Failed Partially

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The Next Day 

The turtles were in the turtle tank on a mission to catch the Oozequitoes. "I looked it up. Bitey bugs from phylum arthropods are attracted to carbon dioxide." Cheyenne said to them. "Leo let it lose. Fire up the bug slapper." Jesse said to Leo who was on the roof of the tank. Leo was on top of a tank that had the gas that Cheyenne was talking about, Leo gets the gas free. On the rooftops, Cheyenne and Donnie were following the trank that was starting to get Oozequitoes around the trank. "Genius powers go!" Donnie yelled he presses a button on his bag and he threw it. The newest invention is called the Bug Slapper, a hoover-scooter that shoots Big Mama's web goo as projectiles. Donnie jumps onto the hoover-scooter and he gets into the driver's seat while Cheyenne was behind him on a computer to make sure the web goo shoots out. "Chordata!" Donnie yelled and he shots some web goo at the Oozequitoes. Cheyenne watches as the two drive into an alleyway where Donnie makes a wed wall from trying to shoot the bug. "What no no!" Donnie yelled when he sees the web wall. "Donnie!" Cheyenne yelled at him making Donnie pull up making the hoover-scooter up and back onto the bug. "Eat silk bug eyes!" Donnie yelled as he shoots the web goo at the bug hitting it. "Deadeye Donnie shoots and touchdown!" Donnie yelled while Cheyenne uses a robotic arm to pick up the bug and into the tank. "Or insert correct sports reference." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look at her. "Yes, what you said." Donnie said to her. Sometime later, the turtles had a big jar filled with bugs. "You know, Big Mama was right to believe in me because I am killing it!" Donnie yelled making Cheyenne look at him. "Even if she didn't I believe in you, Donnie." Cheyenne said to him and she kisses Donnie's cheek. "Thanks, Cheye." Donnie said to her while trying to hide the redness on his face. "Nice work team, We must've got a hundred of them. Good thing we didn't do Leo's idea of being afraid of spiders." Raph said to them from inside the tank. "I don't know I will don't trust her." Leo said from outside of the tank. 

At The Nexus Hotel

The turtles enter the hotel and they walk over to the elevator. Cheyenne presses a button to open the doors that open to a mutant owl. "So other guy's day off?" Leo asks the owl making the mutant mutters. The turtles enter the elevator with the owl and go up until the elevator stops and two more mutants enter the elevator. "Uh..." Leo said as he holds Jesse close to him making Jesse look at him. "You okay, Leo?" Jesse asks Leo making him hold her hand. "Just stay by my side." Leo said to her making Jesse very confused then the elevator doors open making the group exit the elevator but Leo pulls Jesse into the elevator again with his hand over her mouth. The light gets turned on scaring Donnie and making him press a button that opens the hoover-scooter. Donnie chuckles making Cheyenne laugh a little. "Greenie boos, gifts for Big Mama?" Big Mama asks them making the turtles look up. "Oozequitoes." Raph said to her proudly showing Big Mama their haul. "But we're almost out of web goo." Jamey said to her. "Fantumptous. And look at that marvelous device you've built me." Big Mama said talking about the hoover-scooter. "Oh, glad you like it, but uh, actually it's mine and Cheyenne." Donnie said as Cheyenne closes the hoover-scooter and she holds it "And why are your extra large bellhops standing so close all of a sudden?" Cheyenne asks Big Mama while one mutant takes the bugs from Raph. "Oh they'll just be taking those bugs and your device/ My Battle Nexus Thanks you." Big Mama said to them. "Wait a minute. You run that barbaric Battle Nexus?" Jamey asks her. "Yes. Big Mama's kind of the bees knees down in the Hidden City. You see, the pickings have gotten a little slim lately. And with these Oozequitoes, I'll be creating wonderful warrior mutants who will be more exciting than ever! And I'll be putting you boys to work in my Battle Nexus as well while the girls will be working as my top warriors." Big Mama said to them. "No way. We are not fighting for you." Mikey said to her. "Yeah, so get someone else to fight for you." Tasneem said to Big Mama. "Heavens no. The brothers will be mine bumbling arena clowns." Big Mana said to them. "No, we won't." Mikey said to her then Mikey falls over a banana skin making the brothers fall down making Big Mama laugh at the brothers. "Okay Leo. I admit it you were right. You were right." Raph said to Leo who doesn't answer him. "Leo? Hey, where's Leo?" Raph asks them. "And where is Jesse?" Tasneem asks them realizing her sister was not with them too. "Whatever they are doing, I'm sure they are trying to save us." Mikey said to the two while Leo starts pressing the buttons on the elevator. "Leo, what are we doing?" Jesse asks him making Leo pins her to the elevator wall while placing his hand on her mouth. "Shhh." Leo said to her as the elevator's doors closes. "Find the blue-masked turtles!" Big Mama yelled making some Yokai run away while other Yokai pins Jamey, Cheyenne, and Tasneem to the floor putting magic chains on their hands. "Hey, let them go!" Mikey yelled then the brothers' hands get their hands chained up. "Wait!" Big Mama yelled making the Yokai who was going to find Leo and Jesse stop and turn to Big Mama. "I got a better idea." Big Mama said to them while the sisters gets pushed over to the brothers. 🎵Gus.🎵 Big Mama sings making the turtles look at each other. "Gus?" Cheyenne said to them. "What kind of mutant is named Gus?" Donnie asks her as a Yokai dog walk into the room he was almost the same height as Raph but a little taller. "Oh, no." Jamey said to herself as the dog walks into the light and he look very goofy. "Huh?" Mikey said looking at the dog. "Yep. That's a Gus." Raph said to them. "Whoa dude, is this about me chewing all those slippers? I totally didn't do it." Gus said to Big Mama. "Never mind the stupid slippers. Get their scent and find the missing turtles." Big Mama said to him making Gus howl then he looked at the turtles. "On it brah." Gus said and he gets up in the turtles' faces and starts sniffing them. Gus then growls at them then howls before running out of the room. "Put this splendiferously ingenious device comptraction in my safe." Big Mama said to one of the Yokai who takes the hoover-scooter. "Huh? I'm Flattered but also betrayed." Donnie said to her. "Donnie, this is not the time." Cheyenne said to him. "Take these charming young clowns to the Battle Nexus gateway." Big Mama said to her Yokai then she looks at the sisters. "And take them to the training area." Big Mama said to them. "Wait! No, you stay away from them!" Raph yelled as the Yokai grabs the turtles and takes them away.

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