to Mikey, still in disguise. "Hello, future Mrs. Hypno-Potamus." Hypno said to Mikey while taking hold of Mikey. "You tease. Oh, my." Mikey said to him while Raph was teary-eyed making Jamey use a tissue to wipe them away. Donnie was nodding a little while Cheyenne was on her phone. Jesse looks at Leo who was making a disgusted face making her laugh a little. Mikey was suddenly back with the group missing his hippo head. "See, my hippo is more hippo-ey." Mikey said to them while they were giving Mikey a look. The turtles look over at Hypno who was still kissing the hippo and then he was shocked to discover it's just ahead. Hypno yells a little then he looks for the rest of the hippo until he sees the turtles laughing. "Pulled the ol' false-Jenny on me. Ugh. I gotta say, this has been the worst mating season." Hypno said to them then he pulls out his ring that he manipulates his magic metal rings. "Ah, feel the power." Hypno said to them. "That is one well-dressed evil mutant hippo." Leo said to his group with a smile. "Fellas, let's smash this guy." Raph said to them with a smile making the group charge. "No, smash this guy. This one right here. Me." Warren said as he tries to swing at them as the turtles as they leap over him on their way to Hypno. "Oh, come on." Warren said to himself. "Sleight of hand." Hypno said to himself and the battle ensues. Raph then jumps up high while making a generated energy on his hands. Raph hits the ground under Hypno who jumps out of the way. Hypno then throws his magic metal rings at Raph who dodges all of them. Raph jumps over to the others and he starts looking over himself making his group laugh a little then they all leap at Hypno at once. "Mezmer-roo!" Hypno yelled a hypnotizing vibration echoed from his throat. It hits the turtles in mid-air and their eyes change to swirling hypnotized lines and they remain floating in the air.

In The Turtles Dream World

The ninja turtles were in their lair playing around until April walks into the lair. "What's up, guys?!" April yelled making the group look at her to see April had pizza boxes in her hands. "PIZZA!" Tasneem and Mikey yelled with a smile then the two ran over to her. "Nice, thanks April." Jamey said to her with a smile. "Anything for my favorite couples." April said to her with a smile. "Yeah, but..." Leo said and he jumps down there Jesse was sitting on the floor. "We are your favorite." Leo said to her while putting his arm around Jesse. "You wrong, brother." Donnie said as he and Cheyenne walks into the room. "We are a great couple so that makes us April's favorite." Donnie said to him making Raph enter the room. "NO!" Raph yelled making the group look at him. "I and Jamey are April's favorite couple. We are like too big teddy bears." Raph said to them making Mikey walk over to his brothers. "No, I and Tasneem are the best, baby." Mikey said to him then the brothers start fighting while the girls watched them. "This may take a while." Cheyenne said to them. "Girls' day?" April asks the sisters. "Sounds fun." Tasneem said to her and the girls leave the lair while the brothers were fighting over who was the best couple.

Back In Reality

The turtles came back to reality where Leo lands on Warren. "What just happened?" Cheyenne asks them while Leo rubs his head. "What was that dream?" Jamey asks Cheyenne who looks at her. "Who knows." Cheyenne said to her while Raph places a foot on the unconscious Hypno and strikes a pose while the others walk over to him. "I think we won." Raph said to them. "My plan must have worked." Donnie said to them making Raph look at him. "And it was my plan to use your plan. You're welcome, everybody." Raph said them making Donnie roll his eyes. "I think by rejecting him I broke his heart. Ooh, sheesh. This suit has too much power." Mikey said while pushing the suit at Cheyenne. "No!" The group hears someone yell from Leo's rear end. Leo spins around to find Warren stuck to his rear end. "I saved you loser turtles by hypnotizing that beast and saving your lives." Warren said to them then Jesse grabs Warren and she holds him up. "And you are?" Jesse asks him making Waren groans in frustration.

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